Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blogging EVERYDAY in September

I know that a couple of months ago lots of bloggers were participating in the 30 day challenge, and I was so sad that I had been out of the blogging world and missed it SOOOOO I will be participating in this one!  Wish me luck!  Blogging EVERYDAY in September!  :)

Here are the rules:
THERE ARE NO RULES! Have fun with it. If you miss a day no big deal. If you don't want to write about the topic for the day.. don't. Come up with your own topic for that day! If you want to do more for the month than just these topics go for it! I want this to be something fun and sort of an escape from the everyday blogging grind.

Topics of discussion:

Day 1: Tell us your story. This can be as long or as short as you want it to be. I want to know all about you though! So spill the good stuff! :)
Day 2: What is your guilty pleasure?
Day 3: Show us your happy place.
Day 4: Tell us about your most perfect day you've ever had.
Day 5: What is something that most people don't know about you?
Day 6: Introduce us to your spouse/significant other. (I'm totally guilty of talking only about my baby. I want to know about all the fabulous things your hubby does too!)
Day 7: What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
Day 8: What are your most favorite blogs? I love finding new blogs!
Day 9: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Day 10: A day in the life of you.. (in pictures) Can be with or without captions.
Day 11: What are some of your greatest memories?
Day 12: As a child what did you want to be when you grew up? Are you anything close to your previous ambitions?
Day 13: If you had to move somewhere, where would it be?
Day 14: What is your go-to meal when cooking for your family? Share your recipe. (This is my way of trying to find new things to cook for my hubby. He's probably tired of pizza casserole. haha!)
Day 15: What is your favorite quote and why?
Day 16: What are 10 things that make you happy? Can be a list or pictures.
Day 17: What are your 4 most liked photos on Instagram from the past month?
Day 18: What are your goals as a parent? If you don't have children, what are you goals for the year?
Day 19: What is your favorite holiday?
Day 20: Today do a random act of kindess and share with us what you did.
Day 21: Where are you top 5 places to shop for you or your kids?
Day 22: If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Day 23: Upcycle project! Upcycle something and show us pictures and the steps to how you did it.
Day 24: Who would you like to meet? Can be someone famous, someone passed, someone you are friends with but have never met.
Day 25: What do you wish you were better at?
Day 26: What is your favorite DIY project you've ever done? Tell us how you did it. Show us some pictures!
Day 27: If you made up your own holiday what would it be?
Day 28: If you were ever to become famous, what would you want to become famous for?
Day 29: Share your favorite Instagram accounts that you follow.
Day 30: Did you learn anything about yourself this month?

Hopefully these topics aren't too boring. Again if enough people show interest we can do a link up so we can see everyones answers to the daily topics. I can't wait to get started!!!!

OMG!! Baby Carter is 10 months old!!

Weight:  JUST weighed him right now AND he's 19.5 lbs!  OMG I can't believe how much he's gained in the last couple of weeks :)

Height:  Last we checked he was 28.5 inches I'm thinking he's probably 29 now.

Clothing Size:  He still wears LOTS of 4-6, 3-6 and 6-9 clothes.  

Diaper Size:  Still in 3's :)

Feeding:  He's an eating machine now!  He still nurses every morning then eats breakfast, nurses to take his morning nap, then eats lunch some snacks nurses to take his late nap and then wakes up eats dinner, then nurses to sleep.  He's eating all kinds of regular food now, it makes life so much easier.  A few of his favorites are FRUIT, puffs, and beans :)  yep he's definitely a MEXICAN baby :D

Sleep:  He's doing better at sleeping through the night I would say 4 out of 7 nights he sleeps from 10 or 11 to 5 or 6 am, which is awesome!  I'll take what I can get :)

Milestones:  He got his two top teeth this month!  and is learning how to talk more and more, still the only word he really KNOWS how to say is "mommmmmmm" and i love it!   He is a crawling beast now and can crawl everywhere and actually gets annoying when we don't let him down to crawl!  He is still just standing up on things no standing on his own yet, and he's still a little bald baby :) but getting more and more hair every day!  Oh and he's also learned to crawl ON TOP of things!  like our bed, the couch, his toys, etc.

Adventures:  This month we went on our VERY first family vacation!  we had a blast, it was definitely an experience going on vacation with a small baby, and the weather wasn't perfect but of course we had a good time.  We went to a couple of restaurants to celebrate my birthday and this little dude is so good at restaurants its ridiculous!  I LOVE IT!  As long as we give him food to eat with us, he loves to sit in the high chair with us at the table. 

Mommy & Daddy could NOT get through this month without:  Our little pumpkin, I swear he gets more and more fun every single day!  He's a crack up and is always getting into everything.  We wouldn't have it any other way.  Also we couldn't get through this month without lots of snacks, baby food, baby spoons AND lots and lots of toys :)

P.S. someone got their top teeth this month too.  They make him look so grown up :(

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Meltdowns don't always come from the baby

I'm positive any SAHM has the day where they just feel like NOTHING can go right...where you have a MILLION + 1 things to get done & can't seem to get 1 done?

