Thursday, February 28, 2013

OMG!! Baby Carter is FOUR months old!!

Weight: just weighed him and he's 14.6 :O can't believe how big he's getting!  that's ALMOST double what he was born at!  #pleasestopgrowingsofast

Height:  I think he's probably about 25 inches, last time I checked he was 2 feet :)

Clothing Size:  He can still fit his 3 month clothes (barely) and he's MOSTLY in 3-6 BUT anything six 6 months is still ridiculously big!  Except t-shirts, and pajamas those he has to have in size 6 months, I'm thinking it's because of the material?  I don't know but I can't believe he can even fit into six month clothes at all!

Diaper Size:  Still size 2, but since I order his diapers on amazon I ordered size 3 next, so we'll see how that goes.

Feeding:  He's still exclusively BF, we're waiting until he gets closer to 6 months to start any solids, EVEN if everyone in my family thinks it's time for him to eat CAKE   >.<  anyone else have this problem??

Sleep:  Hmmm I can't really say, he's steady because one week he'll sleep 6 hours straight then then wake up to eat and go back to sleep for another 6 hours, BUT other times he's up every two hours, SO all I can say is I am either used to waking up like this or it's getting better, because I hardly ever feel tired in the mornings.

-This month he started smiling at people that you know, I can't help but smile when he start smiling & kicking your feet because he see me or his dad it's the BEST.
-He LAUGHS so much now, especially when you tickle him, HILARIOUS!
-Starts kicking in the bath
-Is slowly BUT surely learning how to use his jumper.
(actually he shuffles, I MUST get it on video asap)
-He learned how to whine, is that a milestone?
-He learned how to roll on his side and will eventually turn himself completely around!! :-O
-He also learned how to roll kinda he'll get over BUT gets stuck AND he can roll from his stomach to his back ONLY the first time you put him down after that he won't do it again...weird? Ya I thought so too.
-OH and he LOVES to play indian :) (is that what it's called?  when you pat their mouth and they make noise?  that's probably not the politically correct word at all BUT I am part indian soooo i can say that right?)
-Oh and he learned how to YELL!!!  I love it!!!  SO funny!
-OMG I totally ALMOST forgot!!!  He learned to say MOM!!!!!  NO joke, he says it...I'm sure he doesn't know he's calling me...BUT he does say MOM ;)  does that count as his first word?  or he has to associate it with something for it to be a word, and not just a sound?  Whateva...his FIRST sound is MOM :)  LOVE LOVE LOVE!  CLEARLY he loves me the MOST :D

(Man we learned lots this month ha?)

-Went to a Toms Sale GOT 7 pairs of brand new Toms!
-Took Valentine's Day pictures!
-Celebrated Valentines Day
-Took our FIRST family pictures ;) (pictures coming soon)

Mommy & Daddy could NOT get through this month without:
-Carter!!  Literally he's the highlight of our lives, I can't believe how much I Love this kid.
-his jumper, he loves that thing!!
-his chuppies (he's obsessed)
-STILL lovin our Aden + Anais swaddlers
-OUR phones, so we can take LOTS and LOTS of pictures and videos of our cute little boy!  :)

Now, please Carter STOP GROWING SO FAST!!  These last FOUR months have FLOWN by, I feel like I'm going to wake up and my sweet little boy is going to be 18!  -.-  Slow down time!!!  You're giving me whiplash!

Happy 4 Months baby :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New me?? for a while I'd been dyingggggg to grow my hair out & I looooved it!!! But you know when you're just sick of looking at the same thing ALL the time?! Well I was sick of my hair it was just boring -.- I got bored, so I tried bangs because I loooved having my hair long and then they grew out and I got bored again...I wanted something new!

Sooooo I decided a while ago I would dye it or cut it something anything to get me out of this funk! I mean my hair was sooo long now that I didn't even like wearing it down because it was just getting in the way...and it was so hard to put into a bun OR even just tie up real quick at home! #soannoying

Sooooo this weekend I finally made the very rash decision to just go for it and do something brand new!!! I called my hair stylist friend and decided to get a cut and color! And there you have it!

