Thursday, January 31, 2013

It's Okay!!

Hellooooo...welcome to another addition of It's OKAY :D

It's perfectly okay that....

.....I have been MIA from blogging for quite a while, can I help it that when my baby is sleeping I'd rather stare at him sleep then do ANYTHING else umm ever?  Okay didn't think so.

.....EVERY single morning my coffee gets cold...either it's too cold in my house OR I take too long to drink it BUT I swear thank god I have a microwave.

....I have a caffeine addiction -.-  I get headaches now at night IF I didn't have any caffeine that day :l

....I realized that I missed beer a LOT more then I thought I did...whyyyy is it soooooo delicious?

....I have to pay for our insurance out of pocket this month and wtf!?!  $1200 is RIDICULOUS for one month!  (please come soon universal healthcare)

.....I have an addiction to baby I CAN'T stop buying them!!!  It's terrible I KNOW!  BUT I do say to myself....WELL Carter will just wear them for a little while BUT I know that my next kids are all going to be boys so they'll get good use out of them too, makes sense right?

.....I am back to being in LOVE with all the housewives...theyr'e just so much drama that I can't stop watching!

....Carter listens to The Black Keys so much that I am getting KINDA over them...

.....I am ALWAYS hungry!?!  I went from NEVER being hungry to being CONSTANTLY  starving -.- what is up...I have NO idea.

.....I'm KINDA obsessed with decorating my house for holidays I literally can't wait until we have a house so I can decorate like CRAZY every single that bad?

.....I keep saying I'm going to blog more and then don't.

.....I hate when my dogs lick me...idk why it bothers me so much!  BUT it does.

Hope everyone is having an FANTASTIC week! :)

Happy Thursday :D

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I think you should definitely blog more! I just started up again with it today. Hope you have a good week!