Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Birthday Weekend...WOW!

Last weekend, I was not really excited about my bday, IDK why it just didn't feel like something I was excited about, but as it gets closer and all of the plans are starting to come together then I actually am getting exciting. We are going to a club on Saturday and then on Sunday a Bday swimming BBQ so I am pretty excited!!! I hope everything goes good and we have a blast! AND next weekend Jewel is coming so we will have to celebrate again! :D

One thing I can't believe is that 2 years ago today I was rushing home from work to be with my grandpa! I can't believe it has been two years already :( I swear I can still hear him yelling at me, I can still see him walking even sometimes when I walk into my grandma's house I think that he is going to be there, even though I know he's not. It's so crazy. I miss him so much every single day, especially when I think about everything, it makes me sad and some days I just think, I miss my grandpa and there will be nothing in particular that makes me say or feel that, I just get a sad feeling all of a sudden. Death sucks, and I can still remember the exact way that I was feeling on this day 2 years ago. I love you grandpa!!! AND can't wait to have kids so that I can tell them all about you and how funny you are! :D

For now, I got to get ready for Gustavo's 21st bday tomorrow. SO today I will bake!! HAPPY WEDNESDAY! :)

Monday, July 25, 2011


I can't believe that I haven't written since APRIL!!!! Since then so much has happened in such a short amount of time! For your reading pleasure I will bullet point some of the highlights for you :D

>>We got a new puppy Little Miss Marlee Muffin! :D << >>I finished school. << >>My degree still has not posted << >>I got laid off well sort of, since it's summer. << >>I got a new job! (part time) << >>I changed my name on my passport. << >>My love got his own truck and is now an Owner-Op << >>I'm taking a photography class & I love it! << >>I am trying to start a small business (etsy, possibly? Something to make some extra mulaaaaa) << and finally..... >>I will be 26 in 5 days!! :( <<

I can not believe that this summer is ALMOST over! Where did the time go? I have been feeling pretty down, because I have a master's degree and am still not able to find a teaching job, so much that I'm starting to feel like I should go back to school to get a degree in something else, business? Social Work? IDK something that actually has available jobs.

The new job actually isn't so bad, it feels like I'm working at Santa Fe Dam all over again, because it is so laid back.

AND me and my love were talking about how long we have knowing each other and we realized that in NOVEMBER or OCTOBER we would have officially known each other (or seen each other) 10 years ago :D I can't believe it has been that long and I can't believe how lucky I am to truly have married my BEST friend in the whole entire world!!! :D

Okay, today I realized I NEED to post more on here, it's just hard to post pictures straight to here, so I haven't posted....but I will post more!!! :D