Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday Morning Blues

Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling so refreshed, because for one time this week, the cat, the dog, puppies, your cell phone, or your snoring husband didn't wake you up, NOT once last night, I mean you didn't even wake up to pee until seven and you feel AMAZING!!  Kinda like this!!

Ready for a new day, and ready to continue your week!  You really can't believe how good you feel, You know that you are going to have a GREAT day! :D

You get ready, you eat breakfast, you make your lunch, and you get in your car!  You know it's going to be good, you even left on time!

THEN, you get on the freeway and what's this!??!  DEAD STOPPED traffic!?!?!  You are not a mere ten miles of your 28 mile trip to work and you have already been in the car for thirty-five minutes!  You are supposed to be at work in ten!  WONDERFUL!!  You listen to the radio, maybe it help keep this wonderful mood you were in before you got to work going, turn on your favorite radio station and they're on vacation, you try to listen to other ones that people listen to and rave about often, and you can't get interested, they're not as funny, not as interesting, so you start to day dream....ten minutes later you are still fifteen minutes from work!  WONDERFUL you will be there LATE!  >.<

Finally, you get off the freeway, you get into work just 15 or 20 minutes late, it's okay your mood is still okay, you haven't let traffic get you down, BUT get into the office and you start to feel like this.


What happened to your wonderful mood you woke up with this lovely Wednesday morning?!?!  Why is it that now you are struggling to keep your eyes open, when you got such a good nights rest???  Could it be the traffic?  Being late?  Not listening to your favorite radio show?  Who knows, but all I know is that right now Monday was a whole lot better to me then this Wednesday has been, let's hope the day gets better!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!  
Just think, ONLY two more days (after this one) until the weekend!!!

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