And when I say crazy I mean
For starters, I had an interview on Friday (super last minute) for a job in Ontario (since this was on the way to Vegas) we got up early & packed and were ready for my interview & Vegas! Good thing we didn't need gas, and it wasn't 8:45 & my interview wasn't @ 9:20!! Oh wait!!! It
WAS!!! and we had to drive from Whittier to Ontario! Ummm just a 31 mile drive No Big Deal! So we zoomed (and I mean zoomed) over there to make it by 9:15 thanks to Gustavo & his AWESOME driving skills! About an hour or so later we were off to Vegas!
Oh wait!!! No we weren't!! We still had to do a run by chipping!!
And some LOVELY pink drinks!
AND then we were on our way!
FINALLY!! playing ABC bingo allllllllllllllllllll the way!! Oh wait no!! We started ABC bingo & then my love decided that we HAD to go to walmart because he NEEDED tank tops! So we were off in VictorVille (I know, isn't it cool that he has his VERY OWN VILLE?!?) I wish there was a JadeVille!
We were looking for walmart BUT low & behold there was a SUPER ghetto indoor swap meet right in front of us!! Yay!! Just what we were looking for! So we stopped off making sure NOT to talk to ANY of the crazy people that were there EXCEPT for the one that kept talking to us about his suga mama! AND we met the NICEST little Mr. Miyagi I've EVER met! He was so cute I wanted to take him with us! But, we couldn't!
Okay!! Now FOR SURE we were not stopping AND surprisingly we didn't! We made it to State Line and saw this!
It is the shade that my love made while driving because he was getting hit by the sun (too bad he used Tavo's shirt instead of his own) meany! :)
We finally got to Excalibur & we were soooooo excited we ALL took a nap! :D
Once we woke up we took a couple minutes to people watch which is ALWAYS fun!! And we started having fun.
I think this guy was having a little
too much fun!!! :)
We were then STARVING so we were on our way to Dicks!
BUT NOT before stocking up on drinks!!
AND kissing the mirror! Why?! Idk just cause ;) it was funny!
Check out Tavo's face in this one! Hilarious!!!!
THIS is the hat they gave Tavo!!
We ended up playing some roulette & craps for a little while & then my love fell asleep in a keno chair & we were off to bed :/
The next morning we got ready had the BEST buffet in the WHOLE world (seriously, how can you mess up Nacho Cheese?) *gross* EXCALIBUR BUFFET IS GROSS!!!!! Blahhhhhhh
Then we were off to to the pool for a day in the sun!
Where we paid $40 for 2 chairs, an umbrella, a bucket of water, and two teeny, tiny bags of chips! Yay! (actually we stick 9 people in those 2 chairs so it wasn't too bad)
Where we saw these funny people dancing!
Where Tavo's belly button felt the urge to smoke a cigarette...
Where Leslie bought a walgreens bathing suit that was actually really cute!

(she also turned her face white with sunscreen and it was the highlight of the pool) I LOVED your white face Leslie!! I loved it more when you thought that Tavo was laughing at something at your head when he was HYSTERICALLY laughing from across the pool! :D
Tavo drank from a Fat Tuesday cup (from Florida NOT Las Vegas) and a beer (explains the pix to come)
Chris got his mug shot taken
BUT then got in the pool for a little photo shoot!
Seen here!
And here!
Personally, I think the second one suits him MUCH more :D
Then ALL the guys saw how much fun Chris was having and decided to join in on the fun!!!
Look @ Tavo's face!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
We told Chris & my love to look away from the camera (they seem too cool that way) :)
Totally staged :)
Whispering sweet nothings in his ear :)
Wow!! They is a lot of pictures of Chris! He must REALLY like getting his picture taken OR the photographer must have been his fiancé or something...
This picture is TOO funny!!! The cup, the bar ALL inappropriate!!! :D
Now, in the time of us leaving the pool & going to the room my love decided to get since I'm the loving wife I am, I went to go find him! While I was gone the guys were doing this!!!
I have to assume he is blowing on them so they dry, but I like to think he thought there was a candle on top of them & they told him to blow it out! :)
Now they told him to pucker up! And give them a kiss!
And then they all high fived at what a great job they had done! To come up with something so incredible
And then Chris said "what's that over there??"
Oh!! It's Victor & he's laughing because Jade is downstairs making sure I didn't drown in the pool! That's so funny! Let's point & laugh @ her DICKS!!!
Chris calls my name & Victor laughs @ me my expense some more JERK!
But then I came back & he said peace, oh & by the way babe will you grab me some champagne it's right there on the dresser, no juice please! Oh sure babe anything for you!! And YEP I fell for the trick!!
Tavo then decided he was tired so multitasked by planking & napping, while Leslie got ready!
While Chris had other plans!
While my love decided that his hair needed to be straightened! (with a pink straightener of course)
We FINALLY finished getting ready for our adventure and not ONE but TWO terminators joined us for the evening!!! :)
And then Chris hung on for dear life from the gust of wind that almost took him!
Then I won this!!!!!
And had the MOST amazing dinner! BUT all Tavo cared about was his bottles!
And then we walked all over the strip with my BLINGED out lollipop, GIANT corona, my fun guitar, drank out of an ice cup, while sitting in a freezer! Played 3 card poker, roulette, and craps! (lost & won & spent wayyyyyy too much money!)
So much that my hand ended up like this!!!
BUT then in the morning I found a hidden $25! Yay!!! So I played $20 on a $1 machine! And I won this!!!!
And I thought it was sooooo much!!! Yay!!! I'm a balla!!!
Oh wait!!! Why did it stop ringing?!? Oh that's right! Because it was ONLY $20 wahhhhhhhhh :)
It's okay I put my $5 in a 1c machine! My FAVORITE!! And I won a $100 not too shabby bought our groceries for the week :)
It was a GREAT trip so much fun & drama free the BEST!!! Can't wait for the next trip with all of these lovely people :))