This was especially true when carter was a itty bitty baby.  I would wonder how those moms keep their houses spotless, make a six course dinner, cookies for snack, and manage to have lunch with friends!?  Huh?  Where do you find the time??

Guess what I managed to do today?  A bunch of errands & a couple of loads of laundry!  Oh and I just realized that YES I filled the dishwasher but I DID NOT start it -.- and to think I was about to pat myself on the back!

I have noticed that the older carter has gotten the less things I get to do that I like, I don't craft, because I can't because carter will grab anything I'm working with since we don't have a "craft table or room" I don't get to sew because of the same.  I always wonder what it's like when people say "pop in a movie and enjoy some free time." Carter is probably the only kid in the planet that does NOT like TV!  I can get him to sit to watch a show Long enough for me to get into the shows & when I'm out he's usually getting into something not watching TV anymore.

The last couple of days Carter will NOT take a nap or go to sleep at night without CRYING for approx 1 hour!  -.- and he's in bed with me!  If I put him in the crib it's screaming bloody murder until I can't take it anymore and I go get him.  I have no idea what's up with him, but I can tell you I am one tired mama.  Mix that on top of me realizing that I haven't had the time or energy to do any of the "me stuff" I used to enjoy so much.  It's been a pretty bad couple of days.  I love to blog seriously.  I love when I can go back and look at exactly where I was at that exact moment & exactly what was going through my head!  PLUS I love connecting with my bloggy friends.

But where do I find the time?  I got my laptop out yesterday to work on Carter's 10 month post & he was standing on his tippy toes trying his hardest to touch ANY button he could!  It was hilarious BUT I had to put it away.

I'm sure you're gonna say "do fun things while its nap time" suuuuuure if carter would nap longer then 30 minutes after it took me 45 to get him to sleep :l  

I'm sure it probably sounds like I'm moaning and complaining about being a stay at home mom and that is NO where near my point AT ALL!  I am beyond grateful to be with Carter all day every day but 10 months later I'm still trying to find a balance, and I often find myself asking, will I ever?

I really hope so, I'm hoping the older Carter gets the more he will entertain himself & I'm hoping one day he'll be on a steady schedule of napping I mean a solid 2 hour nap every single day would be the most amazing thing ever!  :)

Wow!  Did that even make any sense at all?  Probably not, but ill leave you with this :)

I mean how can he possibly be getting this big?  And you know what?  Even though I have no time for me stuff, taking care of this dude makes it all worth it.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Well most days...

I really miss blogging.

I love that I can go back to a blog post & see exactly what I was feeling at that exact moment.

It's been so tough to get back into blogging after Mr Carter has arrived.  I feel like my days revolve around him, and when he's asleep I have a todo list of one thousand and one things to get done & I usually get one done before he's up again.

So many things have happened in such a short amount of time that i want so badly to blog about...

the annual family trip came & went and yes I almost killed a couple of people.

My birthday came and went & it was amazing the husband really made it special.  Which reminds me I never even blogged about my amazing Mother's Day the husband has really stepped up his game.

I know that EVERY TIME I blog now it's always me saying "I want to blog more" and I do!  I want to get into a routine of blogging & making it a point to do it because really I do love it.

But I still don't know where the blogging moms get the time.?  They must have more hours in their day or be better at time management or something because I can't find time (damn candy crush is probably taking the little time I do have) -.-

BUT can anyone else believe that summer is almost over?  & mr carter will be a whole year old in LESS then 3 months?!  To say I'm behind on planning his party is an understatement!

BUT to my defense I DID just plan an entire vacation for 30+ people AND have been tutoring & running carter to a couple different baby classes.

At 9.5 months old mr carter has officially gotten his first sickness -.- and to think I thought he was going to be a wonder child & never get sick oh boy was I wrong.

He had a fever for 3 days so I took him into the drs where they did blood work & X-rays :(  it was terrible & usually for all the bad stuff like shots the husband is there to take over so I don't break down crying but not yesterday, yesterday I had to do it all on my own :(( it was heartbreaking literally called the husband twice while we were at the dr for four hours crying (I'm a sissy, I know) but literally I can not see my baby hurting it makes my heart ache & the worst kind of ache too.  It's terrible & it really makes my heart ache more for those parents that's child are dealing with sicknesses on a daily basis it's such a terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach I could not imagine feeling it every day.

It reminded me of when we were admitted to the hospital with carter & there were babies that didn't get to go home for Christmas, so heartbreaking.

Okay, enough with the sadness.  Thankfully the doctors have hopefully figured out what's wrong with my baby and YAY today is the first day in two days that he hasn't had a crying fit so to me that's an amazing day :)

P.S. happy Wednesday friends and I'm going to add to my permanent "To Do" list - Blog!