Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dodger Game :D

Okay, sooo as promised I said I was gonna post pics from the dodger game that we went to on Sunday! As always we had a BLAST!!!

So first we went to Phillipes

Which if you haven't been there you should go right now! It's the most amazing sandwiches! (scratch that, I don't like saying that things are sooo good because then your expectations are high) so it's good. My favorite! SO once you get passed the lines, which are ridiculous ESPECIALLY on a Sunday! Then you get a yummy sandwich my fave, roast beef with Blue Cheese Yummy! Don't forget the pickles and the coleslaw all good! And you can't beat the 75c lemonade either :D

After we consumed all of our delicious food we were off to the Dodger Game! YAY!!

This is seriously the first thing we saw when we got there!

Ever since the first game they have REALLY stepped up their security look @ how many cops there were and there is one guy in the back of the cop car, I'm SURE he was walking around with a beer or something because that really is how ridiculous security is now! But, any who On the way into the game we saw Kelly Osbourne AND Jonah Hill!! :D (okay, not really but they looked like them and it was funny)

Finally inside the game we got these SUPER COOL Hello Kitty Tiaras! :D

Oh ya and a beer :)

We sat down with our group of 12 and we were having a blast! BUT, it was sooooo hot!

See what my love had to do in order to stay cool :) I love that he still had his tiara on over the shirt!

I took all these pics and I think they're hilarious now that I look back I'm not even sure what I was trying to take pics of but enjoy :D

AND then Out of NO WHERE!! Single Ronnie showed up!!! It was CRAZY!!!

We ended up leaving early because the dodgers were winning 15-1 and it was so hot and we were all hungry again!

I turned into a little person while Omar was showing off his six pack!

Here is the entire group! :D

We were all so star struck by Jonah Hill & Kelly Osbourne that we forgot to see where we parked so we stopped for a quick photo in front of the "THINK BLUE" sign while we were searching!

And finally here is the reason for us going!!

Our adorable Hello Kitty :D She's so cute!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Things that are currently annoying me! :l

Okay, so I have noticed that there are things RECENTLY that are annoying me!


I want to say that I thought Kim Kardashian's wedding was going to be JUST like the royal wedding, because after all that's what the E! channel told me! AND since that is my FAVORITE channel to watch after bravo when the housewives are on, I thought they were telling me the truth! BUT I didn't know that what they meant was that Kim would be wearing a "tiara" on her head! I do not like it, and it seemed like she just wanted to go over the top...I know it's my wedding, and I shouldn't judge...BUT she is in the media eye and I did see, it and it is ANNOYING HERE it is...her "tiara" uggh would have been so much prettier without that thing on her forehead!


While we are on the Kardashians! I LOVE LOVE LOVE KUWTK!! <3 and Khloe is my absolute FAVORITE!!! But, why oh why did they decide to sell their KARDASHIAN KOLLECTION @ Sears!??! WHO goes to sears for anything BUT craftman tools!?!?! I haven't heard of anyone shopping at sears since the Brady Bunch!!! Couldn't they have sold it at my FAVORITE place in the WHOLE wide world...KOHLS!!!?? Boo to them for picking Sears, and boo to them for their clothes being RIDICULOUSLY expensive! Leggings for $39.99 ON SALE! WOWZA!! It's probably a good thing they are selling at Sears, because if it was at kohls I would feel obligated to buy something, and I CANNOT afford $40 leggings! :/


While we are talking about my FAVORITE place KOHLS! Let me say that we are so close they like to email me and tell me when NEW fabulous lines are coming out! So I received an email earlier this week, telling me how JENNIFER LOPEZ now had a line at KOHLS! YAY!! I was so excited because well I love when celebrities have clothing lines and I love when they sell them at Kohls, (my fave Lauren Conrad!) so I clicked the link to check it out...and WOW! Was I disappointed, anything that seemed to MAYBE be cute had something weird added to it...and it was a total let down...thanks J-Lo I didn't NEED to buy your clothes anyway...but STILL she couldn't have added something that we could wear on a normal day and we weren't filling a music video? Check it out HERE!


Another one of my FAVORITE stores TARGET is selling their new Missoni line, and I seriously DO NOT understand WHY everyone is obsessed with it!?! It's all zig zag & looks like it belongs in the 70s...IDK maybe I'm not cool enough to rock it and that's why it's annoying me but really? zig zag fever so much to make the target website crash...idk maybe this is how people feel when I help make the apple website crash when a new iphone comes out...hmmm things to ponder...well if you haven't seen the missoni line yet, it's HERE and most things are sold out...but have a look! and hurry they won't sale ANYTHING after October something and I'm SURE this stuff will NOT be in the clearance section!

