Helloooo omg! Have I been MIA or what?!? If you would like to see more or get daily pics of Mr Carter Jax then add me on IG! I post lots of pics! (Can't help it!)
Okay...soooo my New Years resolution is to keep up with blogging AND the husband bought me a BRAND NEW iMac sooooo maybe I can get baby carter to sit at the computer with me sometimes to type up a blog post? Maybe?? Wishful thinking I know! BUT a girl can dream right?
Soooo now onto its okay...
....that I bought my baby lots of books for Christmas (he WILL learn to love to read)
....that I was so sick on Christmas Eve that I thought about staying home and avoiding people (I didn't end up doing it but I was NOT feeling it) thank goodness I felt 100xs better the next day!
....I was super duper excite for my new computer from the husband! He's AMAZING!!! Now I just can't wait for it to get here!!! P.S. does anyone know when it will ship? The website just keeps saying January.
....that I haven't had a desktop computer in my life since I left my parents house after high school and I'm excited to have a stationary computer zone!
....that Mr Carter is kinda fussy most days but I couldn't love him more!
....I refuse to take down my Christmas tree until AFTER the new year! It just doesn't make sense to me to take it down before!
....that I have some stuff to return to the stores but ugh I don't feel like it
....that I got 4 1/2 hours of uninterrupted sleep the other night and I woke up worried because I couldn't believe I'd slept so long but yep Mr Carter was sleeping away :)
....that Mr Carter reminds me of an old man that falls asleep for short periods of times it makes me laugh so much
....that the day after Christmas always makes me kinda sad :l
....my house is NEVER clean because as soon as Carter falls asleep 101 things run through my head that must be done and I end up doing about 1 of them! :/ I WILL get the hang of this I promise Husband
....it's cold and I like it
....I'm excited for 2013! I felt like I was pregnant the entire year of 2012 so I'm excited to spend a year not pregnant and soaking up ALL that mr carter has to offer! I swear he's so cute! :)
Sinceeee I haven't been on here much
MERRY CHRISTMAS blogger friends!!! AND if I forget to write again...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :)
My New Years resolution starts soon! :)
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Disneyland :)
While I was still pregnant our old neighbors/friends/new neighbors invited us to eat @ Club 33 in Disneyland...if you don't know what that is its a kinda exclusive kinda undercover restaurant in Disneyland that you MUST have a membership to in order to eat there! Soooo of course when they invited us we jumped @ it because I mean being the Disney lovers that we are of course we wanted to go! Welllll they got the reservations for December 1st and we were excited! Only thing I wasn't excited for was leaving baby carter (yes, I have become obsessed with my baby & NO I do not want to leave him With anyone!) soooo thank god our friends said he was welcome to join us and we were ready for baby Carter to spend his first day @ Disneyland :)
We had reservations for noon so we of course were running late & around just in time we didn't even have to take the baby in with us to eat because lucky for us the husbands brother (Carter's soon to be god father) and his wonderful girlfriend also came with us so they stood in the park with baby carter while he slept & the husband myself & our friends went to eat! Let me say club 33 is AMAZING the steak was delicious and it was pretty cool being somewhere where not a Lot of people are allowed! And it was cool looking out from the balcony! We ate a delicious lunch and spent the rest of the day walking around looking @ the cute Christmas decorations that Disney has to offer! AND it was Carter's 1st time soooo of course we HAD to get his 1st time pin, his Mickey ears and take a family pic! It was so much fun! We actually didn't mind having a brand new baby with us at all!
AND I'm so surprised I didn't know this already BUT Disneyland has a nursery where you can change the baby (on a nice soft changing pad, not in a cold bathroom), nurse a baby, feed a baby in a high chair, they sell baby food, bottled and lots of other stuff you need for a baby it is so cool! And I really can't believe in ALL of the times I've been to Disneyland I had NO idea this place existed! :)
We DID end up going back to Disneyland the following Sunday to see the husbands sister perform in a concert it's called candlelight and its BEAUTIFUL if you're at Disney during Christmas I definitely recommend it!
p.s. the Baby Bjourn is amazing! I love how easy it is to travel with him and you still have free hands! Loooove it!
And now lots of pics :)
We had reservations for noon so we of course were running late & around just in time we didn't even have to take the baby in with us to eat because lucky for us the husbands brother (Carter's soon to be god father) and his wonderful girlfriend also came with us so they stood in the park with baby carter while he slept & the husband myself & our friends went to eat! Let me say club 33 is AMAZING the steak was delicious and it was pretty cool being somewhere where not a Lot of people are allowed! And it was cool looking out from the balcony! We ate a delicious lunch and spent the rest of the day walking around looking @ the cute Christmas decorations that Disney has to offer! AND it was Carter's 1st time soooo of course we HAD to get his 1st time pin, his Mickey ears and take a family pic! It was so much fun! We actually didn't mind having a brand new baby with us at all!