I mean...


P.S. Don't mind my ridiculous bathroom pic...I mean YES the toilet seat is up...(the husband doesn't always put it down -.-)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Pretzel Bites

On Valentine's day I was on IG and saw a picture of these cute pretzels with Hershey kisses and m&m.

I mean I've seen them before, on Pinterest AND they've been on my TO DO board on Pinterest for ummm ever...

Sooo on Valentine's Day I thought oh those would be a CUTE extra Valentine's Day snack for the husband since he LOVES chocolate covered Not so much.

I immediately ran to target and got the much needed supplies!! And you know what?! They turned out AMAZING (at least that's what the husband said I didn't taste them)

Soooo if you would like to make your own chocolate pretzel m&m snacks here you go!!!

Ohhhhh andddd I only bought ONE bag of Hershey's kisses and I don't know what I was thinking you need 1 kiss per pretzel so I had envisioned making a HUGE bowl of this snack for the husband to share with LOTS of people AND ummm the whole bag made a small ziplock bag next time I would definitely buy more Hershey's kisses because NOW I have enough m&m's & pretzels for bowls full but no more kisses!

FIRST:  SET OVEN to 175 Degrees Fahrenheit :)

SECOND:  GRAB a bag of Pretzels :)

SECOND:  You put some of the pretzels onto a cookie sheet

THIRD: Unwrap your hershey's kisses AND place your kisses onto of your pretzels.

FOURTH:  You stick your kisses/pretzels in the oven for 4-6 minutes!  I put mine in for 6 and they were a tiny bit too melted, so I say you just leave them in there four or so minutes and see if they're enough melted to smash down.

FIFTH:  Take your pretzel/kisses out of the oven.

SIXTH:  Grab your M&M's.

SEVENTH:  Place your M&Ms into the middle of your kiss/pretzels.

EIGTH:  Let them cool :)



Friday, February 22, 2013

A couple of photoshoots :)

Okay, so I made it my new years resolution to start taking more pictures with my NICE camera.  I mean I have one and it doesn't get used nearly enough!  So, this year I have been trying to use it AS MUCH as possible!  I mean I do have a cute baby to take LOTS of pictures of now :)

So, without further ado, take a peak at my SD card :)

OH and prepare for picture overload!  OH and I'm pretty sure Carter is completely OVER taking picture, it's okay, he'll thank me when he's older and has a MILLION picture to look at of himself as a baby :)

Oh, P.S. if you follow me on IG you probably have seen some or most of these, sorryyyyy but I mean they're pretty cute so enjoy again :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

It's Okay!!!

Is it Thursday?  Really?  Already?  I swear it will be Monday, and then I close my eyes and it's instantly THURSDAY!  Which I'm not complaining about, I mean I LOVE LOVE LOVE when it's the weekend, because it means the Husband is home with us :)  and we LOVE IT!!!

BUT, without Further Ado....

It's Okay that....

....I finally found a dog shampoo that I LOVE and I found it at Target of all places, AND it wasn't an arm & a leg!

....I completely finished the kids baptism invites and just realized right this second that I thought the baptism is in 2 months and it's actually in 6 weeks!  :-O  well either way, invites are done!  Now to send them out!

....I AM OBSESSED with Lauren Conrads line @ Kohls!  I love her fabrics, the patterns and ALMOST everything that she comes out with is just soooo freakin cute!!!  I desperately want these shoes!  BUT I'm waiting until they go on a better sale, I mean they're cute, but I don't want to spend $50 -.-

....I am pissed that MOST of the boy clothes that I have seen are plaid shorts!  -.- I can't explain it, BUT I can't stand plaid shorts for little boys...maybe because that's all I ever see little boys wear?  I don't know BUT I hate those outfits that are plaid shorts, and the shirt has a truck and on the truck it has that same plaid...ugh whyyyy is that ALL they had at Kohls when I went this week?  I LOVE Old Navy, BUT our Old Navy only has a baby section about the size of my closet, so I am in desperate need of a GOOD old navy baby section...