AND FIFTH and FINAL thing that annoys me at this VERY current MOMENT!

The price hike at freakin' NETFLIX!!! Like seriously WTF!?!?! WHY would you MAKE your existing customers that have been loyal and with you since BEFORE there was a such thing as online streaming (or at least before you had 10 thousand movies on there) up their membership dues~?!?! FOR REALS $20 for instant streaming and ONE movie at a time!! RIDICULOUS I tell you RIDICULOUS!! AND I would cancel my membership just to teach them they can't treat us LOYAL CUSTOMERS like that, BUT 1.) they probably won't notice! and 2.) How will I watch things on instant streaming?? SO what I did, cancel the mailed movie part! Since they want to be stingy. I'll give them my $7.99 BUT my Blu-Ray business is now going to REDBOX! That'll teach them! :D (or not but still so annoying!)

Okay, until NEXT time!

Oh and we're going to a dodger game on Sunday, so I'll be sure to get lots of pics to post after we get back...hopefully it's drama-free & too much fun! Until next time!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Nannies & Lil' Lylah! :)

So it was Nannies & Delylah's bday party this weekend AND I was asked to make the cake am cupcakes with a CUPCAKE theme like this!!

So I thought and thought and then went to buy the GIANT cupcake pan!!! :) yay! I was excited who wouldn't want a GIANT cupcake as their bday cake?! Especially if the theme was CUPCAKES!! So here is how it came out!

Not too bad considering it was my first time!!! :)

And the cupcakes were my favorite all colorful & cute!!

The party was fun! We jumped in the jumper we had some cupcakes & cake it was fun!

Now the rest of this is random soooooo here goes!!!

On Thursday I got a knock on the door & who was it?!? The mailman!!! He was here to deliver this bad boy!!! :))

Yayyy!!!! I was so excited! NOT that this will help me get a job because it hasn't yet! BUT still it's finally here and now I can put it in a frame and stare at it :) this paper worth $40,000 yayy!!!! :))

The I saw this guy!!!

I think he is so funny! He LOVES bags, boxes, anything that he can get into and I think it's the funniest! I can pull out the tiniest box & he wants to get inside! So funny! Clearly he does NOT fit in this bag, BUT he sure has fun trying! :))

Last of my pics to share today, is this dude doing his favorite thing ever!!!

Sleeping while I drive!!! I hate it!!!! :) but it makes for a funny picture!! Take that Wictor! All the world now sees what I have to endure allllll the time! You sleeping!!! :)

This weekend we're going to a dodger game with 11 other people so we shall see what fun is in store for us!! :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A CRAZY weekend in VEGAS!!!

And when I say crazy I mean CRAZY!!!

For starters, I had an interview on Friday (super last minute) for a job in Ontario (since this was on the way to Vegas) we got up early & packed and were ready for my interview & Vegas! Good thing we didn't need gas, and it wasn't 8:45 & my interview wasn't @ 9:20!! Oh wait!!! It WAS!!! and we had to drive from Whittier to Ontario! Ummm just a 31 mile drive No Big Deal! So we zoomed (and I mean zoomed) over there to make it by 9:15 thanks to Gustavo & his AWESOME driving skills! About an hour or so later we were off to Vegas!

Oh wait!!! No we weren't!! We still had to do a run by chipping!!

And some LOVELY pink drinks!

AND then we were on our way! FINALLY!! playing ABC bingo allllllllllllllllllll the way!! Oh wait no!! We started ABC bingo & then my love decided that we HAD to go to walmart because he NEEDED tank tops! So we were off in VictorVille (I know, isn't it cool that he has his VERY OWN VILLE?!?) I wish there was a JadeVille!

We were looking for walmart BUT low & behold there was a SUPER ghetto indoor swap meet right in front of us!! Yay!! Just what we were looking for! So we stopped off making sure NOT to talk to ANY of the crazy people that were there EXCEPT for the one that kept talking to us about his suga mama! AND we met the NICEST little Mr. Miyagi I've EVER met! He was so cute I wanted to take him with us! But, we couldn't!

Okay!! Now FOR SURE we were not stopping AND surprisingly we didn't! We made it to State Line and saw this!