AND I'm so surprised I didn't know this already BUT Disneyland has a nursery where you can change the baby (on a nice soft changing pad, not in a cold bathroom), nurse a baby, feed a baby in a high chair, they sell baby food, bottled and lots of other stuff you need for a baby it is so cool! And I really can't believe in ALL of the times I've been to Disneyland I had NO idea this place existed! :)
We DID end up going back to Disneyland the following Sunday to see the husbands sister perform in a concert it's called candlelight and its BEAUTIFUL if you're at Disney during Christmas I definitely recommend it!
p.s. the Baby Bjourn is amazing! I love how easy it is to travel with him and you still have free hands! Loooove it!
And now lots of pics :)
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Happy 6 Weeks Baby Carter :)
Baby Carter Weights: I weighed him last week and he was already 10.2 lbs :-O he's growing so fast!! BUT I'm pretty sure that this week he's almost if not 11 lbs by now!
Height: we measured him last night and he was 22 ALMOST 23 inches!
Clothing size: he is wearing newborn sized onesies still BUT all of his newborn outfits are way too small :(
Diaper size: We switched over to ones and the other day I found a couple of newborn diapers to put him in and they were SO small there was NO way they would fit him! It was hilarious! So he's OFFICIALLY in size 1 diapers now!
Feeding: he's in a growth spurt right now and eating ALMOST every two hours (terrible for me at night) but he's a growing guy!
Sleep: his sleep is still all messed up BUT he's sleeping for longer periods of times thank god! I think he's going through a growth spurt this week, so we're hoping next week is going to be a little better.
Milestones: he is OFFICIALLY smiling and I swear I could be dead tired and he'll smile at me and it makes my heart melt :) I LOVE IT!!!
Adventures: We definitely went on an adventure this week!!!
(separate post coming soon)
(separate post coming soon)
Mommy and Daddy could not get through this week without: LOTS and LOTS of diapers, we found out that we could return ALL of our pampers and put the money on a gift card at Target! YAY because we can get huggies for wayyyy cheap using amazon mom! LOVE! Hellooooo 230 diapers for $29! Oh and we could DEFINITELY not do without our giraffe he LOVES LOVES LOVES IT!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Month 1 Necessities!!
I can't tell you enough how thankful I am for blogging because I was able to find out soooo much stuff that I needed for baby that I had NO idea I needed or wanted! When I was looking at baby stuff I had NO idea what I needed AT all, I had no idea where to even start! Sooooooo I thought I'd share with you some of the stuff that has made our last month run a little smoother :)
Starbucks-Okay, Okay soooo MAYBE I was obsessed with this before the baby came BUT I am SUPER obsessed now, whenever Baby Carter & I do go outside to run errands I grab a pumpkin spice, I love them! AND to be honest I'm not just obsessed with Starbucks in coffee in general and as a new parent you need at least a cup a day, sometimes more when the new baby is confused as to what is day and what is night like baby Carter sometimes is. P.S. if you go to Starbucks as much as me, MAKE sure you join the rewards club, FREE drink every 12 drinks you buy PLUS free drink for your bday AND you can pay for your coffee via your phone, NO need to carry a wallet! LOVE!!
iPhone-OF course I need my phone to use the app, BUT mostly I use my phone to take RIDICULOUS amounts of pictures of the baby (I've already had to go through it a couple of times and delete stuff I don't need to make room for more pictures, I NEED A 64), I mean really I've tried using the camera BUT it's such a hassle and it's so much easier to keep your phone on you, PLUS when you take pictures with a camera it's way harder to share your pictures on IG and really that's my favorite pass time right now LOVE IG (if you don't follow me, make sure you do OVER THERE -------->)
Nursing Bra-ugh when I first had the baby I had ONE nursing bra/shirt and I soon realized that I couldn't wear this EVERY day. So we went out and bought some more, BUT it was amazing as to how much you need these, I seriously thought at one point I didn't need any (man was I wrong). I tried wearing a regular bra the other day because all my nursing ones were dirty (being lazy and not washing) and it was SOOOO uncomfortable! P.S. you'll need a couple I was surprised at how dirty they get, YOU WILL LEAK!
Nursing Pads-Like I just said, you will leak, I didn't think it would happen that much BUT nope, it does and the first time it happened I couldn't stop laughing because out of no where my whole shirt was SOAKED!! I tried a couple of different nursing pads, most were samples I've gotten when we registered for the baby, and I tried the reusable ones BUT I love these Tommee Tippee ones!! They're really absorbant and I tried the J&J ones and they leave cotton behind which gets in the babies mouth YUCK!
Water Bottle-When you are nursing you are supposed to drink RIDICULOUS amounts of water, well I make sure to drink at least 1/2 to 1 whole bottle of water after each nursing session because I don't want to get dehydrated, and after a long nursing session I seriously feel like I just ran a mile I'm so thirsty! I got a set of contigo water bottles for less then $20 at Costco and they work amazing you can use it with one hand so you can drink while nursing.
