When I started this blog I thought it would be cool to just write about random things that were going on in my life, I mean when I was young I LOVED writing in a journal but stopped because I felt like it was dumb and I didn't ever want anyone to read through my thoughts, so once I started this blog I would write about what was going on, UNTIL I found out I was pregnant and then I REALLY REALLY wanted to write down everything that I was feeling so that I could remember exactly how I felt when things happened, or I was able to look back at exact details of events! Sooooo I like lots of bloggers that I read thought it only appropriate to not only read about the good things that happen in my life BUT also the terrible. BECAUSE those things are the ones that are easily forgotten (and for good reason, I mean who wants to remember the bad things?)
Soooo before I start, when I had Carter Kaiser told me that I had 30 days to add him to my companies insurance, so I got home from the hospital and I had a letter from my job telling me that it was OPEN ENROLLMENT time so I figured that I could add him through open enrollment as long as I did it within the 30 days, SO I immediately added him, and that was that. WELL a couple of weeks later Kaiser called me and told me that I had NOT scheduled his 2 month check up, and I told them I know I would like to schedule it, so they tried but said Carter was NOT covered under my insurance....hmmm weird right? I mean I ADDED him! I was SUPER confused so I went through all of the paperwork that my company had sent me about maternity leave, I mean did I miss something? Well as I was going through it I found a paper that said "if you are on leave for maternity please call blah blah blah within 30 days to add child" okay cool, first thing in the morning I called the lady NO ANSWER left a message, no call back so I called her back later that day NO ANSWER okay cool maybe she'll call me tomorrow well she did the next morning and I explained to her that I had ADDED him and wasn't sure why he didn't have insurance, it was 8:30 or so am you would have thought this lady was up all night with a newborn because literally she was one of the biggest bitches EVER! (so frustrating dealing with people ESPECIALLY that work in HR that are ridiculously RUDE!!) she told me that my baby was now 6 weeks old so it was too bad I had added him through open enrollment and COULD NOT add him until the beginning of the year. I explained to her that I was confused because I thought I HAD added him, her response? WELL IT WAS IN YOUR PAPERWORK SEVERAL TIMES (it was in there ONCE) that I had to CALL her within 30 days (can I tell you again how ridiculous this lady was?) I informed her that it was only in there once and I had missed it since I thought I could add him through open enrollment and that he would be added immediately. She said NO too bad I couldn't add him THERE WAS NOTHING SHE COULD OR WOULD DO and I would have to wait until the new year for him to be added! I immediately hung up on that EVIL lady and called my mom to explain to her what had happened she told me that, that was CRAZY because how could they tell me he couldn't be added just because I didn't add him within that small time frame BUT since it was only 3 weeks away until the new year that it would be okay....bad idea.
Soooo fast forward to December 18th (my parents 30th wedding anniversary, Happy Anniversary Guys!!) it was a normal day, my grandma and I had spent the day shopping and it was a good day! WELL Me & Carter got home around 5ish and we walked into our kitchen COMPLETELY covered in water, I mean the WHOLE entire floor! I called maintenance and they immediately came over here, well it was time for Carter to eat so I took him to the room to feed him and put him down for a nap while maintenance cleaned up the mess, apparently the line was clogged beneath us and the people above us ran their dish washer or washer machine or something with LOTS of water (it smelled like pine-sol, could have smelled worse) and all that water had come into our apartment! It was crazy so me and Carter were in my room we took a little nap and then I woke up while he continued to sleep and I decided it was time to put away some of the CRAZY pile of laundry that we had. The husband came home and his brother & girlfriend came by I continued putting clothes away and me and his girlfriend were talking about idk probably kim k being pregnant (psychics I know) when all of a sudden Carter woke up SCREAMING he has always done this, usually when he's naping randomly he'll just start crying in his sleep BUT this time he did it once like normal and then all of a sudden screamed LOUDER so loud that it scared me, it seemed like someone pinched him or something. So I picked him up and when I did he immediately turned BLUE!! YES BLUE!! I of course started freaking out and I HATE even thinking about it because it was so scary! I started patting him in his back and blowing in his face saying Carter breathe, Leslie also said Carter breathe and I KNOW that it couldn't have been MORE then 10 AT THE MOST 15 seconds I don't even think that long