Jasmyne @ A Fisher's Wife nominated me for an award! Can you believe it?? :D
Sorry this is so late Jasmyne, I've been trying to complete it for a couple of days now...just haven't had much luck...so without further ado...
Liebster Award
Sorry this is so late Jasmyne, I've been trying to complete it for a couple of days now...just haven't had much luck...so without further ado...
Liebster Award
The meaning:
A German word meaning sweet, kind, nice, dear, beloved, lovely, valued and welcome.
Here are the rules for the Liebster:
*Post 11 random facts about yourself.
*Answer 11 questions the tagger has asked you, and give 11 questions to the people you’ve tagged.
*Choose 11 deserving bloggers and tag them in your post. (REMEMBER! The people that you tag HAVE to have less than 200 followers)
*Tell them you’ve tagged them.
*No tag backs.
*Snag this button and proudly display it on your blog!
11 Random Facts:
1.I have known the Husband for TEN years, the first six of them we were just friends, NO JOKE!
2. I only have ONE sister and we share the same birthday! My whole life it felt like I had a twin, even now on birthdays when we don't spend the day together it doesn't feel like my birthday.
3. I get sea sick -.-
4. I am the oldest cousin on my Dad's family, and I LOVE it!
5. My dogs are like my children, and I'm often afraid that when my HUMAN baby comes they won't get as much attention :(
6. I can type pretty fast...thanks to completing my ENTIRE Master's degree online :D
7. Before I was pregnant I would NEVER drink any liquids besides water, and alcohol.
8. I LOVE to cook, and do crafts, but since I've been working I feel like I don't have enough time to do either one
9. I'd much rather text someone then call them, I don't really like talking on the phone, I feel like when you are on the phone you are ONLY on the phone, BUT if you're texting you can do LOTS of things while having a conversation, love the freedom!
10. My FAVORITE breakfast is a chorizo burrito OR beligian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream YUMMMM
11. I'm a serious PLANNER like I don't like to just wing things (sometimes it's bad) BUT it makes me the planner of my family, so all trips/dinners/events I usually have my hand in there somewhere making sure everything goes off without a hitch
& here are the questions Jazmyne asked me...
1. Who is your biggest role model? Why?
My BIGGEST role model is my grandma :) She's the BEST person in the WHOLE world!! She always puts everyone before herself, BUT can stand up for herself if she's getting taken advantage of! She's so strong and the BEST person to talk to! She's strong and really is the glue that holds our family together :D
2. What is your dream car?
Ohhhh I'd LOVE to own a Range Rover :D I think they're sooooo cute!
3. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
4. What do you consider your greatest strength?
I think I'm pretty organized, I live an organized mess, if something looks messy, it's NOT I know exactly where everything is!
5. What are some of your pet peeves?
Yuck, it seems like I have ONE HUNDRED more now that I've been pregnant! BUT
-I can't stand when grown ups LIE! Like for what? Especially hate it when people brag about how "they do it all on their own", rather go to school or raise a Kid when EVERYONE can see that you're parents help you....I mean there is NOTHING wrong with your parents helping you because mine have helped me LOTS but don't tell me you do it all on your own when your mom watches your kids while you go to school...or your Dad pays your rent while you're going to school ANNOYING!
-When a Mom will be SUPER done up and dressed nice, and their kid is dirty and looks like they just rolled in the dirt, OR has drool on their face from the night before, UMMM your kid SHOULD be dressed and ready before yourself, and don't tell me that it's because you didn't have time to get them ready you were putting your makeup on :l
-When people act like they KNOW what they're talking about, and they don't....ohhhhh so even though I have NEVER been pregnant, I'm going to tell you how it feels to be pregnant -.-
(okay I think those are my CURRENT pet peeves) :)
6. Why did you start blogging?
I was working part-time and started reading LOTS of blogs, so I figured why not start my own, to keep it for me to read years from now! I especially started writing more once I got pregnant and wanted to remember everything from when I was pregnant!
7. What is your favorite accessory?
I really like things for my hair, like ribbons, or bows or head bands!
8. Cat lover or dog lover?
I love both!!! BUT I don't really like other peoples animals, I'm kinda like those people that are like, well I hate all kids except my own, because I don't really like any animals that I don't own...sad but true.
9. Anything "quirky" about you (double jointed, can say ABCs backwards...?)
I'm not quirky :( BUT I can drive stick shift...some people can't so I'll use that :)
10. Do you speak any other languages?
No, I can understand Spanish for the MOST part, BUT I don't really truly understand everything.
11. What is considered a perfect day for you?
A perfect day would be an extra day off of work, cleaning my house and the weather outside being amazing! Going out to eat with my love and spending time with our little beasts. I just love being around my little family :) Oh and knowing that we don't have to go to work the next day :D
Most of the blogs that I follow either have already received the liebster award OR have over 200 followers, So I am just nominating TWO ladies :)
2. Angie @ Keith & Angie, Baby Makes Three
and MY questions are...
1. What would you like your blog to become?
2. Which of your own blog posts is your favorite??
3. Favorite craft that you have or want to create? Link pleaseeeee
4. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Recipe?
5. What is your favorite state in the U.S.?
6. Where is somewhere you wish you could visit?
7. One thing on your bucket list?
8. What is your dream job?
9. What is your favorite month of the year?
10. What is one thing about being pregnant that surprised you? (since both of you ladies have been preggers or are preggers :))
11. Favorite TV show? Or show that you can't wait to start in the fall?
so exciting, congrats on the award! :)
p.s. i'm your newest follower :)
xo brie
Yay! LOVE the responses! :)
Congrats! I want the same bday as my sis!
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