For Baby
Sleep n' Play pajamas-I don't think I could possibly have enough of these for all of the time that he spends in them! I LOVE them, and I didn't realize that of ALL the clothes we got for his baby shower(s) we only received 1 pack of 2 of these! I had to buy so many more, which is fine because I found some super cute ones at Target! I love that they are cool enough for him to sleep in, all those fleece although super cute are just too hot for him AND they are nice enough that I don't feel like a terrible mom for letting him stay in them all day the next day if we have nothing to do...they're called sleep n play for a reason! :)
Aden & Adain Swaddlers-I had saw these on a couple of different blogs and OMG are they AMAZING!!! Every single day I tell the husband that I'm so glad we invested in these, when you see the package at $40, it kinda seems dumb for something so thin BUT invest in these, I seriously use them for EVERYTHING!! He gets swaddled in them, burp clothes, covers for his car seat when we go to stores and I don't want people looking at him (yes sometimes I'm that mom, it's flu season I would die if he got sick), I even use them to cover myself when I'm nursing and people are over I LOVE THEM!! P.S. they're super soft and come in LOTS of different designs and all are SUPER cute!
Onesies-of course everyone has these, I LOVE the Carter brand ones they're thick and come in LOTS of different designs PLUS I got all of his on sale at the Carter's store when everything was 50% off PLUS had an additional coupon for ANOTHER 20% off woot woot! I also like them because they're bigger size so I know they'll fit the little monster a little longer, his nb ones still fit really good.
Huggies Little Snugglers-When we were in the hospital they gave us Pampers to use, and we got LOTS of Pampers as baby shower gifts, so we were using them first, then I opened up the one package of Huggies that we received and fell IN LOVE with them! In the back it is something almost like elastic that goes across the babies back it makes it feel like they are soooooo sturdy and really fit the baby! PLUS of course they have the yellow pee line, and they have winnie the pooh on them which is super cute too.
Boppy with a cute cover-okay, maybe the cute cover is not absolutely necessary BUT it does make it that much better. I didn't realize that we would use this pillow so much until we had it. Actually I didn't even realized I used it so much until I started thinking about what have been necessities this month AND we use this SO much! It's amazing with nursing and now that he's bigger it's good for him to use to sit up with or even lay in. I LOVE it, and I got the CUTEST cover on Etsy from Valerie, she was amazing and everything was completely customizable :)
For Mom
Baby Connect-I had searched for an app that would keep track of nursing times, times he slept, pooped, dr appts, etc. I tried the free ones, but I wanted to know averages and stuff and none of those offered that. UNTIL I read on a blog about this app! It was kinda expensive I think it was like $5 BUT it's AMAZING!! It has been so helpful Really, I will feel like the baby has been asleep for HOURS and then I look at the app and it tells me he's only been asleep for 30 minutes, AND when you first get home from the hospital TRUST ME your brain will NOT work AT ALL, or at least mine didn't so it's really helpful to keep track of everything with this app. Oh and the other thing good about this app is that you can download it on other devices (like the husbands or even a nannies) and they can keep track of things when they're watching the baby, I use the husband's phone when mine dies at night and it makes it so easy! I LOVE IT!Starbucks-Okay, Okay soooo MAYBE I was obsessed with this before the baby came BUT I am SUPER obsessed now, whenever Baby Carter & I do go outside to run errands I grab a pumpkin spice, I love them! AND to be honest I'm not just obsessed with Starbucks in coffee in general and as a new parent you need at least a cup a day, sometimes more when the new baby is confused as to what is day and what is night like baby Carter sometimes is. P.S. if you go to Starbucks as much as me, MAKE sure you join the rewards club, FREE drink every 12 drinks you buy PLUS free drink for your bday AND you can pay for your coffee via your phone, NO need to carry a wallet! LOVE!!
iPhone-OF course I need my phone to use the app, BUT mostly I use my phone to take RIDICULOUS amounts of pictures of the baby (I've already had to go through it a couple of times and delete stuff I don't need to make room for more pictures, I NEED A 64), I mean really I've tried using the camera BUT it's such a hassle and it's so much easier to keep your phone on you, PLUS when you take pictures with a camera it's way harder to share your pictures on IG and really that's my favorite pass time right now LOVE IG (if you don't follow me, make sure you do OVER THERE -------->)
Nursing Bra-ugh when I first had the baby I had ONE nursing bra/shirt and I soon realized that I couldn't wear this EVERY day. So we went out and bought some more, BUT it was amazing as to how much you need these, I seriously thought at one point I didn't need any (man was I wrong). I tried wearing a regular bra the other day because all my nursing ones were dirty (being lazy and not washing) and it was SOOOO uncomfortable! P.S. you'll need a couple I was surprised at how dirty they get, YOU WILL LEAK!
Nursing Pads-Like I just said, you will leak, I didn't think it would happen that much BUT nope, it does and the first time it happened I couldn't stop laughing because out of no where my whole shirt was SOAKED!! I tried a couple of different nursing pads, most were samples I've gotten when we registered for the baby, and I tried the reusable ones BUT I love these Tommee Tippee ones!! They're really absorbant and I tried the J&J ones and they leave cotton behind which gets in the babies mouth YUCK!
Water Bottle-When you are nursing you are supposed to drink RIDICULOUS amounts of water, well I make sure to drink at least 1/2 to 1 whole bottle of water after each nursing session because I don't want to get dehydrated, and after a long nursing session I seriously feel like I just ran a mile I'm so thirsty! I got a set of contigo water bottles for less then $20 at Costco and they work amazing you can use it with one hand so you can drink while nursing.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Happy 5 Weeks Baby Carter
Okay, so not toooooo bad ONLY two days behind this week! :l
Baby Carter Weights: I weighed him last week and he was already 10 lbs!!!
