Hellooooooooo and welcome Thursday, OH how I've missed you! I've felt like it was Friday since Tuesday -,-
It's OKAY that....
....I wake up EVERY single day @ 6 am (when my alarm goes off at 7)!! NO it's not but let's pretend
....I had to remind my gma when her bday was :)
....I'm SUPER DUPER excited for my gmas bday dinner next week :)
....I'm getting a little bit of anxiety about LOTS of things happening in the VERY near FUTURE
....I NEED to go to Burlington Coat Factory, BECAUSE I have a $10 coupon off a $10 purchase! HELLO at the VERY least I can get something for the little baby :)
....sometimes I get kinda moody
....I'm ALWAYS hot!! AND the husband thought he was HOT blooded!
....my students always FIND me on my lunch break and WANT to talk :l
....I've been SOOOOOOO tired the last couple of weeks
....I'm MOSTLY excited to for the weekend so that I can sleep in on Saturday!!
....I have NO idea what we are eating for dinner
....MOSTLY I'm excited to be home with the baby so that I can cook dinner every night...ummm it MIGHT not happen if baby carter is a fussy baby BUT I can dream right?
....NEXT week is my last week @ work and I am counting down the days!
....this post is not going to have a single picture in it -.-
....I'm SUPER excited for all the new fall shows being back! YES!!
....I get SUPER DUPER annoyed when people post things on IG, FB & Twitter about shows that haven't even PLAYED at my house yet!!! UGH I can't tell you how pissed I was when EVERYONE and their freakin MOM was posting about the SOA episode @ FREAKIN 8 o'clock!! WTF people I DON'T even get it on TV until 10!! I have CABLE!! It's not like I was just being a lazy ass and recording it for the next day! (can you tell how much it pissed me off? NOT at all right?)
....it actually ANNOYS me when ANYONE posts about any show...just watch the show people...I don't need a status update on HOW AMAZING IT WAS! Duhhh I watch it! I KNOW!! OR I don't watch it and I don't care!
....this post might sound KINDA mean, but I promise I'm not that mean...some people are just annoying
....I can't believe September is already OVER
....it's funny how much I can feel the baby move, so much that I am used to him moving constantly it's like a way of life...it's gonna be weird when I don't feel it anymore
....we went to a labor & delivery class, and it made me more nervous to push this baby out :l
....we have ANOTHER baby shower this weekend :)
....our bed is SO huge now that I don't even feel the husband at all! Literally AT ALL...most times I don't even feel like he's in bed with me!
go ahead and link upppppppp here
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