of me freaking out and trying to get him to breathe when ALL of a sudden all of his color was back! I couldn't believe, how fast he had turned blue was exactly how fast his color came back. It was so scary. and he was acting like everything was completely FINE. I couldn't believe it, and I was still in shock. He was hungry so I fed him, burped him and watched him carefully and nothing seemed completely fine, I didn't know what to do. So I called Kaiser to ask them if I should take him in? After speaking with the Nurse she told me that I should in fact take him in and when I told her he wasn't covered under my insurance she transfered me to the insurance people who informed me that IF I DID take him into Kaiser because he wasn't covered under my insurance anymore whatever it cost for him to be there would be completely OUT OF POCKET (can I just tell you again WHAT A BITCH THAT LADY was for not adding him?) I immediately called my mom and by now I was KINDA okay A LOT freaking out (I think I was in shock at first and didn't know how to feel) she of course didn't answer so I called my dad, who told me that I NEEDED to take him in NOW, but my Mom told us NOT to take him to Kaiser since Kaiser is private I needed to take him into a regular emergency room. (BY NOW I WAS COMPLETELY FREAKED OUT) we loaded him into the car and can I just tell you that he was cooing and hanging out the whole time I really think that the way he was acting was making me feel like he didn't need to go to the hospital because he was so calm and so happy.
Well we got to the hospital and they IMMEDIATELY took us in, YES I was in tears now, freaking out that something might be wrong with my brand new baby actually just writing this story is making my heart ache. They asked us a MILLION questions and told us that he needed LOTS of tests to see what happened. and then it started they had us there from around 8:30-11:30 doing test after test (if I had thought it would be hard to watch him get his two month shots those are going to be a CAKE walk after what they did to him) they poked him what seemed like with every single thing they could they took blood, added an IV line, gave him a catheter to get a pee sample, took an x-ray, stuck things in his nose, throat, butt, everywhere it still makes me so sad thinking that my poor baby had to go through all of that at such as such a tiny little baby :( the doctor finally came in to tell us that they received ALL of his test results and EVERYTHING came back normal he was fine, BUT they wanted him to stay overnight to MAKE sure that it wasn't something that they had missed. So we did, at 8 weeks old my baby had his first overnight hospital stay and it was rough. I don't think I slept really at all, and it was freezing and the whole night he had an IV line in and ugh it was the WORST night of my entire life! BUT the next morning the doctor came in and said that EVERYTHING was fine, his vitals were perfect the entire night and that some babies sometimes just forget to breathe if they're upset or frustrated and that since he woke up crying he might have just forgotten to take a breathe and that it was normal in infants but they had to be sure that it was nothing, better to be safe then sorry. did I also tell you that the entire time we were in the hospital Carter was AMAZING he was cooing and smiling at all the nurses can we say flirt already? and they all kept telling us how cute he was. AND while we were there Santa Claus came to visit and brought him the cutest bear.
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he loved looking at the machines lights |
We were finally released and were so happy to be home. But while we were leaving I couldn't help but think of all of the kids that were in the hospital and were not so lucky to go home that day and the ones that weren't so lucky to find out that there wasn't anything wrong with them. It hurt my heart knowing that another mom has to be as scared as I was for ONE night for much much longer. :( Really makes you realize that health is the MOST important thing of all because without health we really have nothing, and I'm so grateful that Baby Carter got a clean bill of health. AND as of today he has insurance again. thank you god.
P.S. anyone that says Universal Healthcare has NEVER lived without healthcare, and DEFINITELY hasn't lived without healthcare with a baby because we got an ESTIMATE of our ER visit (not including the hospital stay) and it was $1,300 and I'll tell you AGAIN what a BITCH that lady was for NOT adding Carter to my health insurance! Constantly praying for my families health, AND that Obama Care gets passed sooner then later!
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Carter & his Best Friend :) |
How scary! Ugh. I hope it doesn't happen again!
O my goodness! Happy everything is good with Carter, that is scary, seemed like he did well, he is SO precious...but seriously I'm with you on Obamacare...insurances are with some BS nowadays and it's ridiculous.
Such a terrible experience :( I am so sorry.
Prayers for you and your little guy!
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