Baby Carter Weights: I weighed him last week and he was already 10 lbs!!!
Height: I think he's gotten bigger BUT I'm not positive
Clothing size: He has been wearing more and more 0-3 clothes ACTUALLY the other day I put him in his newborn pants and they were soooo short :( BUT all his newborn onesies still fit wayyyy better then his 0-3 ones.
Diaper size: We finally stopped buying newborn ONLY because we have so many size 1's already AND has anyone else noticed that size NB are MORE expensive then 1's?? Does that even make sense?? ehhh whateva he's in 1's but they're still HUGE!
Feeding: He's still eating like a champ! I swear sometimes he won't eat for TWO hours and he is STARVING I mean last night he made himself choke because he was chugging so fast! Can we say dramatic? :)
Sleep: Ummm it's a work in progress...we're still working on a schedule, somedays are definitely better then others! Last night slept from 1-6:15 straight OVER 5 hours straight! I'll take that EVERY night please :D
Milestones: he can hold his head really good now. He lovessssss to lay on his boppy and pick up his head, and kick his feet! He is cooing and grunting lots too...AND he stays awake for longer periods of times just hanging out...those are my favorite times :D
Adventures: he turned 1 month old, he celebrated his FIRST thanksgiving, he got to see LOTS of family that hadn't met him yet (like his great great grandma) OH and he asked his godparents if they would be his godparents :)
Mommy and Daddy could not get through this week without: LOTS and LOTS of diapers and wipes HE pooped on me for the first time this week! HOW does that even happen!?! He also pees on me or the husband AT least once a week if not more this week, it's been twice YAY us! PLUS his Boppy I don't think I've mentioned this before but we LOVE it!
OMG! Baby Carter is ONE month OLD!
where did the MONTH go?!?!
I can't even believe that I have spent a whole month without a BIG belly and instead have been taking care of a handsome little boy!
I'm going to share with you some of my FAVORITE pictures from this month that has literally FLOWN by!!!
I'm so thankful for this little dude, he's literally amazing! EVEN when he's super fussy I just can't get enough of him....I didn't know it was possible but I really love him more and more each and every single day :)
just in looking at these pictures I can't believe how much he has changed in a month! He's grown so much! and has already gotten such a personality! I can't wait to see what else god has in store for us!
I'm going to share with you some of my FAVORITE pictures from this month that has literally FLOWN by!!!
I'm so thankful for this little dude, he's literally amazing! EVEN when he's super fussy I just can't get enough of him....I didn't know it was possible but I really love him more and more each and every single day :)
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outfit home from the hospital :) |
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soooo tiny in his car seat |
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looooove a naked baby :) |
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his face has already changed so much :( |
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grouchy butt! |
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"get outta my face!" |
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we were sleepyyyyyy |
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thanksgiving day shopping :) |
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just hanging out |
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i dont think he liked the beanie |
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don't mind my nursing bra :l |
Happy 4 Weeks Baby Carter :)
I did write this WHOLE post when it was supposed to be written BUT then I didn't like the way that it was formatted so I never posted it soooo here is it! :) JUST a little over a week late NBD :D
Baby Carter Weights: I'm thinking around 9 lbs for sure! He's getting so
Height: I think he's the same he was 21 inches
Clothing size: He still fits in a lot of his
newborn clothes BUT since he only has a couple of NB outfits I have been putting
him in some 0-3 and most of them are HUGE but we make due
Diaper size: He's still in newborn
once in a while we'll put him in size 1 BUT they're so big so we went out and
bought some more NB
Feeding: He's eating good! :) NOT too sure
how much BUT he is definitely waking up every 3-4 hours at night :l
Sleep: Ugh his sleep is ALL messed up!! It's
terrible! One night he'll sleep really good and only wake up once at
night and then the next night he'll decide that he wants to wake up at 2/3 and
stay up until 6/7 it's terrible! I'm HOPING that it was just a phase and
we will outgrow it ASAP!
Milestones: he has better and better head control i love
it!! PLUS he's smiling more, not completely on purpose BUT I don't care I
LOVE it!! It brightens his whole face and makes me fall EVEN more in love
with him...i didn't even know that was possible!!
Adventures: this week it was raining so we didn't do much
at ALL!! We did however take our first big boy bath and this dude LOVED
it!! I'll make sure to post some pics asap :)
Mommy and Daddy could not get through this week without:
swaddlers even though we use them for a lot less swaddling and a lot more
comfort. PLUS we LOVE our pack n play, the owls are his favorite!
:) AND LOTS AND LOTS of diapers!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE huggies
little snugglers :) i'm so sad because we got SOOOOOO many pampers at our
baby shower but I LOVEEEEEEE the huggies ones...can't be ungrateful though
right? Pampers were free! I'll learn to love them!
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"King Of The Crib" |
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"I'm mad! I lost all my hair!" |
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sleepy smiles :D |
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"YUCK!" |
Friday, November 16, 2012
A love story-and then we were friends
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FAST forward to the end of summer and I was off to college, he came up to Fresno (where I went to school) to visit we got RIDICULOUSLY drunk hung out and had the best time, when I would come home we would always plan a trip to have breakfast and then we would hang out go to a party or just hang out playing drinking games, we had become really really good friends. Nothing more, even if I had hoped for it.
