Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day & The Answers :)

The Husband has a ridiculous sense of humor, he often finds lying about things hilarious!  When in fact they are NOT funny.  Sooooo most of his answers are wrong, simply because he THOUGHT his answer was sooooo much more funny then the correct answer (see what I live with?  HEY!  At least he did it right?)  AND The Husband cusses a lot, you have been warned :)

How long have you been married?
His:  2 years 2 months
Hers:  It is now 2 years, 3 months :)
----At least he knows when our anniversary is right? ;)

Where was your first date?
His:  Iguanas when I put it in your butt
Hers:  Since we were friends (for 6/7 years) before we actually started dating we don't really have a specific time we count as a first date, BUT I always go by the first time we kissed and that would be when we were supposed to go to the movies but ended up meeting my aunt at a bar and then ended up going up to a hotel that is on a hill overlooking the city to see the BEAUTIFUL lights (same place he proposed to me 1 year later) :)
----I told you he's ridiculous!  He wishes I was Anne Hathaway can you tell?

Where was your first kiss?
His:  You don't even know this one.  I remember after we left one of my friends kickbacks.
Hers:  I already explained this one above :)
----What's funny is he didn't remember when he remembered when we got engaged to take me up there! :)

Who first said, "I love you"?
His:  We both did at the same time (JINX!!)
Hers:   He did!!!  AFTER literally two days of dating!!  Okay, maybe it wasn't two but it was really soon after we started dating #meanttobe
----He knows that he said it first, he just likes to pretend that I was as in love with him as he was with me when we first got together.

What were your wedding colors?
His:  BLACK AND YELLOW BLACK AND YELLOW!!!  Haha grey and purple
Hers:  Gray & Purple STILL love the combination today!
----He remembered :)

What is her most commonly used phrase?
His:  Big Booty
Hers:  I do say Big Booty a lot, or Stinky Butt to Carter :)
----It's pretty funny that these nicknames get used so much because I really have NO idea where they came from.

Who is her celebrity crush?
His:  Russell Martin
Hers:  Ryan Gosseling, but really?  Who doesn't have a crush on him?  Please name someone!!
----I totally forgot that I was OBSESSED with Russell Martin :)  that was when we used to go to lots of Dodger games, and he doesn't even play for them anymore!

If she is ordering drinks for both of you what would you each get?
His:  Beer duh
Hers:  I would probably order us both beers, since it's a lot easier, an IPA for him, something delicious for me that I can add lemon to!
----of course, we have a shared love for beer.

What is the best meal that she has ever cooked you?
His:  Posole
Hers:  I don't know albondigas?
----I should have known he was going to say that, I always forget how much he loves that.

What is the worst meal she has ever cooked you?
His:  Chicken & Rice
Hers:  Anything I've accidentally burnt?
----I've never cooked chicken & rice, but he had it one time at my parents and he HATED it!  hahaha

What is the most-played song on her iPod?
His:  Metalhead
Hers:  Anything by The Black Keys, since that is ALL that Carter listens to EVER!
----He's ridiculous!  And thinks it's so funny that I used to listen to a lot of Metallica

What would she say is your most annoying habit?
His:  Bitching
Hers:  His short temper!  It's ridiculous!
----I think he thought that said HER most annoying habit #dick

What is the last thing she does before going to bed?
His:  Tell me she loves me, and gives me a bj
Hers:  Tell him I love him, kiss him goodnight and then kiss the baby goodnight
----hahahahah he wishes!

If you could throw out one item of her clothing what would it be?
His:  The shit she doesn't wear
Hers:  I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but he usually makes fun of my sparkly clothes #hater
----he SWEARS that all of the clothes in my closet I NEVER wear NO matter how often I go through it, soooo says the one that has a dresser FULL of t-shirts, YES t-shirts, NOTHING else!

What would you say is your favorite thing about her?
His:  Her ability to make me smile even when I'm super pist
Hers:  That I can cook.
----awe I can do that <3

What's her go-to drink at Starbucks?
His:  I don't know something skinny upside down shit.  I don't think it's normal for someone to have such a difficult coffee drink.  Coffees coffee just drink the shit.
Hers:  Iced Caramel Macciato skinny upside down, with extra caramel sauce!  DELICIOUS!!
----he swears he doesn't know but he always orders it for me :)

What's her blog name?!
His:  My life as I know it.
Hers:  Life As I Know It :D
----pretty close

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I hope you are all having a wonderful day!!!

I don't care if this is a made up holiday or not, it's always fun to get fun stuff for no reason, and I always love excuses for the husband to tell me how much he loves me!  I'll be sure to post the husband's presents tomorrow :)


Andrea said...

Cute! You guys have a fun sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

omg this is so sweet :) love both your answers!

Jasmyne! said...

Hahah! That's funny! I love this surveys!

Heather said...

Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)