....I am so excited for our trips planned in a couple of months, first San Francisco and then Big Bear (yes the same place Domner was found) baby knows how to whine now, how?  I have no idea i didn't even know it was possible for a four month old to whine.

....I as of tomorrow have a FOUR month old baby!!! How??  Where did the time go??  I can't believe how fast these last four months have literally FLOWN by!

....I found some super cute swim trunks for Carter and now cant wait for him to actually wear them :)

....I'm kindaaaaaa obsessed with Coffee still, I NEED a cup a day, at least, AND I might or might not have to warm it up 2 or 3 times by time I actually have time to finish it...BUT on Monday I was so excited I only had to reheat it ONE time!  WOOT WOOT!

....I THOUGHT that our liteweight chicco stroller was able to hold our infant car seat, I saw it in the babies r us ad and SWORE it was the same one we had...clearly it looks EXACTLY the same, except chicco added a clip thing to the the end...i owe the husband $10 and the husband bet on EVERYTHING even if we share what?!  We can say, HEY you OWE me, so I can buy this or that.

....I am TRYING to get on a cleaning schedule, and this week has been...ehhh I did half...maybe next week will be better.

....I'm obsessed with getting things ON SALE I have realized that I will hardly EVER if EVER buy anything full price, unless I know that there is no way it will ever go on sale.

....I'm SUPER excited for Easter :)

....I'm even MORE excited that  my sister has a photography friend that is going to take family pictures for the husband and I, eeek I can't wait!!!


HOOORAYYYY it's almost the weekend!! :D

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I KNOW that I am probably the WEIRDEST person on the planet, or the only one but I don't really ever listen to music....I mean I put it on in the background sometimes, BUT most of the times I forget and end up either sitting in the quiet or with the TV on, I mean when I used to commute my ridiculous commute I would much rather listen to Talk Radio, then music....I know, I know...I'm weird.

However, I have noticed that Carter LOVES music, so much that he'll be whining because he's tired or frustrated, OR who knows what he's feeling BUT as soon as I turn on some music, ESPECIALLY The Black Keys, he calms down, it's like instantly he's in love.
with music...clearly  he gets that from his dad because as I mentioned above I hardly ever listen to music.  But it is amazing!  I mean he can sit with me at the computer listening to music and be so calm for so long.  Maybe he'll be a rockstar some day?  And I can tell him stories of him crying and turning on music to calm him down?  Let's hope he also makes millions :)

We recently downloaded some lullabies he LOVES LOVES LOVES them!  you know what they are? Lullabies that sound like REAL music :)  I mean you can download a lullabye sounding song that sounds just like No Doubt, Coldplay, Metallic, and LOTS and LOTS more!!!  It's the BEST!

Rock-A-Bye Website

If you have a baby, are expecting a baby OR just like cool things check it out.  Baby Carter LOVES it! I mean when I was pregnant and actually still now I am constantly looking for "cool and different" things for Carter I get so tired of the standard cookie cutter things that are available at Babies R Us and Target so I crave different :)

Any of you Momma's out there have any cool product that you use for your babe that I should check out?  ;)

P.S. I wish Rock A Bye would have paid me for this post, BUT if anyone at Rock-A-Bye baby sees this post, feel FREEEE to send me some free downloads my baby loves them :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day & The Answers :)

The Husband has a ridiculous sense of humor, he often finds lying about things hilarious!  When in fact they are NOT funny.  Sooooo most of his answers are wrong, simply because he THOUGHT his answer was sooooo much more funny then the correct answer (see what I live with?  HEY!  At least he did it right?)  AND The Husband cusses a lot, you have been warned :)

How long have you been married?
His:  2 years 2 months
Hers:  It is now 2 years, 3 months :)
----At least he knows when our anniversary is right? ;)

Where was your first date?
His:  Iguanas when I put it in your butt
Hers:  Since we were friends (for 6/7 years) before we actually started dating we don't really have a specific time we count as a first date, BUT I always go by the first time we kissed and that would be when we were supposed to go to the movies but ended up meeting my aunt at a bar and then ended up going up to a hotel that is on a hill overlooking the city to see the BEAUTIFUL lights (same place he proposed to me 1 year later) :)
----I told you he's ridiculous!  He wishes I was Anne Hathaway can you tell?

