Friday, August 24, 2012

It's FRIDAY, FRIDAY got to get down on FRIDAY!

Really?  I know that EVERYONE in the world can't stand that song, BUT really?  It's the FUNNIEST song EVER!  Especially if you watch the video!...okay enough of the song...It's FRIDAY so it means it's time for 

Friday Letters YAY!!

Online Stores,
You have become an OBSESSION and I can't stop frequenting you, ESPECIALLY when you give me COUPONS & FREE SHIPPING I can't take it, I feel like I'm going broke while at work because I'm online shopping!  BUT I do love when I get those packages in the mail, it's always the best to see what you actually bought since you don't get to see it in your hands when you buy it!

DIY projects that I currently have going on,
Umm, I MIGHT have a little too much to do in the next two weeks, DEFINITELY in the next 4-10 weeks! So much to do for the baby!

How are you guys possibly so cute?  I have no idea, but you are so cute that I get sad thinking that you're home all day by yourselves!  Can't wait for maternity leave we are gonna hang out ALL day!

When will you stop?  I hate you!

Co Workers,
You are all so nice, always asking me about the baby, and how I'm feeling.  THANK YOU!  You're the BEST!

WHY must you always come while I'm at work and have NO medicine to treat you?  
(NOTE TO SELF:  Why do you ALWAYS forget to pack said medicine?)

Labor Day Weekend,
Are you really already next weekend?!  OMG I can't believe it!!!  You're kinda like the end of summer, which means Baby Carter will be here VERY soon!!

Baby Carter,
What is UP with you hurting me??  I know that you MUST be getting cramped in there, BUT could you pleaseeeeeeeee get out of my ribs, it doesn't feel good when I can't lay any way because my ribs hurt :(

Thank you for not being AS bad as I thought you would be, please be good to me for the next 8 weeks.  THANK YOU!

Really??  What is your problem??  President Obama wasn't even in town this week...what is going on seriously??  You are sometimes a LITTLE too ridiculous when it takes me an HOUR and FORTY FIVE minutes to get home!!!  NOT cool, please try again today and this time I would like more of a FORTY FIVE minute commute forget the HOUR!

I always want to go swimming in you, BUT yet have NO time to do so.  Maybe tomorrow?  AFTER all my errands of course!  :D

Potential Opportunity Coming My Way,
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE work out the way that I would LIKE you to, it would be nice if everything panned out the way that it should :)

I LOVE YOU!  You truly are the BEST husband in the ENTIRE world, even if EVERY SINGLE time I tell you that you think I am joking, I'm NOT really, I actually mean it!  Thank you for loving me, our dogs and our baby!  Yesterday, when you said "I don't know what I would do without you, OR Carter and he's not even here yet" brought tears to my eyes (true, it might be the pregnancy hormones, but I don't think so).  I'm so happy to see that you are as happy as I am that Carter will soon be here! 

Prenatal Pills,
Is it just me or do you seem to be getting harder & harder to swallow??  It just seems like you do NOT want to go down.

Hurry up and get over with please, I got LOTS to do in September and then it's FINALLY going to be October!

I can't wait for you to get here!!  NOT only will baby Carter be here in your month BUT you are ALSO the beginning of the holidays, I mean really, it's Halloween, then Thanksgiving the Christmas & New Years!  Can't wait for all those and a new baby!  HURRY!

Cold Weather,
Where are you??  I need you in my life, I'm over the humid heat...we live in SOUTHERN CA I have no idea what is going on, but when it's muggy and gross outside @ 10 pm I feel like I'm on the East Coast, and this weather is the EXACT reason WHY I refuse to move over there.

1st Baby Shower,
You are only TWO weeks away!  I can't wait for you to come!  I swear it's like Christmas!

THANKS for reading!!!  I LOVE reading your comments, so much fun!  AND I hope you ALL have a FABULOUS weekend!!  WOO HOO it's Friday!  Let's hope the weekend goes as slow as Mondays! :D

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I am the same with online shopping. is dangerous for me!

Can you take the gummie prenatals? That's what I take, but I'm not pregnant yet, so I'm not sure if my doc will change that if I get pregnant.