Dear New iPhone App (Photo Editor-the free one),
I am kinda obsessed with you! JUST a little, tiny bit. I mean puppies in funny get ups, how can anyone NOT be obsessed?? I think it's HILARIOUS!! :D
I am kinda obsessed with you! JUST a little, tiny bit. I mean puppies in funny get ups, how can anyone NOT be obsessed?? I think it's HILARIOUS!! :D
Dear OPI nail polish,
I am currently OBSESSED with you! I do not know what color you are, but you are so cute! So sparkely and I need these nails like NOW, thanks!
Dear Fox,
Why oh why are you so cute?!?! I get so mad when people see Marlee & say "aww that dogs cute" and then see you and say "Awww but he's soooooo much cuter" mean people don't know that dogs have feelings too! BUT idk you are pretty freakin cute!!
Dear Husband,
You seem to be driving me MORE and MORE crazy every single day! BUT I love you so much! YOU are AMAZING! (as if you already didn't know that) I can't wait for you to actually FEEL Carter move, since something is seriously wrong with your hand and you can't feel him yet. WEIRDO!
P.S. This reminds me of us :) Don't worry, you will be with me when I'm SUPER wrinkly, from not using sunblock and you're going to love it!
Dear Hair,
SERIOUSLY!! What the heck is going on!?! You are being ridiculous LATELY!! WHY must you be so dry??!? >.< there is NO way that it could be because you haven't gotten cut since December!! TO DO: Get hair cut!
Dear Carter,
You are AMAZING, I can't believe all the things I can feel you doing now, you really make my life complete and you're not even here yet! Yesterday when you had the hiccups I could not stop laughing it was hilarious!! I had to ask Auntie Steph if what I was feeling was what I thought it was, and yep it was, so funny that you could even get hiccups when you're so tiny! Can't wait for you to start moving more AND for you to finally get here! :)
Dear Bank Account,
Seriously?! Again this week you want to be empty?!? Get your shit together and stop being so loose with your money!
Dear Doctor,
It's weird that you make me wear a hospital bracelet to see the doctor, but I guess preggers people are known to faint, so I'm assuming that's why? ALSO thank your nurse for telling me that I would NOT have to do the glucose test the same way that everyone says I have to and getting my hopes up, ONLY for you to tell me this week, that I DO in fact have to the REAL test that everyone talks about and HATES NOOOOOOOOO :-O
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Dear 4th of July,
I totally forgot that we get you off at work YAY!! Too bad you're in the MIDDLE of the week!! AND too bad we're not going to be moved into our new apt by time you get here. BUT don't you fret I have been wanting to make a funfetti cake for weeks now and I'm thinking that on this day shall be the PERFECT time to make one! JUST like this one! LOVE!!!
So festive right!?!
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Dear Baby Shower,
I can't wait for you to get here! You're gonna be so much fun!
Dear Blog,
Look at Me!! Adding pictures to you today :D You're welcome :)
Dear Blog,
Look at Me!! Adding pictures to you today :D You're welcome :)
Dear Weekend,
SO glad you finally made it! YAY to not having TOO much to do this weekend! WOO HOO those are the BEST weekends!
Dear Bloggy Friends,
Have a FANTASTIC weekend!!! YAY!! We made it through the FIVE long days of being at work, and now are rewarded with TWO days off!! Enjoy it! Oh and HAPPY FIRST WEEKEND OF SUMMER!!! It's officially here!
Love your letters miss! Found your blog from Ashelys page and wanted to say hello!
Happy to be your newest bloggy friend & follower :)!
Say hi back sometime?
Those little pups are just too cute for words!! I love them!
Holy crap finally.
Longest. Week. Of. My. Life.
I'm pretty sure those are THE cutest puppies in the entire world, and an app that can put all sorts of cutesy things on them?! Awesome. :)
Such a great list!! Those are seriously the most adorable puppies ever. They almost look too cute to be real! Hahaha!!
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