Where was your first kiss?
His:  You don't even know this one.  I remember after we left one of my friends kickbacks.
Hers:  I already explained this one above :)
----What's funny is he didn't remember when he remembered when we got engaged to take me up there! :)

Who first said, "I love you"?
His:  We both did at the same time (JINX!!)
Hers:   He did!!!  AFTER literally two days of dating!!  Okay, maybe it wasn't two but it was really soon after we started dating #meanttobe
----He knows that he said it first, he just likes to pretend that I was as in love with him as he was with me when we first got together.

What were your wedding colors?
His:  BLACK AND YELLOW BLACK AND YELLOW!!!  Haha grey and purple
Hers:  Gray & Purple STILL love the combination today!
----He remembered :)

What is her most commonly used phrase?
His:  Big Booty
Hers:  I do say Big Booty a lot, or Stinky Butt to Carter :)
----It's pretty funny that these nicknames get used so much because I really have NO idea where they came from.

Who is her celebrity crush?
His:  Russell Martin
Hers:  Ryan Gosseling, but really?  Who doesn't have a crush on him?  Please name someone!!
----I totally forgot that I was OBSESSED with Russell Martin :)  that was when we used to go to lots of Dodger games, and he doesn't even play for them anymore!

If she is ordering drinks for both of you what would you each get?
His:  Beer duh
Hers:  I would probably order us both beers, since it's a lot easier, an IPA for him, something delicious for me that I can add lemon to!
----of course, we have a shared love for beer.

What is the best meal that she has ever cooked you?
His:  Posole
Hers:  I don't know albondigas?
----I should have known he was going to say that, I always forget how much he loves that.

What is the worst meal she has ever cooked you?
His:  Chicken & Rice
Hers:  Anything I've accidentally burnt?
----I've never cooked chicken & rice, but he had it one time at my parents and he HATED it!  hahaha

What is the most-played song on her iPod?
His:  Metalhead
Hers:  Anything by The Black Keys, since that is ALL that Carter listens to EVER!
----He's ridiculous!  And thinks it's so funny that I used to listen to a lot of Metallica

What would she say is your most annoying habit?
His:  Bitching
Hers:  His short temper!  It's ridiculous!
----I think he thought that said HER most annoying habit #dick

What is the last thing she does before going to bed?
His:  Tell me she loves me, and gives me a bj
Hers:  Tell him I love him, kiss him goodnight and then kiss the baby goodnight
----hahahahah he wishes!

If you could throw out one item of her clothing what would it be?
His:  The shit she doesn't wear
Hers:  I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but he usually makes fun of my sparkly clothes #hater
----he SWEARS that all of the clothes in my closet I NEVER wear NO matter how often I go through it, soooo says the one that has a dresser FULL of t-shirts, YES t-shirts, NOTHING else!

What would you say is your favorite thing about her?
His:  Her ability to make me smile even when I'm super pist
Hers:  That I can cook.
----awe I can do that <3

What's her go-to drink at Starbucks?
His:  I don't know something skinny upside down shit.  I don't think it's normal for someone to have such a difficult coffee drink.  Coffees coffee just drink the shit.
Hers:  Iced Caramel Macciato skinny upside down, with extra caramel sauce!  DELICIOUS!!
----he swears he doesn't know but he always orders it for me :)

What's her blog name?!
His:  My life as I know it.
Hers:  Life As I Know It :D
----pretty close

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I hope you are all having a wonderful day!!!

I don't care if this is a made up holiday or not, it's always fun to get fun stuff for no reason, and I always love excuses for the husband to tell me how much he loves me!  I'll be sure to post the husband's presents tomorrow :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Change in Perspective

Okay soooo before becoming a mom I always thought....

