Monday, July 30, 2012

Baby Laines-28 Weeks

officially in the THIRD trimester!!!  YAY!!!  
Less then 13 weeks to go! 

How far along: 28 weeks :)

Baby's size: around 2 lbs and 14 inches long, the size of an eggplant!

Miss Anything: Well since I was on vacation, I did miss having some wonderful drinks, like those frozen margaritas, daquiris etc, other then that, not too much.
Best moment this week:  Getting excited that we're one more week close to him being here :D

Movement: He was moving like crazy last week, and this week not too much, don't know why, but maybe all that vacation was too much for him!

Food cravings: Still nothing, but fruit

Anything making you queasy or sick: still just when I don't eat!

Maternity Clothes: Yes please!!!  I need more of them but with only 2-3 months left I feel like buying more now would be a waste

Stretch marks: None still, OMG only two more months please let it stay this way....

Symptoms I HAVE:  besides having a huge belly, I have been getting sharp pains on my sides :(  NOT fun, also I'm starting to get tired again, please let it be I just had way too much fun on vacation and NOT that the third trimester is going to make me tired

Doctor’s Appointment:  Have one in a couple of weeks, and then after that it's every two weeks!  EEEEK it's getting sooooo close and I can't wait!!

What I'm looking forward to:  Him being here!!!  I'm soooooo excited!

Gender: BOY!!!

Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :) 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but my patience is COMPLETELY gone!!!  Don't even think about acting ridiculous because I will tell you to stop your shit!  Sorry, but it will teach people to stop acting like idiots anyway!

Sleep: Ummm, it's getting not so good, again hoping it's just from being in a different bed for five days.

Showing:  ummm yes...getting kinda big now too...


Jasmyne! said...

Yay! Almost done! Ha, love the "stop your sh*t"...I sooo understand you, people will learn the easy way OR the hard way and embrace the belly pretty soon you are going to be rolling ;) Hope you had a relaxing vaca!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

no offense for people with outie belly buttons... are so nasty! hahaha Loved reading this to get to know you better :)

So my GFC has been acting odd, but it let me follow you through my twitter! Who knew you could that?! So cool!