pics on Sodahead
This is EXACTLY how I look this morning, I literally woke up with thirty miniutes to get ready :( I don't really understand Daylight Savings, I would rather we just keep the clocks this time all year around, it makes total sense doesn't it? We are the same time as AZ. It always gets darker later....we don't have to looose anymore sleep every spring. Seems like the PERFECT solution to me! :)
I am not going to lie, in fall when I wake up and it's now NINE instead of TEN I'm super duper excited BUT when spring comes around and I have to give that damn hour back it SUCKS!!!
Okay, that's it just wanted to go on a little rant since I've been counting the hours until I'm home in my bed since I woke up this morning, yes before I got in the shower, and yes before I got ready, and yessssss before I even got on the freeway for my hour communte! ohhhhhhhh man for some reason I do not think that this day is going to go fast enough for me. NOPE not ONE bit!
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