Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Baby Laines-19 weeks

How far along: 19 Weeks :)

Baby's size: about 6 inches, the size of a heirloom tomato! 

Miss Anything: this weekend I was missing alcohol a tiny bit because there were so many bbq's and so many people were looking cool drinking a beer, but nothing else really.
Best moment this week: being excited that tomorrow we are going to find out what this little baby is!
Movement: still nothing that I can say for sure that was the baby, I feel something, but this baby doesn't move much :)
Food cravings: nothing really...not this week anyway, it's probably because I had too much junk over the weekend. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: STILL CHICKEN!!
Maternity Clothes: I did buy a couple of more belly bands so that I can continue to wear my pre-pregnancy jeans...but man are my jeans getting tight :(
Stretch marks: none yet...still praying
Symptoms I HAVE:  finally into that honeymoon stage that they keep talking about, and its amazing :D
Doctor’s Appointment: had an appt last week, and the Dr said that the babies heart beat was strong and in the high 140's!  YAY!  considering i haven't gotten much movement out of the little one, I was worried everything wasn't alright...she said everything sounded perfect and TOMORROW we have the gender ultrasound...could I be anymore excited?  Probably NOT!!  :D  Please pray Baby L shows us the goods tomorrow, I'm tired of calling the little one an "it" he or she would be nice to hear :)

Gender: TOMORROW!!!
Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :) 

Happy or Moody most of the time: no change here, still happy, and still crying for every little thing :,( I seriously had to change the channel last night because I saw the 16 & Pregnant episode on where Tyler & Catelynn give away Carly, OMG I wanted to cry just thinking about it!  OMG!  My eyes get watery thinking of it now, these hormones are crazy!

Sleep: It's still good thank god!

Showing: same...
What I’m looking forward to: seeing Baby L on the ultrasound tomorrow morning :)  YAYY!! I can't wait to see how much he/she has grown!


AngieP said...

Where do you get your belly bands from? I haven't gotten one yet, and I am to the point where absolutely nothing even will ZIP!

Jasmyne! said...

That episode of 16 & Pregnant is a tear jerking...think I cried the whole time not even pregnant! Have you guys found out the gender? Are you sharing ;)

And AngieP I have found my belly bands from target and they are amazing!! So comfy! :)

Jade :) said...

Ughh NONE of my stuff zips AT ALL!! -.- BUT I got my belly bands @ target AND they also sell them @ motherhood maternity you can order them online or amazon! They're amazing! Makes life a LOT easier because I can still wear some of my old clothes for now! :)

Jade :) said...

Yessss we found out today! :) I'm gonna have a WHOLE post about it tomorrow!!! Can't wait to share :)