I can't even believe how behind I am in EVERYTHING! I can't believe that my baby is on his way to being THREE weeks old already!! I seriously can NOT believe how fast time has went by! I mean really? I can't believe that it has gone by so fast, and it seems like my days are FLYING by! and he's getting bigger each day, I can feel it especially in how heavy he is getting!
So, I just want to catch you up with my life, which PRETTY much consists of feeding, changing and rocking the baby :) when I'm not doing ONE of those three things, I'm washing dishes, clothes or attempting to make some dinner for the husband!
If you don't already follow me on IG go ahead and do so ASAP! I post a picture ALMOST every day :) LINK is >>>>>>>>>
without further ado, here are some pics of life of course according to my iPhone because that's ALL I ever take pictures with, ummm EVER!
Baby Carter, got his first MUSTACHE ;D
He also received his VERY first halloween card, and first piece of mail from my good friend laura and her baby is only two months older then Carter so when they get older they're gonna be penpals FOR SURE! :)
Most days this is what our days look like, chillin' waiting for dad to get home
I never ever get tired of this face, even when he wakes me up to nurse but really isn't hungry!
we made it out of the house alone for the first time this week on Monday, we had a dr appt and then went to visit our cousins. It was a success, and I'm sooooo glad the husband installed this mirror it made driving a lot easier when I could just look at him to make sure everything was A-okay!
He's already growing so fast, and his newborn clothes are getting a little small which made me sooooo sad :( I had to take out all of his 0-3 months clothes and wash them....is it bad that I want him to wear newborn longer? I mean he's still a newborn!
the husband is such a GREAT dad, he literally loves to take care of him as soon as he walks in the door, he always rocks him back to sleep in the morning so that I can get a few extra minutes of sleep, and it's amazing!
and that means he gets him dressed for the day, fuzzy slippers and all :) but really those slippers are soooo cute! and they are one of the few things that actually stay on his little feet! P.S. that onesie is a 0-3 and I swear he is swimming in it!
In these last two ALMOST three weeks I have learned so much, I can't even believe I could be so in love with such a tiny human being! I also can't believe how in love I am with the husband! I mean really, it's the MOST amazing feeling in the WHOLE world. to watch someone you love so much become a dad makes your love become even more real and you see that person in a whole new light! It's amazing :D P.S. I might have had a meltdown the entire week that the husband was off knowing that he was going to have to go back to work very soon, postpartum hormones are NO joke! wayyyy worse then pregnancy hormones.
I am going to start doing a weekly summary of all things baby carter, just so I don't forget any of the moments that are passing by so fast! I NEED to start getting back into the routine of blogging and I am going to try this week! IS it really Thursday?!?! I saw the husband post a #tbt post on IG and I laughed thinking whyyyy would he post that on Wednesday he's funny! hahahaha oh wait! It's Thursday? I literally had to look at my phone to make sure what day it was, oops it is Thursday! Oh man, I'm telling you my days are running together!
Until next time :)
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