I know that a couple of months ago lots of bloggers were participating in the 30 day challenge, and I was so sad that I had been out of the blogging world and missed it SOOOOO I will be participating in this one! Wish me luck! Blogging EVERYDAY in September! :)
Here are the rules:
THERE ARE NO RULES! Have fun with it. If you miss a day no big deal. If you don't want to write about the topic for the day.. don't. Come up with your own topic for that day! If you want to do more for the month than just these topics go for it! I want this to be something fun and sort of an escape from the everyday blogging grind.
Topics of discussion:
Day 1: Tell us your story. This can be as long or as short as you want it to be. I want to know all about you though! So spill the good stuff! :)
Day 2: What is your guilty pleasure?
Day 3: Show us your happy place.
Day 4: Tell us about your most perfect day you've ever had.
Day 5: What is something that most people don't know about you?
Day 6: Introduce us to your spouse/significant other. (I'm totally guilty of talking only about my baby. I want to know about all the fabulous things your hubby does too!)
Day 7: What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
Day 8: What are your most favorite blogs? I love finding new blogs!
Day 9: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Day 10: A day in the life of you.. (in pictures) Can be with or without captions.
Day 11: What are some of your greatest memories?
Day 12: As a child what did you want to be when you grew up? Are you anything close to your previous ambitions?
Day 13: If you had to move somewhere, where would it be?
Day 14: What is your go-to meal when cooking for your family? Share your recipe. (This is my way of trying to find new things to cook for my hubby. He's probably tired of pizza casserole. haha!)
Day 15: What is your favorite quote and why?
Day 16: What are 10 things that make you happy? Can be a list or pictures.
Day 17: What are your 4 most liked photos on Instagram from the past month?
Day 18: What are your goals as a parent? If you don't have children, what are you goals for the year?
Day 19: What is your favorite holiday?
Day 20: Today do a random act of kindess and share with us what you did.
Day 21: Where are you top 5 places to shop for you or your kids?
Day 22: If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Day 23: Upcycle project! Upcycle something and show us pictures and the steps to how you did it.
Day 24: Who would you like to meet? Can be someone famous, someone passed, someone you are friends with but have never met.
Day 25: What do you wish you were better at?
Day 26: What is your favorite DIY project you've ever done? Tell us how you did it. Show us some pictures!
Day 27: If you made up your own holiday what would it be?
Day 28: If you were ever to become famous, what would you want to become famous for?
Day 29: Share your favorite Instagram accounts that you follow.
Day 30: Did you learn anything about yourself this month?
Hopefully these topics aren't too boring. Again if enough people show interest we can do a link up so we can see everyones answers to the daily topics. I can't wait to get started!!!!