Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Welcome Fall

I know that loooooooots of people have been talking about Fall and all the things they love about it, SOOOO I decided to give you a couple of things that I LOVE LOVE LOVE about Fall!!  I mean I love all seasons, because I always feel like when it's time for the next season to come, we are COMPLETELY ready for it, I mean I could NEVER live in Hawaii, I head it NEVER gets cool there...I like days when I have to wear boots and scarves (even though people in other states would say that we in CA don't really know what it is to experience the seasons, I like OUR seasons VERY much THANK YOU :D)

So, here are a couple of things, that I'm SUPER excited for now that it's fall!

USUALLY by now, or VERY soon we would be going to the L.A. County Fair, it's so much fun!!  They have the BEST food, the BEST things to buy and watch and do, and we ALWAYS have so much fun...unfortunately we have NOT been able to afford to go to the fair this year :(  it's okay NEXT year we'll have an ALMOST one year old to take and enjoy everything BRAND new!! :D  Can't wait!
Yes, that's a money machine, and NO it wasn't real money BUT we did get to win prizes according to how much money you put in the box, and IF I can remember right the husband did pretty good.

OF COURSE football season!  I mean really?  Who's NOT excited to see some dudes tackle each other, throw a football, kick a football, and just have fun?  Okay and I'll admit I MIGHT be a tiny bit jealous that I can not have a beer while watching Monday night football....sooon (hopefully)
P.S. YES this pictures is blurry BUT how many of you have a picture with a super bowl trophy?  NOT many I'm positive!

Like I've said MANY times before, ALMOST NO one in my entire family has their OWN birthday, actually we figured it out, and the ONLY one that has their OWN birthday is my cousin Brianna AND the only reason that is, is because she was born SUPER premature, at around 24 weeks gestation, so IF she would have been born ON time, she would have been lumped into the June in October is NO different, we start off with my FAVORITE person's birthday!  Which is coming up NEXT week!
 My grandma!  I mean isn't she the cutest little thing you've EVER seen!!?!  Sorry about the blurry's old and I didn't even take it!
The last couple of years we go to Panda Inn (a SUPER delicious Chinese restaurant) for her birthday because 1.) she LOVES chinese food, and 2.) this ones her FAVORITE!  This was a couple of years ago, not too sure why our faces look like this BUT omg I can't believe how little these kids are :(  They're growing up WAYYY too fast!

In October we also celebrate my Mom's bday & my Aunts and we have a couple of other cousins and great aunts bdays too!
Last year was the SECOND year in a row that we made it to the Pumpkin Patch!  They have it every year at one of the colleges I attended, and it is HUGE!!  I will have to post some pictures of how gigantic it is, but literally ALL you see is Pumpkins!  So pretty!  AND all pumpkins are only $5!  LOVE
YOU better believe we WILL be going back in a couple of weeks :D

Fall signals all my HOLIDAY wreaths coming out!!!  STARTING with Halloween :)
I posted a tutorial here on how to make this!  AND I  LOVE LOVE LOVE it! 

Right after Halloween I get to put out my Thanksgiving one! :D
For some reason they just make me a little happier when I get home!  They're just so cute :)

Then comes one of my FAVORITE holidays!!!!
 YESSSSS one year I was a nerd, and YES I did make the husband dress up with me!  HEY that was probably one of the cheapest costumes I EVER was, and I LOVED IT!
Well actually this costume was pretty cheap, it was PUT together @ Rite Aid on Halloween, RIGHT before we went to pass out candy!  The husband was Don King (yep he thought of that ALL on his own and thought it was the BEST idea EVER) and I was a bank robber! :D
The husband and I were cave people last year for my Aunt's Bday party/Halloween party and I LOVED it!  Since we had some left over fabric, because the Husband decided he just wanted to wear a dress my gma joined us!  What a cute cave family we are ha :)  See here my gma is beating up the husband for trying to drag me by my hair!  NO ONE noticed that ha?  :D 
P.S.  YES these costumes were COMPLETELY hand made AND no we did not sew ANYTHING all those years in the sorority really helped me in learning how to make costumes completely out of safety pins and hot glue :)
 The Monsters!  They LOVE Halloween too!  I mean can't you tell?!?  Especially little Fox! :D
Traded costumes, and I think these were way better :)
AND everyone knows that Halloween is about wearing RIDICULOUS things, so gives me an excuse to wear PINK eyelashes!  LOVED!  I was a witch on actual Halloween, so I wore these eyelashes and a nice witch hat again courtesy of rite aid ON Halloween :D

Fall means my anniversary is coming :)
November 13th :)
awww I love fall :)
cooler weather
longer nights
hot coffee/chocolate
and getting ready for

Welcome Fall, you are greatly appreciated :)


Jamie said...

I need to find a money wind machine ASAP! :) Thanks for linking up.

Alicia Marie said...

I don't think they have pumpkin picking in Miami. :( But I'm all for cooler weather and getting ready for christmas!!

l said...

I love the caveman costumes!! And your pups are so cute!! I love the pink eyelashes...I wore feather eyelashes last year! New follower from the Blog Hop!