Monday, February 28, 2011

This Weekend :)

This weekend was as always a GREAT one :D

On Friday we went to eat @ Alondra's Hot Wings where My Love, and Gustavo & Omar all cried over hot wings :) hahahaha it was too funny to miss! They all thought that Atomic wasn't really THAT hot!

On Saturday once my love got off of work we went to go try this new sushi place in Uptown called BAMBOOZE or something of that was okay...I don't like sushi but sometimes I have to eat at places I really don't care for...all for this face...


His sushi did look really good though...

the outside of it was pink! so cool! (too bad it doesn't taste good)

Then we head over to my dads to watch the UFC fight and it was so much fun...minus the 10 degree weather while playing beer pong...hey! At least the beer didn't get hot! :)

We had a blast! As you can see! Me and Tass were BP champs of the night!...probably because he likes slushies!!! ;D

Of course, as always my loving husband fell asleep!

Yesterday we just hung out all day....and today is Monday, so that means the week starts all over again...womp womppppppp OH BUT cool thing...I ordered a new lens for my camera! So lets hope that I can figure out how to take some cool pictures with it! :)

Okay! I have to finish my homework...but on another note, I was thinking about my life and although it is not the most perfect and is definitely not where I thought I'd be at this point! I do love it! and I can't believe how lucky I am....just having my amazing husband makes me so happy! He truly is the best husband anyone could ever ask for and I am grateful for him every single day! :D

Until next time!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Working out!

Originally uploaded by j.laines13
So for Valentine's Day my amazing husband bought me a brand new iPod nano and it is sooooooo cute! I LOVE IT! Well he had informed me that we could use my nano or our phones with these new Nike shoes (it tracks how fast you run/walk, how long, etc.) so off we were to buy our brand new running shoes (we did need new ones anyway!)  So I LOVE them!  I also love that you can sign up on their website and create a cute little Mini that reminds you that you have to work out and how much more you have to go to reach your goal!  She's so cute!!  AND here she is!  :)

And we're off!!

First Post & I'm going to start blogging as much as possible.  I used to <3 writing in my diary when I was younger it's really pretty therapeutic :)  So here I am! 

I know, I know I should be doing homework....BUT ugggh it's so easy to get distracted!  :)


Life, as best as I know it! :D