If we had coffee...
I would tell you that I have recently become more appreciate for my husband I really didn't think I could love anyone as much as I love him, and it is true that you love them more and more as time goes by, I thought I loved him when we got married and now over a year later it feels like I love him a hundred times as much as I did before.

this was our very first picture ever taken, and it always makes me smile :)
I would tell you that I have been thinking about life a lot recently and I'm literally driving myself CRAZY!
I would also try and explain to you my LOVE for pho right now! It is sooooo good and if you haven't tried it you need to get up and yelp where the best one is near you! I love love love it!!!! It's a Vietnamese soup and it's basically just noddles with very thin slices of meat in it and sprouts and hot sauce but it is definitely my FAVORITE food right now!

I would also tell you all about my VERY fun trip to Disneyland this last weekend! Let me tell you we didn't get home until after one AM and even though we have season passes I haven't stood there until closing umm probably since I was ten! We had a blast though!

Obviously she wasn't scared on this ride AT ALL!!
I would also talk about how I would much rather be blogging or reading blogs then cleaning my house, but I must do it, so this coffee would have to go fast!
Oh, and I would also talk about all of my FAVORITE reality TV shows! I swear I can't get enough I'm sure my love gets mad about it, because he ABSOLUTELY hates them! BUT I think it might be an addiction and I can't get enough of them!
Until next time,
Jade :)
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