Our friendship continued this way plus I either ALWAYS had a boyfriend OR he ALWAYS had a girlfriend and we never stepped outside the "friend zone."
This was until 2008....
Thursday, November 15, 2012
A love story-and then we met :)
Soooooooo if anyone has ever been to a job interview with the county of state you know that it takes foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr to get hired and it's usually a really really long process, so it was November 2011 and I was applying for a job with the county park! I had an interview at a park by my house and they said we would take a test and then if we passed interview that same day. They told us that we should prepare to be there for a couple of hours at least. SO I went and took my test, once you were finished with your test you were to sit around and wait until they scored all the tests to tell you rather or not you would interview so while I did that I sat around and OF course being the 16 year old girl that I was PLUS I was bored, I began to look around for any potential cute guys....at first glance all I saw was a bunch of old dudes, or girls no one that looked cool (really) BUT then I spotted this one cute dude...he was all the way across the courtyard BUT I could tell he was cute I mean he had EXTRA baggy pants and in 2001 those were the BEST kind! I could tell they came from Anchor Blue (is that place even around anymore? or have they all turned into tillys?) He was cute, and I was admiring him from a far while I waited Hey gave me something to look at while I was bored right? AND then the cute dude had a visitor, you would thinkkkkkkkk I was going to say a girlfriend or something right? NOPE this dude has his MOM there with him...so instantly I chuckled to myself laughing that this dude brought his mom with him to the interview (still makes me laugh a little bit) BUT not only was he with his mom BUT his mom also had a little girl with her! thought to myself MUST be his little sister, and that made me laugh even more!
Fast forward to March/April 2002 (told you it took a long time to get hired) and I went to an interview at a park and to my surprise I got the job! I was so excited my first job! AND it was at a pretty good place getting paid pretty good! So I was to attend orientation in a couple of weeks.
Orientation came and I went in to the orientation and they put me in a room to wait for orientation to start, and who happens to be in the room ALSO at orientation?? The dude I had saw MONTHS ago at the interview, with his MOM! :D I sat down and started trying to make conversation with him (I mean, I DID still think he was cute) I asked him all the basic questions,
What school do you go to? Pioneer? Where's that? Whittier? That's FAR!
how old are you? 17? Oh so you're a junior too? Sophomore? huh? when's your bday? march? I don't get it...ohhhh you took 3rd grade twice?! (insert trying not to laugh TOO hard at cute boy)
Do you play sports? How'd you get the job here? etc. you know just being as noisy as possible.
We went through orientation that day and we became friends! That entire summer we were good friends, we worked together and had the BEST SUMMER ever! I mean if you're a teenager and you get paid to hang out with a whole bunch of other kids your age you're more then likely gonna love it! I mean we got paid to hang out inside a booth charge entrance and then hang out inside the air conditioning for hours on end! We talked and talked made fun of each other, etc. WE even played frisbee hit a car on accident and got yelled at by the owner of the car for MESSING up his car, really dude? OUR frisbee is three inches long, I doubt it's gonna mess up your HUGE truck! I even gave him rides home a couple of times, since he lived in whittier oh and his parents picked him up I would offer to take him home, I mean since I had a car and all! He hung out with me and my friends we went to the mall, spent days doing teenage things which one day included picking a friend up from the airport with 6 people in the van just so EVERYONE could be there for the arrival of our friend! Went out to eat, etc. we had really became pretty good friends! AND secretly I wished I worked with him EVERYDAY :) I didn't BUT I sure wished he would be the one to break me, or be the one to be at my station that day THOSE WERE MY FAVORITE days :)
Since we worked at a park we only worked during the summer months and once summer was over I didn't see much of him...but I went back to school and so did he OH AND BY THIS TIME my FUTURE husband had started hooking up with MY BEST FRIEND!
Fast forward to March/April 2002 (told you it took a long time to get hired) and I went to an interview at a park and to my surprise I got the job! I was so excited my first job! AND it was at a pretty good place getting paid pretty good! So I was to attend orientation in a couple of weeks.
Orientation came and I went in to the orientation and they put me in a room to wait for orientation to start, and who happens to be in the room ALSO at orientation?? The dude I had saw MONTHS ago at the interview, with his MOM! :D I sat down and started trying to make conversation with him (I mean, I DID still think he was cute) I asked him all the basic questions,
What school do you go to? Pioneer? Where's that? Whittier? That's FAR!
how old are you? 17? Oh so you're a junior too? Sophomore? huh? when's your bday? march? I don't get it...ohhhh you took 3rd grade twice?! (insert trying not to laugh TOO hard at cute boy)
Do you play sports? How'd you get the job here? etc. you know just being as noisy as possible.
