Thursday, June 21, 2012

It's Okay Thursday

Hellooooooo, can you believe that it's THURSDAY again?? 

Okay, so it's okay.....

....I'm dying of thirst, but don't want to drink TOO much water because then I'll have to pee in 5 minutes.
....that they called me yesterday to RESCHEDULE my appointment that I had scheduled for today, and when I told them morning or late afternoon they scheduled me for the SAME exact time!  Wouldn't it have been easier to just say "Hey, your doctors out, so & so is going to see you instead"
....I really can't wait for July to get here, JULY did you hear me??  You're taking incredibly too long to make your appearance!
....I HATE my new work schedule!!  AND every single day I want to ask my boss to switch me back, but then I get nervous and continue with the WORST schedule EVER!
....I want ice cream EVERY SINGLE day!  I mean, it's really not for me, it's for Carter, he's like his Dad he LOVES it!
....that the security guard at my work is seriously starting to get on my nerves, WHY must he always ask me a BILLION questions!??!
....I thought RHOC was SUPER hilarious last night when they were making such a HUGE deal about the lady eating the cake!!  I mean it was ridiculous and that girl is just gross BUT I LOVED that they kept yelling "SHE ATE THE BOW!!!"  It still makes me laugh today thinking of Heather's face when she gave her interview, and her Husband's face when she told him, "WHAT!?!  She ATE the bow!?!"  OMG who said the housewives are only drama?  CLEARLY there's comedy too!
....I ate a footlong the other day, when I had full intentions on bringing the other side to work for lunch the next day (again, not my fault, Carter just thinks he's starving)
....that I booked an appt for a 4-D ultrasound, even though I said I would NEVER get one!  (I want to be 100% sure that Carter is a boy!)
....we have a lot of stuff coming up in the next month actually from NOW until Carter gets here!
....that sometimes I try to delete apps from my phone because really I have WAYYY too many, but then I don't end up deleting ANY because I  mean I might need the Spanish again one day, and it's better this way.
....I always forget to change my desk calendar at work so EVERYDAY when I come in I spend 1/2 the morning thinking it's the day before, TODAY I thought it was Wednesday until lunch!
....that I haven't really cooked a meal at all this week, it's the husband's fault really!  I keep telling him let's go to the store, and he NEVER wants to!
....don't want the puppies to go to their new homes BUT they are starting to make a huge mess!
....that the puppies are so cute, I retract my above statement, they can stay FOREVER
....Santiago has been driving us NUTS lately!  ANYONE want to borrow a cute Siamese cat??  (he's even driving the puppies CRAZY, last night he went in their cage, and ALL of them started growling at him to get OUT! FUNNIEST thing that happened all day)
....that I really really really want to CHANGE my blog name, but haven't come up with the PERFECT name yet!  SOON!!!
....that I don't really realize how much I type everything in upper & lower case letters, until I try to write a work email like that (oops)
....I'm OBSESSED with emoji's!  I seriously love using them!  PROBABLY why I'm always typing happy faces on here, because I am deprived of emojis



Jasmyne! said...

I'm so with you on not wanting to drink anything, it sucks to be up all night!! Hey, typing in upper/lower case letters catches my attention, I like :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a crazy week!! Ainsley is loving Frozen lemonade like crazy, which there are no complaints from me - since I have to get diary to a minimum for my sake (darn lactose intolerance), but I stick it in there as much as possible since her daddy is a dairy-addict LOL. Isn't the love/hate of puppies wonderful?! ;-)
I changed my blog name at the beginning of the year, design and all - but it took a while for a name to pop out and stick that seemed to fit us, the bam - once I thought of it finally it was a done deal! :)