It is the shade that my love made while driving because he was getting hit by the sun (too bad he used Tavo's shirt instead of his own) meany! :)

We finally got to Excalibur & we were soooooo excited we ALL took a nap! :D

Once we woke up we took a couple minutes to people watch which is ALWAYS fun!! And we started having fun.

I think this guy was having a little too much fun!!! :)

We were then STARVING so we were on our way to Dicks! BUT NOT before stocking up on drinks!!

AND kissing the mirror! Why?! Idk just cause ;) it was funny!

Check out Tavo's face in this one! Hilarious!!!!

THIS is the hat they gave Tavo!!

We ended up playing some roulette & craps for a little while & then my love fell asleep in a keno chair & we were off to bed :/

The next morning we got ready had the BEST buffet in the WHOLE world (seriously, how can you mess up Nacho Cheese?) *gross* EXCALIBUR BUFFET IS GROSS!!!!! Blahhhhhhh

Then we were off to to the pool for a day in the sun!

Where we paid $40 for 2 chairs, an umbrella, a bucket of water, and two teeny, tiny bags of chips! Yay! (actually we stick 9 people in those 2 chairs so it wasn't too bad)

Where we saw these funny people dancing!

Where Tavo's belly button felt the urge to smoke a cigarette...

Where Leslie bought a walgreens bathing suit that was actually really cute!

(she also turned her face white with sunscreen and it was the highlight of the pool) I LOVED your white face Leslie!! I loved it more when you thought that Tavo was laughing at something at your head when he was HYSTERICALLY laughing from across the pool! :D

Tavo drank from a Fat Tuesday cup (from Florida NOT Las Vegas) and a beer (explains the pix to come)

Chris got his mug shot taken

BUT then got in the pool for a little photo shoot!
Seen here!

And here!

Personally, I think the second one suits him MUCH more :D

Then ALL the guys saw how much fun Chris was having and decided to join in on the fun!!!

Look @ Tavo's face!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha

We told Chris & my love to look away from the camera (they seem too cool that way) :)

Totally staged :)

Whispering sweet nothings in his ear :)

Wow!! They is a lot of pictures of Chris! He must REALLY like getting his picture taken OR the photographer must have been his fiancé or something...

This picture is TOO funny!!! The cup, the bar ALL inappropriate!!! :D

Now, in the time of us leaving the pool & going to the room my love decided to get since I'm the loving wife I am, I went to go find him! While I was gone the guys were doing this!!!

I have to assume he is blowing on them so they dry, but I like to think he thought there was a candle on top of them & they told him to blow it out! :)

Now they told him to pucker up! And give them a kiss!

And then they all high fived at what a great job they had done! To come up with something so incredible

And then Chris said "what's that over there??"

Oh!! It's Victor & he's laughing because Jade is downstairs making sure I didn't drown in the pool! That's so funny! Let's point & laugh @ her DICKS!!!

Chris calls my name & Victor laughs @ me my expense some more JERK!

But then I came back & he said peace, oh & by the way babe will you grab me some champagne it's right there on the dresser, no juice please! Oh sure babe anything for you!! And YEP I fell for the trick!!

Tavo then decided he was tired so multitasked by planking & napping, while Leslie got ready!

While Chris had other plans!

While my love decided that his hair needed to be straightened! (with a pink straightener of course)

We FINALLY finished getting ready for our adventure and not ONE but TWO terminators joined us for the evening!!! :)

And then Chris hung on for dear life from the gust of wind that almost took him!

Then I won this!!!!!

And had the MOST amazing dinner! BUT all Tavo cared about was his bottles!

And then we walked all over the strip with my BLINGED out lollipop, GIANT corona, my fun guitar, drank out of an ice cup, while sitting in a freezer! Played 3 card poker, roulette, and craps! (lost & won & spent wayyyyyy too much money!)

So much that my hand ended up like this!!!

BUT then in the morning I found a hidden $25! Yay!!! So I played $20 on a $1 machine! And I won this!!!!

And I thought it was sooooo much!!! Yay!!! I'm a balla!!!

Oh wait!!! Why did it stop ringing?!? Oh that's right! Because it was ONLY $20 wahhhhhhhhh :)

It's okay I put my $5 in a 1c machine! My FAVORITE!! And I won a $100 not too shabby bought our groceries for the week :)

It was a GREAT trip so much fun & drama free the BEST!!! Can't wait for the next trip with all of these lovely people :))