I don't know why people let their kids dictate their schedules, I mean aren't you supposed to tell them what to do??

If you have never thought this then good for you, but clearly I was delusional!  Because since having Carter I am NO where near in charge of my own schedule.

I remember at the end of my pregnancy we were going to go to dinner with some friends and the husband had invited one of his old friends from high school and he said they couldn't go because they don't take their kids out at night.  I told the husband, hmmm that's weird.  I wonder why?  Seems weird to me, to be home at a certain time just because of your kids.

Well, fast forward 4 months and I am in the same exact predicament.  You see, now I am the mom telling people that we can't go out to dinner with them, because my baby needs to be in bed at a decent hour!  Am I really THAT mom??  Please bloggy friends don't tell me I am the only one besides the husbands friend....

I thought that I wouldn't be this way, and when we first had Carter, WE were in charge of our own schedule, we did what we wanted, stood out late with family and friends, and put Carter to sleep when we wanted to.
Three months later we were dealing with him still waking up at all hours of the night and never having a good nap in the day time.  You see a 3 month old that is not SLEEPING is not a very fun 3 month old.  Carter was CRANKY MC CRANKY!  So grouchy I was starting to call him Mr. Grouchy! (well he still is BUT it's different now).

So, I started reading "The No-Cry Sleep Solution"and at one point author says babies NEED routines, if you don't put your baby to bed at a decent hour they won't sleep throughout the night!  Then I thought to myself, wait?  So, I shouldn't let my 3 month old go to sleep with us?  Weird.  (dumb to think of it now, but I figured he didn't NEED a bed time because he didn't NEED to wake up at a certain time.)

So, I started giving him a bath around the same time every day, going to bed around the same time everyday and low and behold my little baby is becoming not so much of a grouchy pants anymore!  Can you believe it?!  I know me either!

So, now when anyone asks "Do you want to go to dinner?"  I say "as long as it's an early dinner say 5?" Unless it's at our house where we can put him to bed and then eat later.  Please don't judge me, because I too have become one of THOSE parents who's life revolves around their kids.
And, you know what?

I don't mind it.

I mean, when the husband and I decided to have a baby we knew that our lives would no longer be our own, I mean NOW we have a baby that depends on us every day to do the right thing by him, and create for him the BEST life that we possibly can :)  AND if that means I can no longer go out for late night dinners, that's completely fine by me!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Valentine's Day Link Up :)

Here are the instructions:
  1. Fill out the questions below with your answers
  2. Hand over the same set of questions to your spouse and see if they can answer the questions about you. 
  3. Write your post and compare both of your answers
  4. Link up here on February 14th
HA, I am so excited to read all the fun answers, should be interesting to say the least.
Here are the questions: Feel free to add or take away any questions you want.
  • How long have you been married? 
  • Where was your first date? 
  • Where was your first kiss? 
  • Who first said, "I love you"? 
  • What were your wedding colors? 
  • What is her most commonly used phrase? 
  • Who is her celebrity crush? 
  • If she was ordering drinks for both of you what would you each get? 
  • What is the best meal she has ever cooked you? 
  • What is the worst meal she has ever cooked you? 
  • What is the most-played song on her iPod? 
  • What would she say is your most annoying habit? 
  • What is the last thing she does before she goes to bed?
  •  If you could throw out one item of her clothing what would it be? 
  • What would you say is your favorite thing about her? 
  • What's her go-to drink at Starbucks? 
  • What's her blog's name?!
Can't wait to see everyone's answers and I'll see everyone linked up on Valentine's Day :D

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Hellooooo and welcome Tuesday! So nice to see you! Is it bad that I also count down the days until the weekend even though I'm not even working? (so what, I love hanging out with the husband so the weekends are the highlight of my weeks)

Is it me or does it feel like I have 101 things to do and every single day I get 1 thing done...please tell me I'm not the only one that gets easily distracted by a cute baby that would much rather play then clean the house!