We went through orientation that day and we became friends! That entire summer we were good friends, we worked together and had the BEST SUMMER ever! I mean if you're a teenager and you get paid to hang out with a whole bunch of other kids your age you're more then likely gonna love it! I mean we got paid to hang out inside a booth charge entrance and then hang out inside the air conditioning for hours on end! We talked and talked made fun of each other, etc. WE even played frisbee hit a car on accident and got yelled at by the owner of the car for MESSING up his car, really dude? OUR frisbee is three inches long, I doubt it's gonna mess up your HUGE truck! I even gave him rides home a couple of times, since he lived in whittier oh and his parents picked him up I would offer to take him home, I mean since I had a car and all! He hung out with me and my friends we went to the mall, spent days doing teenage things which one day included picking a friend up from the airport with 6 people in the van just so EVERYONE could be there for the arrival of our friend! Went out to eat, etc. we had really became pretty good friends! AND secretly I wished I worked with him EVERYDAY :) I didn't BUT I sure wished he would be the one to break me, or be the one to be at my station that day THOSE WERE MY FAVORITE days :)
Since we worked at a park we only worked during the summer months and once summer was over I didn't see much of him...but I went back to school and so did he OH AND BY THIS TIME my FUTURE husband had started hooking up with MY BEST FRIEND!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Birth Announcement
I was going back and forth trying to decide if I even wanted to order Announcements BUT I couldn't help it! I want to share with everyone how ADORABLE baby Carter is :) RIDICULOUS I know! BUT still these came out AMAZING (well at least they look good on the computer) I had a $20 gift card from Target from when we registered for our baby showers, AND then all the cards were 40% off!! WOOT WOOT so if you spend $30 you get FREE shipping! If you've been here a while you KNOW that I LOVE a good deal! SOOOOOO that means I paid less then a DOLLAR for each card and the reviews all say they are GREAT quality and printed amazing! I can't wait to get them...IF they do come out good I know where I am getting our Christmas Cards printed :)
An anniversary story
I had all these plans to make a HUGE deal on my blog about telling the husband & I's love story! BECAUSE it's pretty good :) (if I do say so myself) and I wanted it to run the week of our anniversary! YAY! AND THEN I had a baby and kinda dropped off the face of the blogging planet because I don't feel like I have enough hours in the day to do everything that I want or need to get done sooooo our love story starts TODAY!
FIRST let me get this out!!
Happy Anniversary (yesterday) the the LOVE of my life! I mean really? Has it been two years already?? I feel like our wedding just happened a couple of months ago!
if you are my friend on IG then you would have seen this post yesterday!
I couldn't explain it any other way then to explain that I am truly grateful every single day for this man, he truly is my heart and soul and today I love him more then I did the day that we got married! He's an amazing husband and an amazing father!
We kept talking about how ONE year ago we were on a boat on our way to mexico! and TWO years ago I was waiting for him at the church while I saw my dad pace back and forth thinking (at least I think) that the husband might not show up! (will be inside love story) and here we are two years later with a brand new baby and we couldn't be more happy :)
this anniversary was a lot more low key, I slept in while the husband went to a dentist appt...actually does it count as sleeping in when you don't go to sleep until after three because your baby thinks that's an acceptable bed time? well anyway the baby and I KINDA slept in and while he went to his dentist appt and when he came back he had brought us lunch! WOO HOO and then what does he pop out?
this B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L ring that is opal (baby Carter's birthstone). I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Told you he's the sweetest husband EVER! P.S. can you tell the husband likes when stones are surrounded by other jewels? this ring looks ALMOST like my wedding ring right? just smaller? WELL he also brought me tiny cookies from mrs fields and some chocolate covered strawberries! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
We hung out all day just relaxing (kinda felt like a sunday) and then we headed to the store to get some stuff to make dinner at home, we didn't want to chance going out to dinner and baby carter being fussy so we bought stuff for steaks! YUMMMM and we made dinner together...we had some steaks with blue cheese topping! It KINDA looked like this without the parsley (or whatever is that green stuff)
All I did was cook the steak like regular and then grabbed some butter and mixed it with LOTS of bleu cheese, and then when the steaks were ALMOST done you spread the butter/bleu cheese mixture on top of the steak and put it back in the oven for 30 seconds to 1 minute! IT was sooooo good!! OMG! We did NOT miss going out to dinner ONE bit! Plus we had some garlic bread, baked potatoes and green beans :) I should have taken pictures BUT I'm the worst at taking pictures in the moment! ESPECIALLY with food because I think I get too excited to eat it already! In all we had a very low key anniversary dinner but it was amazing! :)
Happy anniversary husband! Can't wait to see what the rest of our life has in store for us :)
I had all these plans to make a HUGE deal on my blog about telling the husband & I's love story! BECAUSE it's pretty good :) (if I do say so myself) and I wanted it to run the week of our anniversary! YAY! AND THEN I had a baby and kinda dropped off the face of the blogging planet because I don't feel like I have enough hours in the day to do everything that I want or need to get done sooooo our love story starts TODAY!
FIRST let me get this out!!
Happy Anniversary (yesterday) the the LOVE of my life! I mean really? Has it been two years already?? I feel like our wedding just happened a couple of months ago!
if you are my friend on IG then you would have seen this post yesterday!
I couldn't explain it any other way then to explain that I am truly grateful every single day for this man, he truly is my heart and soul and today I love him more then I did the day that we got married! He's an amazing husband and an amazing father!
