Saturday, June 7, 2014

A second birth story continued!

Soooooo we get to the hospital and they explain that they need to do a test on me to make sure it was actually my water that broke and not just that I peed myself!  I could tell the nurse thought I had totally peed myself!  Haha

They put me in a little tiny room with another lady & omg it was so scary!   She was bleeding EVERYWHERE!!!  My mom & I were talking about how that could not be good and I was so glad that wasn't me!  They took her away shortly and someone came in to clean up the blood that was everywhere!

Because of that it took forever for them to do the test on me!  They finally came back & said yep!  It's positive & they said I would be admitted!  I hadn't felt any contractions really yet so I knew it would be a while.  But then the nurse said oh actually your dr is here I'm gonna send him in!  He came in & was laughing that was the second time I'd saw him!  He said since my water had broken he was going to strip my membranes in hopes it would jumpstart my labor.  Oh-ma-gawd nothing hurt as bad as that!  It was HORRIBLE!!!!  Then the nurse came in and said  as soon as I got to my room I would start pitocin.  I mean I never intended on having a drug free birth. I mean I was the #1 advocate of an epidural with carter and loved my birthing experience it was amazing!  But I had heard and read and watched so much stuff about pitocin that I didn't want theta to be the first resort!  I told the nurse I didn't want to start pitocin right away, and she said "well we do whatever the dr says!  So If you don't want pitocin you need to tell him!  And he's not going to like it!" 

I couldn't believe how they were acting, when I had explained that to my nurse when I was delivering carter the midwife came in and explained to me why I needed it and told me she would start me on a very low dose to see if my body reacted and we would go from there!  I was so glad and it made me relieved!  And here they were telling me that I had to have it, because the dr wasn't going to agree in not having it!  What?!

The dr came in a little later and said "what's this I hear you don't want pitocin?!" He looked totally annoyed and He totally didn't look like the warm friendly dr I had for my pregnancy anymore....he then asked me "don't you want to hurry up and meet your baby already?!  I mean I could not give you pitocin but that's just going to prolong everything and you're gonna be waiting for nothing!" I was alone in the hospital room because we had decided since I wasn't even getting contractions the husband should finish working and come after since it was already 5 o'clock before I even got tested!  I didn't know what to say and said okay.  Totally felt 100% pressured and almost like I was being dumb for not wanting pitocin!

they immediately brought in the medicine and said they would start the epidural already too!

Finally while I was waiting the husband showed up and was super mad I let them start me on pitocin but I seriously felt like I had no choice.  The nurse came in shortly after to explain to me that something had happened emergency c-sections or something & the epidural would be coming later then expected! 

I immediately got worried because every single person that has had a hard labor always had the most pain once pitocin was started j didn't want to feel that pain!

My contractions started coming fast & hard and finally the epidural came.  The anesthesiologist was super weird and was kinda jerk actually he was a huge jerk, I was breathing hard because my contractions hurt so bad and he said "DO NOT MOVE or you can paralyze yourself!!!!" :O I mean I knew the risks of an epidural but honestly I felt like no one should be given pitocin and be in that much pain before an epidural the contractions are just horrible!  And with carter what I felt at 6 didn't hurt anything compared to what I was feeling at 3 with Reagan & pitocin!  

He finished and I immediately felt hot!  He told me to turn on my side and asked me if they went away.  I told him no, and he said to turn to my other side.  He then left.  All of a sudden I started feeling really really weird.  The nurse was looking at me and I told her I didn't feel good and asked for some water, she said since I just had an epidural j couldn't or I would throw up.  I said okay.  And then realized I wasn't feeling better and asked her if I could just have a little ice then I really felt super thirsty and didn't feel good!  She said okay and I drank a little and laid down trying to feel better.  I then told her again I didn't feel good and was closing my eyes because I felt them so heavy and she started to sound worried.  She asked me some questions and then immediately called the dr to come back!

He came back and immediately started talking dr talk about medication and shots and idk what I felt so out of it!  He said my blood pressure was super high so he was going to give me something to bring it down.  It immediately went down but went too down and i kept hearing them in a panic.  

That was literally one of the scariest moments of my life.  

They put oxygen on me and a couple of other things and I finally started feeling better.  It was all just such a surreal experience!

I finally felt a lot better and was able to open my eyes again and he explained to me what happened and said l would be okay now.  And he left.  I could tell in the husbands face he was worried because the whole time he didn't say anything and when I was finally able to look at him I could tell he was in shock at all he just witnessed.

I felt much better and didn't feel the horrible contractions.  For like 30 minutes & then they were back & just as horrible as they were in the beginning this continued for the rest of my labor except it was only on one side it was so weird!

I decided again then that the contractions again were because of the amount of pitocin they put me on, it felt like they had cranked that IV all the way up!  I literally finished a bag ridiculously fast!  It was horrible!

Welllll that went on for hours and finally at 12:50 something I was finally able to push!!!  Hooray!!!  I couldn't be more excited after literally 3 or 4 pushes Miss Reagan Emmie was born into this world on April 4, 2014 @ 1:01 am!  And we couldn't have been more excited!

As soon as she was born though they explained to us that she wasn't breathing right and rushed her to the nursery!  :( 

They left her in there with the husband to cry for an hour!  They said that that was the only way to get all of the fluid out of her lungs because I had pushed her out so fast they said that she wasn't in the canal long enough to make sure her lungs wee squeezed of all the fluid or something along those lines!

