I can't even begin to explain how happy I am that today is THURSDAY!! Even though I had Monday & Tuesday off, it seems like this week is draggingggggggggg :l Isn't that they way it always is when you only work a couple of days? The days take longer? Or is that just me?
Without FURTHER ADO....
It's okay that....
....RANDOM people's blogs that I follow annoy me! BUT I can't stop reading them :/
....I have entered into a RIDICULOUS amount of giveaways and still have yet to win one :(
....my little Marlee Muffin is going through something like separation anxiety or something because she's scratching at the door when we leave and scratching at the doors when the Husband is taking a shower...my poor baby I don't know what to do to help her :l
....I got RIDICULOUSLY excited when I saw the baby shower invites that the husband's cousin did for little Carter's shower! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!!
....we FINALLY decided on a middle name...AND that LOTS of people that I have told what it is are already TALKING SHIT! Ummmm remember when it's MY baby and ME & THE HUSBAND can name him whatever we WANT!! DUHHHH Oh & on his shower invites his name looks so cute together LOVE LOVE LOVE!
....my little Santiago is staying at my parents house "visiting" for a couple of years until we buy a house and can take him back, it just seems like he is NOT lovin' his new digs as much as we thought he would, and he seems much happier @ the parents house where he can RUN and be free!
....I'm POSITIVE that maybe some of the separation anxiety that my little muffin has is because Santiago doesn't live with us anymore :( Sorry Muffin, we'll take you to visit him this weekend! PROMISE!!
....we of COURSE had a RIDICULOUSLY fun time this weekend on our vacation & that I got hardly ANY pictures, I swear I used to be a GREAT photographer & NOW, NOW I suck!
....I didn't do ANYTHING for my birthday NOTHING AT ALL! Wait! I had pizza...and I bought Carter some new stuff at the outlets, idk for some reason it didn't feel like my birthday this year....oh well I have plenty more & NEXT year when it's my bday I'll have a 9 month old baby :D Can't wait!!!
....I can't wait for the next 12 weeks to go by! I KNOW that I can, because I have soooooo much stuff to do before the baby gets here, BUT I can't wait to see his little face! :)
....I really really really hope Carter is born on my Mom's birthday or somewhere really close so that he can wear the Halloween costume that I already have picked out for him.
....I get SUPER happy when people ask, "How far along are you?" and I say "7 months" and they reply with "ohhhhhh you're little!" YES!! PLEASE stay little baby Carter, we would like a calmmmmm easy delivery please!
....I wear glasses now at work for the computer and think it's hilarious that when I look away from the computer everything is blurry! hahahaaha makes me feel like those people that need glasses for every day things.
....everyone keeps asking me when I'm going to go out on Maternity Leave and I have NO idea AT ALL! I WANT to stay at work until as late as possible so I get more time after, but that MIGHT change if this baby makes me RIDICULOUSLY uncomfortable!
....I need to go grocery shopping, and haven't been in ummmm two weeks :l TERRIBLE I know! BUT uggh I didn't wanna go before we went on vacation and now it feels pointless to go during the week, operation MAKE WHATEVER IS IN THE PANTRY is in FULL effect!
....the husband and I are STILL OBSESSED with Sons of Anarchy!! It's just sooooooooo good!
....little Penelope decided that since she went 4 days without rigorous potty pad training she should come home and TRY to forget she was trained at all....ohhhhhh nooooooo it feels like all those months are getting lost...please don't let it be so! OPERATION: Get Penelope back to level of training she was at, is ALSO in full effect!
....I am counting down the days until my due date, I can't wait to be home with the puppies and having time to get the babies nursery together, hmmm those 6 weeks before don't sound so terrible after all...BUT then I'd have to come back SOOONER...nevermind only 80 days!! YAY!!
....I get SUPER easily annoyed and if you are annoying I think you shouldn't be around me, sorry but I can handle VERY little right now and I have NO tolerance for DUMB people! AT ALL!
....I want ice cream!
....I got a birthday cake on my birthday and we never cut it, it's still sitting in the container it came in, maybe we should cut that tonight...but it feels like a waste when it's just me and the husband.
....pregnancy brain is a killer, and I have looked back up at the rest of my "it's okays" to make sure that I haven't repeated myself yet. Same thing happens in text messages.
....we still haven't gotten our deposit back from moving out of the old apartment when we moved out a MONTH ago!! ACTUALLY it's NOT okay, and I called and they said they mailed it...why do I have a feeling that they BARELY mailed it today?
....every single time I read or write "I have a feeling" that dumb Black Eyed Peas song plays in my head? EVERY SINGLE TIME! "I have a feeeling woooooooo hoooooooooo that tonight's gonna be a goooood nightttttt"
....we bought tickets to Coachella for next year AND I'm ALREADY having anxiety about leaving the baby, it's really a good thing that the Husband and I already talked about this and we decided that if we don't feel comfortable leaving him then we are going to sell our tickets....hey at LEAST we'll make some money off them!
....I lonnnnnnnnng for a king size bed, and I'm sad that we COULD buy one, BUT I would much rather pay off some of the debt we have :( Maybe next year king size bed! UNLESS we win the lottery! :)
....it's ALMOST friday!! YAY!!!
1 comment:
It's ok that I'm gonna hide in the closet or bathroom at the hospital so that I can take one bagillion pictures of you giving birth!!! Buahahahaha you'll never know ;) love sissy lala
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