Friday, November 9, 2012

1st Photo Shoot

On Sunday, I wanted to make sure that I took baby Carter's newborn pictures, like I said I want to remember what these times were like, and I refuse to pay 1 million dollars for newborn pictures when I KNOW I could take some here at the house and they were turn out decent enough!  PLUS we're on a budget so anywhere we can save the BETTER!  My cousin made him the adorable outfit and I did take 100 MORE pictures but I'll save you from a million pictures and just share with you one hundred! :)

  • I know that I'm biased BUT I do think baby Carter is one of the cutest babies I've ever seen!  :)
  • I need to find a good way to keep all of these pictures safe, because being digital it's so easy for them to get lost, or corrupted or any of the NOT fun stuff!
  • I LOVE that everyone has a different opinion on to who they think he looks like, some say me some say the husband, Me, I can't tell...I think he's just adorable :)
  • I can already see that he is changing so much and he's only two weeks old :l  #growingupwaytoofast
  • I LOVE the comparison of his foot to the husband's thumb.  I KNOW this is a picture we are going to look back on FOREVER and say "OMG remember when his foot was this little?"

Hope I didn't bore you too much...well actually looking at cute pictures is one of my favorite things about blogging so I don't think so :)


Lindsey said...

Jade, you did such a great job with these photos! What kind of camera do you use? They seem very professional! Oh and he is absolutely adorable!

xo Lindsey xo

Gina said...

OMG Jade!!! He is beautiful! Congratulations on such a tiny miracle!