I'm in the process of reading THREE yes THREE books, I can't help it! I'm trying to finish all of them BUT I get stuck reading one, one day & then the next day I'm stuck on the other is teaching me how to get Mr Carter to sleep better and so far it's AMAZING! I want to finish it ASAP too so I can start implementing all of the ideas BUT sometimes learning books get boring and I gotta switch over to Ali Wentworths book I don't even know who she is except she comes out on the view ALL the time and she's funny so I got her book! And I'm glad I did cause its also pretty funny! Ohhhh and I'm positive I didn't mention this before BUT I just got 25 books in my iBooks for $5! Yes you read that right $5!! Woot woot! I loooove when I find sales!

Carter decided he was going to be Mr Grumpy man as soon as we got to my parents house for the Super Bowl on Sunday -.- BUT I'm glad to say he threw his fit RIGHT when the power went off sooooo I didn't miss ALL of it! Which leads me to the 3rd book I'm reading! The wonder weeks book, I've heard lots about it now I wanna know if its true! BUT mostly I want to know how to help carter NOT get meltdowns every couple of weeks.

Is it bad that we just booked a vacation for May and I couldn't be more excited?! I have been dying to go on a vacation.  The husband and I usually go on a vacation once a year BUT last year with being pregnant and the husband taking a whole week off when carter came we couldn't do it sooooo this is our first vacation since LAST November when we went on our cruise! YES November 2011! :/ I'm soooo excited to get outta town! And I loooove flying on planes (hoping & praying so does Carter)
From our trip to San Francisco 2009 :)
Is this post all kinds of random for you? Ya I thought so too! BUT the husband did paint Carter's dresser for his room FINALLY! (So what were a couple months late having his room ready, it's not like he sleeps in there) and it came out AMAZING!!! Now we just need a toy box and a book shelf (coming soon) and we'll OFFICIALLY be done!!  It might actually be finished by time he turns one.  are we procrastinators?  maybe a little bit.

Okay this post is WAY too random to continue BUT we registered for Carter's baptism and I'm SUPER excited!  That, and I can't believe it's ALMOST time for Easter when this happened!  So exciting can't believe a year ago I was pregnant!  :)  OH and I wanna donate my hair...does anyone know if there is a specific salon that does this?  Super cuts or something?  Ugh it's getting ridiculously long and I'm kinda over it being THIS long.  Plus they'll make wigs for kids with no hair, sounds awesome to me :)

Happy Tuesday Friends :D

Friday, February 1, 2013


Tonight, the husband and I were watching old videos of us when we first started dating and as we were watching them it felt like just yesterday that all those things happen, when in reality it's been almost FIVE years since we first started on man time sure does fly by when you're having fun.
So of course while our baby sleeps and we talk and have remember all the fun things we did while we were dating, I can't help but sit here and think about how truly grateful I am.
Grateful, for all that has happened to me since me and the husband decided to become boyfriend and girlfriend.
Grateful, that he chose me to be his wife, forever and always.
Grateful, that I have truly married my BEST FRIEND, the person that I could talk to about ANYTHING always.  I mean I did just watch a video of me going on and on to him about being pissed because someone (I'm assuming my sister) bought the WRONG kind of doritos and the ones SHE bought weren't ON SALE she paid FULL price, and FOOD 4 LESS ALWAYS has Doritos on sale!  YES that really happened. 
Grateful, that although we aren't in the EXACT life position we would like to be, I mean it WOULD be wonderful if I had a teaching job lined up, OR we owned our OWN house, BUT we are in this life TOGETHER and more in love then I EVEN thought possible.
Grateful, that through our love that came after 7 years of friendship and our 5 years of dating, we have created this perfect human being...this tiny person that neither of us could love anymore.
And grateful, for all that god has given me, I mean I don't mean to brag (okay maybe I'm bragging just a little bit) BUT I truly love my life, and am thankful to god every single day for giving me such an amazing husband to spend such an amazing life with.
Happy Weekend Friends :)  Have a GREAT one! :D