Friday, May 25, 2012

Random Friday

Clearly my title does NOT rhyme but I wanted to tell you some random stuff going on right now so it seemed fitting :)

I am super duper excited that it's a THREE DAY weekend this weekend, and i don't really even have any exciting plans, I just want to be home relaxing with the husband, the muffin, the fox, santiago and all the cute little puppies.

Marlee won't get me hold her puppies :(  well she will but then she wants me to put them back down right when she wants to look at the baby I'm not going to let her for being so stingy with her babies -.-

We get to find out what the baby is (he or she) next week!!!  I am super super super excited, so many things happening in the next week, three day weekend, followed by only a four day work week and we get to find out what we're having :)  YES!

I have been planning something super special for a while now and this weekend we are finally getting it down, I'm just really really really hoping that everything goes the way that it is supposed to because if not I'm going to be VERY angry!

We are having a BBQ tomorrow, and I don't want to clean my house for everyone to come over :(  BUT I am excited to hang out with my sister and my cousins, we were just talking about this, but it really feels like the older we get the less time we spend together, when we were younger we would see eachother allllllllllllllll the time!  Like literally every single weekday and MOST weekends!!  Jumps was telling me that she gets sad for Joe because he doesn't get to see his cousins as much as we used to see eachother and as many sleepovers as we had!  Those were the best!  Playing outside ALL day, barefoot so that our feet were red from the berries that grew in the back, always getting super good food, pizza, chicken nuggets (hahahah both of those things two different people choked on at my parents house, clearly we should not have been laughing at the table, what?  we didn't think it was real that you would choke if you laughed while eating, but even after it happened we were laughing more, terrible kids i tell you).  Still do this day, when we want to laugh we say "Hey!  Remember when Nat choked on the chicken nugget?"  still so funny, but so inappropriate!  anyway we would watch are you afraid of the dark and try our very hardest to stay up for tales from the crypt, it really was the most fun we ever had!!  And i get sad that the younger kids don't get to do it as much as we did when we were younger, those were the best weekends!  So on Saturday we are going to hang out together and BBQ because we need to get in the habit of hanging out again, even if we all live so far, I want Baby L to have as much fun with his/her cousins as I did with mine!

I've been wanting to go get a pedicure for weeks now litearlly, but every single week i don't want to spend the money :/  maybe next week?

Sometimes people drive me crazy literally, and then people say that it's because I'm pregnant and that drives me even more crazy!!!  why can't i just be annoyed at what idiots some people are?  Not everything is to blame for this baby!  *end of rant!

I think I can feel the baby move now!!  I think, I've been feeling a whole lot of twitching in my stomach today, BUT of course when I touch it, it stops doing it...hmmmm only time will tell

this picture made me laugh right now, when i typed random into images on google :D
I want to do this to Fox now, I think it would be hilarious, I wonder if he'd stay...I'll have to try it ASAP!

I need to go to Disneyland ASAP!!  I feel like I'm paying for a pass that I'm not using, but unfortunately this baby can't go on all of my favorite rides :(

I've been meeting my daily water intake daily :D  YES!!! 

I've been trying to read more news but it makes me so sad, it seems like all of the stories are so sad, even the good stories somehow become bad :/  Is there a news website that tells only the good things that are happening in the world?  hmmm i'm going to look into that :D

and with that...I wish you a very
enjoy the extra day off :D

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