Friday, August 3, 2012

Family Vacation

So this last weekend we spent 5 days in Indio, CA.  If you don't know where Indio is, it's a town a little past Palm Springs, CA.  It's where Coachella is held every year.  Anywho, like I said before this trip has become a family tradition for the last couple of years...the first year we went to Big Bear....then Vegas....then Palm Springs and this year Indio....don't ask where we are going next year because we have NO idea yet.  I don't decide until ummm we absolutely MUST decide!  We'll figure it out once the times comes, until then I'm gonna tell you ALL about our WONDERFUL trip to Indio, CA.

P.S. MOSTLY ALL of the pictures that I am going to post on my blog here are from this girls FaceBook, BUT don't you worry your little heads there is NO way she is going sue me for Copyright laws because, well she's my cousin and her son is my godson and well she loves me too much!  BESIDES she'll probably NEVER write a blog post about the last weekend, cause she's a TERRIBLE blogger now, and likes to blame it on the fact that she doesn't have a computer.  whateva.  BUT in case she does want to sue me I'm going to add #TBJ next to all the pics I jacked from her :)

I KNEW that it was going to be hot, because I asked Siri and she said...

BUT we all figured, it wasn't THAT bad considering that we went to Palm Springs last year and it was RIDICULOUSLY HOT and muggy the whole time, so we hoped for the BEST :) 
P.S. YES it did Rain on Monday, so much in fact that we actually got kicked out of the pool!

We arrived in Indio around 2:30 ish, and ONLY two of our 4 rooms were ready so we hung out with everyone that was there for about 2 or so hours....drinking wonderful Margaritas 
unfortunately it was virgin for me :l #TBJ
We enjoyed the view....and it was 
and this was the day that we were leaving and it was all rainy and gloomy
That was only one of the pools and you can't see all the jacuzzi's that were EVERYONE plus the multiple KIDDIE pools & the LAZY river!!  It was sooooo nice!  Way nicer then I expected it to be that's for sure, and all of the timeshares that my Dad owns are REALLY nice!

We ALL FINALLY got our rooms and I had to go to the store (of course).  You see, beforehand I had set up a MENU for us all to follow so that NOT one family or person got stuck doing all the cleaning or cooking, while someone else did NOTHING.
color coded and ALL :)
We were there from Friday (afternoon) until Tuesday morning/afternoon.

I just realized as I am typing this that, all Friday night from when I got there until I went to bed, all I did was get everything ready for the entire weekend, in hopes that meant I could relax the rest of the weekend, so after we ate dinner and my dad arrived we headed to the store to get the rest of our supplies for the THIRTY-TWO people that joined us on this trip.  YES you read that right THIRTY-TWO people!  TWENTY-THREE adults and NINE kids!
yes, it was crazy and YES it was FUN!!

So to not bore you with lots of details I'm going to give you a run down of what we did while there...
lazyyyyy's AND yes we were under the covers in the 100 degree weather because the room temperature was set to 68!
 where we thought we would win a SUPER cool prize, and didn't even take the kids with us because we THOUGHT it was Adults only....ya, we were the ONLY adult only table.
As you can see by our faces!  We were ALL shocked we were the only ones without kids! #TBJ
Needless to say with ALL those cards we didn't win NOTHING, NOT even ONCE!  

WE did 
LOTS of eating!
Club Sandwiches=AMAZING! #TBJ
Lots of Bolies!

and I might have bought stuff to make sundaes TWO nights in a row and the kids didn't get any either night...sorry kids but Carter made me do it!

looks like the husband is drowning while carrying the baby! #TBJ
throwing kids...NBD #TBJ
this KID would NOT leave the kiddie pool...umm EVER! #TBJ
Just floating around, NBD #TBJ
LOVE this bathing suit! #TBJ
Michael Phelps in the making #TBJ
Michael Phelps GIRL VERSION (sorry don't know any girl swimmers) #TBJ
took naps
some people more then others...
like grandma like grand daughter #TBJ
Great Grandma sleeping by the pool, don't ask her if she's TIRED though, cause she's NOT even sleeping!! #TBJ
The kids 
watched Despicable Me 
ummmm 10,000,000 times!
Kids cried
Poor Bryson!!  Your Mom is ALWAYS making you CRY!
this is what happens when you ask a kid to hang towels outside to dry :l
this is the amount of towels we had at the end of the ONE room!
Kids Danced!
ohhh ya getting down!
She was even killin' flies while dancing!
P.S. I know MOST of my pictures are of TWO kids, but it's because they're just so much cuter to take pictures of! :)

enjoyed the view some more
it was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!! :D
and some people were 
this was so my dad, my sister & me last year!
It was so much fun, and now of COURSE I can't wait for the next Vacation!  We'll have to see where we end up...even though I KNOW NO matter where we go, I'm POSITIVE it's going to be a BLAST!!

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