How far along: 18 Weeks :)
Baby's size: about 5 1/2 inches, the size of a sweet potato!
Miss Anything: hmmm...this week nothing...surprisingly...i really thought i would miss alcohol a lot more then i do but i don't really...but i have been having dreams about geting drunk, so maybe i miss it subconsciously :/
Best moment this week: knowing that our ultrasound is next week!! YAY!! Can't wait to find out if this baby is a Mr or Miss
Movement: still no distinct movement, i'm hoping it's because this baby is just wayyyyyy too lazy to move around a lot! **fingers crossed**
Food cravings: i really did think that I haven't been craving anything BUT i realized this week that i'm seriously OBSESSED with soda! expecially from circle k...didn't giulianna rancic say that soda was like crack?? well my baby loooooves least i'm limiting myself to ONE soda a day!
Anything making you queasy or sick: STILL CHICKEN!!
Maternity Clothes: still haven't gotten around to buy any, but i need some lazy
Stretch marks: none yet...still praying
Symptoms I HAVE: this week i've been feeling a lot better, i still need my daily dose of 8 hours of sleep minimum but besides that i feel pretty good :) finally getting to that honeymoon stage that they keep talking about
Doctor’s Appointment: have an appt this week and next week, can't wait just to hear the babies heart beat <3
Gender: still don't know yet, and i am slowly warming up to the idea of it being a boy, i mean no matter what i will love it boy or girl BUT on saturday i was thinking about all of the fun boy stuff so now i can't wait to see what this baby is! so sooon
What I’m looking forward to: hearing the baby's heartbeat on thursday!
Belly Button in or out: in
Wedding rings on or off: on, i'm dreading the day i have to take them off :( i love them too much
Happy or Moody most of the time: no change here, still happy, and still crying for every little thing :,(
Sleep: It's still good, i really do think that my pillow helps, it makes sleeping so comfortable!
Wedding rings on or off: on, i'm dreading the day i have to take them off :( i love them too much
Happy or Moody most of the time: no change here, still happy, and still crying for every little thing :,(
Sleep: It's still good, i really do think that my pillow helps, it makes sleeping so comfortable!
Showing: same...
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