My due date was October 21st so when I woke up on Sunday and didn't feel NOT one contraction I starting thinking about how that day was MORE then likely NOT going to be the day that baby Carter would make his grand appearance!
AND then I went on Twitter and I saw all of the Kardashians posting that the 21st was Kim K's Bday!
I KNEW for sure he would NOT come that day now....he's like his dad and I knew he didn't wanna share his bday with Kim K! BUT I was still a tiny bit hopeful! THAT maybe he'd change his mind! OR I was going to do things to try to push him a tiny bit!
I really did EVERY single one of these things and NO baby Carter did NOT want to come out!! I remember as we were doing all these things trying to get him to make his appearance already the husband and I kept saying that it would be funny if he did come and then EVERYONE would say see the "whatever they told me to try" worked! So the husband gave me reese's peanut butter cups and said "if you go into labor tonight, we're gonna tell everyone it's because you ate reese's peanut butter cups! OH! AND chicken wings cause you ate those tonight too!" We could NOT stop laughing we watched a movie and THEN we kept hearing an alarm going was like 10pm on a sunday and we kept hearing this stupid car alarm going off FOREVER! Finally the husband went to go check who it was and it was a girl PASSED out in her car (I guess her bf/husband was trying to wake her up by pressing the panic button CLEARLY it was NOT working!) BUT me and the husband could NOT stop laughing we kept running from the living room to our bedroom (where there is a window that looks down into the parking lot) and laughing at the girl passed out in her car! She was arguing with her boyfriend and it was so funny! We were rolling (Okay, I'm sure this was a LOT more funny in person BUT this may or may not have been ONE of the reasons I went into labor) after running back and forth for 45 minutes to an hour the girl finally went to bed while yelling at whoever was taking her to bed and we had a good laugh and then watched the end of the movie! The clock turned passed midnight and I had finally accepted that Baby Carter would NOT be one of the 5% that was born ON his due date! Me and the husband were getting ready to go to bed and I changed the calendar in our living room to October 22nd and we headed to bed.
While I was laying there trying to get comfortable as MUCH as you can while 40 weeks and ONE day pregnant, I realized that I was getting cramps! I had to spend a day at labor & delivery earlier in the week and they were tracking my contractions and they finally told me that what I had been feeling the last couple of weeks things that felt just like menstrual cramps were contractions and I now knew what to look for. SO when I started getting cramps I was thinking oh cool at least a couple of contractions maybe he'll come in the next few days! I DID NOT want to be pregnant ALL the way until my next appt which wasn't until THURSDAY! I laid there watching TV and realized that my "cramps" were coming often even if they didn't I busted out my HANDY pregnancy app and started timing my "cramps" (at the time I THOUGHT they MIGHT be contractions but couldn't be POSITIVE!
I started tracking
They were every 4 minutes or SO but they didn't hurt...I mean they were just like regular cramps they didn't feel like everyone told me they would feel (worse pain in the world) sooooo I just kept timing...UNTIL it had been 1 hour! and I realized that I MIGHT be in labor :-O soooooo after about an hour and a 1/2 of timing them coming every 3-4 minutes I decided I should probably call L&D and see what they said....I called and they told me that unless I was in a LOT of pain or they got super close together I could stay at I did...and I was watching TV still timing...they got closer and closer together but still weren't hurting like I thought they should. BUT once they were coming EVERY 2 minutes I decided that we were going to have to go to the hospital so I took a shower and started getting ready to go to the hospital...once I got out of the shower I realized that they were now every minute and a half apart!! I immediately woke up the husband and tried to get him to hurry because NOW I was nervous that Carter would want to hurry up and come out and I wouldn't get to the hospital in time for an epidural (my biggest fear about having a baby was thinking I might have to do it with NO drugs) :l I know I'm terrible BUT whateva, I heard what that pain feels like and I feel NO need to feel it if I don't have to!
We got ready and NOW it was exciting! We all piled into the car, the husband and I plus the puppies, since we had already talked to my mom and told her that IF we had to go to the hospital in the middle of the night that she would come to the hospital to pick up the puppies from us and they would stay with her and my dad while we stood in the hospital! sooooo while we were on our way to the hospital I called my mom to meet us there and we were on our way....those 20 minutes felt like FOREVER because I had no idea how far along I was and I did NOT want to give birth in a car! We FINALLY got there and my contractions were a steady minute and a 1/2 apart and lasting 50 seconds to a minute and 30! It was a crazy feeling...when you are having a contraction it hurts...and then once it's over it's like you were never in pain at kept making me laugh when the contraction would go away because I would immediately not be in pain anymore...we got to the hospital and my mom was there waiting for us...we handed her the dogs and we told her we would let her know what they told us once we were checked and stuff. we got to L&D and were told that LOTS of ladies were having there baby that day! We figured that NO babies wanted to be born on Kim K's bday AND all the babies wanted to be born on the last day that they could be before becoming scorpios :) (my entire pregnancy my whole family just kept saying...I hope he's born on his due date so that he could be a libra...we don't want another scorpio (considering both my mom and gma are libras) P.S. last day of libra is October 22nd :)
To be Continued.....can't wait for you guys to hear alllllllllll about the actual delivery part (that was my FAVORITE part) and still makes me tear up thinking about it! :)
1 comment:
haha..."NO babies wanted to be born on Kim K's bday" love it! Whew, reading this made me think of those contractions all over again, o my! Can't wait for part 2!!
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