I was super sad in my room all alone when my mom finally came in to see me! She was telling me how everyone was in the waiting room and they all saw Miss Reagan and that she was going to take my dad home now since he had work that day and it was already passed 2.

We were finally sent to the other room after FOREVER!  It was as if they forgot I was supposed to go to the other room!  The husband was texting me asking me what was going on and that they had asked to get me sent to my room hours ago and the nurse hadn't done it!

I had to call the nurse twice to get them to send me to my room after the first time they said they were waiting for the nursery to call.  I had spoke to lots of people about hospitals and every single person I talked to explained how awesome the hospital i picked was and i had a horrible experience!  I can't say there was anything about that experience that I liked.  The one thing that was good was when we wee finally in our room the nurses there were much better!  BUT poor Reagan Emmie her experience want the best AND thanks to all that screaming she came home with a SET of lungs on her!  And if she was crying she let us know!  HAHA 

Thursday, June 5, 2014


As in the sun that shines on us.

I'm so excited for summer, and not because I love the sun because I really don't like being hot, and I don't like getting sunburned.  I don't like that it beats down on me, and I hate sunscreen -.- plus I hate it on my hands and now that I have a mobile kid, I just get said sunblock on my hands to apply it to his pale face :(  I literally HATE sunblock!  Yuck!

But!  The sun reminds me of summer, and I looooove summer!!!  It's always the best season!  I mean kids aren't in schoool, so it usually means vacation!  It means cool summer nights & I LOVE that the sun stays out til literally 8 pm!!

PLUS my birthday is in summer!  It's just so much fun, anyone who hates summer is WEIRD!  Haha no really.

Soo in honor of the HOT sun that's been beating down on us, I'm going to share with you some of our summer TO DO list!

•go to the beach!  (Most likely will be with the WHOLE family on a Friday in July!  Can't wait!!)

•go to Vegas for my cousins Wedding!  Vegas with two kids in tow, not the kinda Vegas I'm used to!!

•take carter to do things we normally don't, maybe some museums, story time at the library, idk something to get us out of the house!

•spend time at my gmas eating watermelon in the front yard!  That was my FAVORITE thing to do when I was little I want carter to experience the same thing!!

•let carter eat an ice cream cone alone!

•have some BBQs

•baptize Reagan (already scheduled for July 26th!)

•go swimming LOTS & LOTS rather it be in the little baby pool in my gmas back yard OR at my cousins pool!

•have fun!!!

Happy Summer Friends, don't let the sun burn you!  :)


***i wrote a wholeeeee GREAT blog post about everything I LOVE & somehow blogger deleted it, and only left this :(**

Sooo I suck at this & started writing this hours ago, and didn't click save, so it all went away :(

BUT here I am typing this with one hand, nursing & yelling at carter to go to sleep!  (Yes!  It is MIDNIGHT!) did I mention we have to be up EXTRA early tomorrow for Reagan's drs appt?  No?  Okay cause we do!  :(( 

Sunday, June 1, 2014


I was trying to think of the easiest way to come up with prompts that would make it easy for everyone to write & not be super specific!  I wanted everyone to have fun, and really just to make it a point to write.

So Sunday, on this Sunday I decided to tell you about something that happened YESTERDAY!  And guess what I did???

I went from a head full of looooong flowy down to my waist hair.


Hair I can't even put in a pony tail without little hairs coming down in the back!  0.0 can you believe it?  And guess what?  I don't miss it.

I know.  When I told several people that I wanted to cut my hair off, everyone repeatedly said "DON'T DO IT!!!  YOU'LL REGRET IT!!!" But really, all through high school & college I had short hair!  I liked it!  It was such low maintenance and really I think short hair looks cute!  So, guess what?  Even though it's short and so different then what it has been in the last couple of years, I LOVE IT!!  Literally LOVE it!  It's so light and refreshing!

I get soooo tired of having the same hairdo over and over again, I get tired of looking at myself, and really, I was thinking about adding some bright colored streaks like pink or purple but decided that maybeeee as a mother of two I probably shouldn't dye my hair a color a high school student might love.  Would I really want to be one of "those" moms that tries too hard to be hip & cool and ends up looking like a hot mess?  You know the ones right?  

Sooo a new short do is what could be done & thankfully on this Sunday I don't regret it and am loooovin' it!

Happy Sunday!!!

Jade :)

P.S. If you're joining in on this 30 day challenge leave a comment below so we could visit your blog!!  :D

June Bloom!

Okayyyyyy soooooo I totally want to get into blogging remember my New Years resolution to blog more?  Well it's only taken me til June to make it an actual priority!

sooooo I decided to do a blog challenge & I've tried the 30 day challenge in blogging before and it was HARD to blog every single day, soooo I decided to do a 30 day challenge of blogging every OTHER day so a total of 15 posts & it totally seems possible for me to do!  (That's what I'm hoping anyway!)

Sooooo without further ado I introduce you to the 30 day challenge of this little blog!  I hope you wanna join too?  I mean why not right?

In case you don't understand every day is a one word prompt soooo today is Sunday.  Write about anything including Sunday!  Heck you could write a whole blog post & just include the word sunday the point is to just blog!  So go for it!

Happy June!  :)

Jade :)