Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New me??

Okay...so for a while I'd been dyingggggg to grow my hair out & I looooved it!!! But you know when you're just sick of looking at the same thing ALL the time?! Well I was sick of my hair it was just boring -.- I got bored, so I tried bangs because I loooved having my hair long and then they grew out and I got bored again...I wanted something new!

Sooooo I decided a while ago I would dye it or cut it something anything to get me out of this funk! I mean my hair was sooo long now that I didn't even like wearing it down because it was just getting in the way...and it was so hard to put into a bun OR even just tie up real quick at home! #soannoying

Sooooo this weekend I finally made the very rash decision to just go for it and do something brand new!!! I called my hair stylist friend and decided to get a cut and color! And there you have it!

I mean...


P.S. Don't mind my ridiculous bathroom pic...I mean YES the toilet seat is up...(the husband doesn't always put it down -.-)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I think it looks super cute on you! Were you nervous?