When girls are taller then their boyfriends!!! NEVER SEEMS TO AMAZE ME it ALWAYS makes me giggle maybe it's because I'm short and could NEVER date someone shorter then me I just think it's funny.

I always laugh when people fall!!<\b> Actually, I even laugh when I trip!!!! It's really too funny not too!
I always smile when I see this picture!!!

Come on, it's funny! Not to mention he's so adorable! (my husband not the president) but I love that they are posing like they are HOMIES for life! :D
This picture ALWAYS makes me laugh!!!! No matter how many times I see it!!

AND this picture of Marlee!!!<\b> She looks like a crocodile AND sooo ugly/cute! :)

I ALWAYS laugh when someone farts EVEN if it's in the bathroom!! I can't help it, it's too funny!!! So for that TWO bathroom related pictures!!
1st one!! I love when people are creative with making sure no one can see into their stall (see the toilet paper blocking the edge) and surprisingly it worked! I couldn't see threw one bit!! But it still made me laugh that someone thought of this when I would just use a different stall!

2nd Pic. 1st the fact that someone would actually even set their coffee on top of the trash can for tampons!! GROSS!!! (at least put it on top of the toilet roll dispenser) BUT I DO like that they realized how gross it was and just ditched it to fend for itself! :D

I don't know what makes me laugh more...the fact that people buy these little cups and actually use them...OR the fact that I think they are so funny that I HAD to take a picture with it!!! AND drink out of it!!! :))<\b>

Two men riding ANYTHING together always cracks me up!! <\b> how can you not chuckle at this site??

random things hanging off people<\b>
-kick me sign
-toilet paper stuck to shoe
-balloons :)

AND FINALLY!!! (at least for today)
When people drink too much!!!!<\b> I love watching drunk people!! It really is my favorite pass time!! I think it's hilarious!!! AND I know I am aware that I may as well NORMALLY be one of these girls that people love to watch but I still think it's funny! And since it is me sometimes then I have full right to laugh at OTHER drunk people! Still so funny to see a girl falling down the street with one shoe on hair a mess and yelling and/or crying about how much she still loves her ex-bf.

That's it!! At least for now! (until I can remember some other funny stuff) :)