We kept talking about how ONE year ago we were on a boat on our way to mexico! and TWO years ago I was waiting for him at the church while I saw my dad pace back and forth thinking (at least I think) that the husband might not show up! (will be inside love story) and here we are two years later with a brand new baby and we couldn't be more happy :)
this anniversary was a lot more low key, I slept in while the husband went to a dentist appt...actually does it count as sleeping in when you don't go to sleep until after three because your baby thinks that's an acceptable bed time? well anyway the baby and I KINDA slept in and while he went to his dentist appt and when he came back he had brought us lunch! WOO HOO and then what does he pop out?
this B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L ring that is opal (baby Carter's birthstone). I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Told you he's the sweetest husband EVER! P.S. can you tell the husband likes when stones are surrounded by other jewels? this ring looks ALMOST like my wedding ring right? just smaller? WELL he also brought me tiny cookies from mrs fields and some chocolate covered strawberries! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
We hung out all day just relaxing (kinda felt like a sunday) and then we headed to the store to get some stuff to make dinner at home, we didn't want to chance going out to dinner and baby carter being fussy so we bought stuff for steaks! YUMMMM and we made dinner together...we had some steaks with blue cheese topping! It KINDA looked like this without the parsley (or whatever is that green stuff)
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Happy anniversary husband! Can't wait to see what the rest of our life has in store for us :)
Happy 3 Weeks Baby Carter :)
Weight: went to the doctor on monday, and he's 8 lbs 8 oz! :-O ALMOST a full pound over what he was when he was born! (growing soooo fast)
Height: he grew 1 inch and is now 21 inches
Clothing size: he still fits in some of his newborns, especially because his 0-3 are HUGE!! Soooo I'll say he's in between sizes :)
Diaper size: Newborn sometimes we put him in 1's but they feel way too huge!
Feeding: wellllllll when we went to the LC this week she weighed him and he had eaten 4 1/2 oz from one side! HE CAN EAT!
Sleep: ehhhh he goes for days where he sleeps for 5 to 6 hours straight at night AND then the next night he'll decide that he wants to be up every 2 hours or we're working on sleeping more hours though :)
Milestones: he smiles more....it's NOT on purpose but I LOVE when he does it! It's the BEST it lights up his whole face! AND his belly button FINALLY fell off on Friday (that's a milestone right?)
Adventures: hmmm we took our FIRST solo trip to the doctors office a couple of weeks ago :)
Sleep: ehhhh he goes for days where he sleeps for 5 to 6 hours straight at night AND then the next night he'll decide that he wants to be up every 2 hours or we're working on sleeping more hours though :)
Milestones: he smiles more....it's NOT on purpose but I LOVE when he does it! It's the BEST it lights up his whole face! AND his belly button FINALLY fell off on Friday (that's a milestone right?)
Adventures: hmmm we took our FIRST solo trip to the doctors office a couple of weeks ago :)
Mommy and Daddy could not get through this week without: lots and lots of cuddles with our little baby :) our Aden + Anais Swaddlers our Automatic Bouncer and our Gum Drop Pacifiers PLUS the baby connect app which helps me keep track of ALL things that baby does! I LOVE it!
P.S. this week is the first time that grandpa held baby Carter (pic above) and this week finally Baby Carter's belly button fell off! :)
I hate that this pic is blurry (stupid iPhone) BUT he sleeps like this ALL the time and it always makes me laugh :)
Next up: First big boy bath!
Friday, November 9, 2012
1st Photo Shoot
On Sunday, I wanted to make sure that I took baby Carter's newborn pictures, like I said I want to remember what these times were like, and I refuse to pay 1 million dollars for newborn pictures when I KNOW I could take some here at the house and they were turn out decent enough! PLUS we're on a budget so anywhere we can save the BETTER! My cousin made him the adorable outfit and I did take 100 MORE pictures but I'll save you from a million pictures and just share with you one hundred! :)
Hope I didn't bore you too much...well actually looking at cute pictures is one of my favorite things about blogging so I don't think so :)
- I know that I'm biased BUT I do think baby Carter is one of the cutest babies I've ever seen! :)
- I need to find a good way to keep all of these pictures safe, because being digital it's so easy for them to get lost, or corrupted or any of the NOT fun stuff!
- I LOVE that everyone has a different opinion on to who they think he looks like, some say me some say the husband, Me, I can't tell...I think he's just adorable :)
- I can already see that he is changing so much and he's only two weeks old :l #growingupwaytoofast
- I LOVE the comparison of his foot to the husband's thumb. I KNOW this is a picture we are going to look back on FOREVER and say "OMG remember when his foot was this little?"
Hope I didn't bore you too much...well actually looking at cute pictures is one of my favorite things about blogging so I don't think so :)
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Happy 2 Weeks Baby Carter
I can't even believe how behind I am in EVERYTHING! I can't believe that my baby is on his way to being THREE weeks old already!! I seriously can NOT believe how fast time has went by! I mean really? I can't believe that it has gone by so fast, and it seems like my days are FLYING by! and he's getting bigger each day, I can feel it especially in how heavy he is getting!
So, I just want to catch you up with my life, which PRETTY much consists of feeding, changing and rocking the baby :) when I'm not doing ONE of those three things, I'm washing dishes, clothes or attempting to make some dinner for the husband!
If you don't already follow me on IG go ahead and do so ASAP! I post a picture ALMOST every day :) LINK is >>>>>>>>>
without further ado, here are some pics of life of course according to my iPhone because that's ALL I ever take pictures with, ummm EVER!
Baby Carter, got his first MUSTACHE ;D
He also received his VERY first halloween card, and first piece of mail from my good friend laura and her baby is only two months older then Carter so when they get older they're gonna be penpals FOR SURE! :)
Most days this is what our days look like, chillin' waiting for dad to get home
I never ever get tired of this face, even when he wakes me up to nurse but really isn't hungry!
we made it out of the house alone for the first time this week on Monday, we had a dr appt and then went to visit our cousins. It was a success, and I'm sooooo glad the husband installed this mirror it made driving a lot easier when I could just look at him to make sure everything was A-okay!
He's already growing so fast, and his newborn clothes are getting a little small which made me sooooo sad :( I had to take out all of his 0-3 months clothes and wash them....is it bad that I want him to wear newborn longer? I mean he's still a newborn!
the husband is such a GREAT dad, he literally loves to take care of him as soon as he walks in the door, he always rocks him back to sleep in the morning so that I can get a few extra minutes of sleep, and it's amazing!
and that means he gets him dressed for the day, fuzzy slippers and all :) but really those slippers are soooo cute! and they are one of the few things that actually stay on his little feet! P.S. that onesie is a 0-3 and I swear he is swimming in it!
In these last two ALMOST three weeks I have learned so much, I can't even believe I could be so in love with such a tiny human being! I also can't believe how in love I am with the husband! I mean really, it's the MOST amazing feeling in the WHOLE world. to watch someone you love so much become a dad makes your love become even more real and you see that person in a whole new light! It's amazing :D P.S. I might have had a meltdown the entire week that the husband was off knowing that he was going to have to go back to work very soon, postpartum hormones are NO joke! wayyyy worse then pregnancy hormones.
I am going to start doing a weekly summary of all things baby carter, just so I don't forget any of the moments that are passing by so fast! I NEED to start getting back into the routine of blogging and I am going to try this week! IS it really Thursday?!?! I saw the husband post a #tbt post on IG and I laughed thinking whyyyy would he post that on Wednesday he's funny! hahahaha oh wait! It's Thursday? I literally had to look at my phone to make sure what day it was, oops it is Thursday! Oh man, I'm telling you my days are running together!
Until next time :)
So, I just want to catch you up with my life, which PRETTY much consists of feeding, changing and rocking the baby :) when I'm not doing ONE of those three things, I'm washing dishes, clothes or attempting to make some dinner for the husband!
If you don't already follow me on IG go ahead and do so ASAP! I post a picture ALMOST every day :) LINK is >>>>>>>>>
without further ado, here are some pics of life of course according to my iPhone because that's ALL I ever take pictures with, ummm EVER!
Baby Carter, got his first MUSTACHE ;D
He also received his VERY first halloween card, and first piece of mail from my good friend laura and her baby is only two months older then Carter so when they get older they're gonna be penpals FOR SURE! :)
Most days this is what our days look like, chillin' waiting for dad to get home
I never ever get tired of this face, even when he wakes me up to nurse but really isn't hungry!
we made it out of the house alone for the first time this week on Monday, we had a dr appt and then went to visit our cousins. It was a success, and I'm sooooo glad the husband installed this mirror it made driving a lot easier when I could just look at him to make sure everything was A-okay!
He's already growing so fast, and his newborn clothes are getting a little small which made me sooooo sad :( I had to take out all of his 0-3 months clothes and wash them....is it bad that I want him to wear newborn longer? I mean he's still a newborn!
the husband is such a GREAT dad, he literally loves to take care of him as soon as he walks in the door, he always rocks him back to sleep in the morning so that I can get a few extra minutes of sleep, and it's amazing!
and that means he gets him dressed for the day, fuzzy slippers and all :) but really those slippers are soooo cute! and they are one of the few things that actually stay on his little feet! P.S. that onesie is a 0-3 and I swear he is swimming in it!
In these last two ALMOST three weeks I have learned so much, I can't even believe I could be so in love with such a tiny human being! I also can't believe how in love I am with the husband! I mean really, it's the MOST amazing feeling in the WHOLE world. to watch someone you love so much become a dad makes your love become even more real and you see that person in a whole new light! It's amazing :D P.S. I might have had a meltdown the entire week that the husband was off knowing that he was going to have to go back to work very soon, postpartum hormones are NO joke! wayyyy worse then pregnancy hormones.
I am going to start doing a weekly summary of all things baby carter, just so I don't forget any of the moments that are passing by so fast! I NEED to start getting back into the routine of blogging and I am going to try this week! IS it really Thursday?!?! I saw the husband post a #tbt post on IG and I laughed thinking whyyyy would he post that on Wednesday he's funny! hahahaha oh wait! It's Thursday? I literally had to look at my phone to make sure what day it was, oops it is Thursday! Oh man, I'm telling you my days are running together!
Until next time :)
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