Hellooooo...welcome to another addition of It's OKAY :D
It's perfectly okay that....
.....I have been MIA from blogging for quite a while, can I help it that when my baby is sleeping I'd rather stare at him sleep then do ANYTHING else umm ever? Okay didn't think so.
.....EVERY single morning my coffee gets cold...either it's too cold in my house OR I take too long to drink it BUT I swear thank god I have a microwave.
....I have a caffeine addiction -.- I get headaches now at night IF I didn't have any caffeine that day :l
....I realized that I missed beer a LOT more then I thought I did...whyyyy is it soooooo delicious?
....I have to pay for our insurance out of pocket this month and wtf!?! $1200 is RIDICULOUS for one month! (please come soon universal healthcare)
.....I have an addiction to baby clothes...like I CAN'T stop buying them!!! It's terrible I KNOW! BUT I do say to myself....WELL Carter will just wear them for a little while BUT I know that my next kids are all going to be boys so they'll get good use out of them too, makes sense right?
.....I am back to being in LOVE with all the housewives...theyr'e just so much drama that I can't stop watching!
....Carter listens to The Black Keys so much that I am getting KINDA over them...
.....I am ALWAYS hungry now...wtf?!?! I went from NEVER being hungry to being CONSTANTLY starving -.- what is up...I have NO idea.
.....I'm KINDA obsessed with decorating my house for holidays I literally can't wait until we have a house so I can decorate like CRAZY every single holiday...is that bad?
.....I keep saying I'm going to blog more and then don't.
.....I hate when my dogs lick me...idk why it bothers me so much! BUT it does.
Hope everyone is having an FANTASTIC week! :)
Happy Thursday :D
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Happy 3 Months Baby Carter
3 months!?!!? Where does the time go?? I KNOW that everyone always says that, but really?? THREE whole months already!!! OMG! I can't believe how much different Carter is just from a short three months ago! Where did my little squishy scrunchy baby go?? Long gone are the days of a tiny newborn we now have an INFANT! Is it bad that when I got the email telling me that my little baby was NO longer classified as a newborn it made my eyes water, because I can't believe how fast the newborn stage went by? I mean I can NOT even explain to you how excited I am for him to get bigger and to see more of his personality unfold BUT I just can't believe how fast my tiny baby is growing! P.S. is it bad that I am already getting teary-eyed thinking that one day my baby is going to be a man :( I can't even think about it....ugh I swear my pregnancy hormones never went away! BUT anywho I'll stop making myself get sad about things that aren't going to come for many many years AND give you a run down of things we did THIS month! :D
Weight: I'm POSITIVE he's OVER 13 lbs now!! I'm thinking 13 and a quarter maybe? He feels so heavy! At his two month appointment (yes it was a couple of weeks late) he was 12 lbs 11 oz, and I definitely think he went through a growth spurt right after that!
Height: at his 2 month appt he was 24 inches, woot woot my baby is OFFICIALLY over 2 feet tall, next up Six Flags :) AND I feel like his pants are still shrinking :l Maybe he's gonna be tall!?? Let's hope.
Clothing size: He is OFFICIALLY in SOME 6 months clothes, definitely can fit 3-6 and I was so sad the other day we put him in some 6-12 month pjs and they fit!! A tiny bit big but still!? At this rate he's going to go through all of his clothes SUPER fast! He still fits 3 months but MOST of his 0-3 besides onesies are getting kinda snug...all his cute sleep n' plays are getting a little tight in the feet :(
Diaper size: He's in size 2 for sure, after all those blow outs we had in size 1 we changed him and YEP it was the diapers, he can't help it this baby's got back! :)
Feeding: I've been so bad at keeping track of when he eats....usually because my phone is dying! BUT he's eating around every 3-4 hours maybe longer if he's sleeping.
Sleep: he's been okay...I don't really know because whenever he wakes up at night now I'm like a zombie and don't really notice that he's awake I just feed him and we all go back to sleep...usually I don't even notice what time it is.
Milestones: OMG!! I was sooooo excited that this month he started laughing!! I can't get enough!!! Eeeek it's soooooo freakin cute!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it, definitely the CUTEST thing he does by far, BUT this little grouchy baby does not do it often, he MUST find something really funny to laugh I NEED to get it on video. He also babbles a lot more now, DEFINITELY knows what he's looking at AND puts things in his mouth...like your arm, his hands, and sometimes he'll figure out how to get his own chuppie back into his mouth :)
Adventures: let's seee....we had our FIRST Christmas & New Years this month
AND we started a brand new year....we also got registered for our baptism....
Carter went to his first ever kids party!
We got to wear our Dodger Jacket even if its a little big...
He got his first shots!
and he learned how to play playstation :)
P.S. follow me on IG to get your daily dose of Mr. Carter Jax :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Carter's Christmas Festivities Recap :) (finally)
It has been an ongoing tradition that we always go get our Christmas tree thanksgiving weekend, because if I'm paying for a real tree every year there is NO way I'm paying all that money to have my tree up for only a couple of weeks. And good thing the husband agrees because we now have a tradition of going to get our tree the weekend of Thanksgiving which means we are in Christmas mode as soon as Thanksgiving exits :)
I was definitely OBSESSED with these Christmas pajamas and socks the whole Christmas season!! Ugh makes me so so sad to think he'll NEVER wear them again!! Good thing, they're gender neutral...next kid? That's what I keep telling myself at least.
I had asked a couple of people before if they knew of a place to take a brand new baby to take his first pictures with Santa! AND a couple of people told me to take him to Bass Pro Shop! If you haven't been there before its basically a hunting/camping/anything outdoors store. It's pretty cool and actually before the day we went to see Santa I had never even been there before.
BUT I figured a FREE picture with Santa can't be bad. AND oh man am I glad that they sent us there, because the place was AMAZING you have to go sign up ahead of time for a time slot to see Santa which I'm VERY glad that Carter's nina lives literally ONE mile away and they went and got us tickets, because as soon as we got there we walked RIGHT in! IT was the BEST! AND the Santa was really cute too!!
Told you I was OBSESSED with that outfit, I mean really? It's so cute not to be! AND yes, Carter was asleep the whole time he got to meet Santa, BUT at least he didn't cry right?
Opening his FIRST ever Christmas presents :) Clearly he was still sleepy :D
Christmas card :) YES it's a screen shot all cause I'm too lazy to find the original -.-
Merry Christmas :) P.S. Santa is my ho-ho-homeboy
I was definitely OBSESSED with these Christmas pajamas and socks the whole Christmas season!! Ugh makes me so so sad to think he'll NEVER wear them again!! Good thing, they're gender neutral...next kid? That's what I keep telling myself at least.
I had asked a couple of people before if they knew of a place to take a brand new baby to take his first pictures with Santa! AND a couple of people told me to take him to Bass Pro Shop! If you haven't been there before its basically a hunting/camping/anything outdoors store. It's pretty cool and actually before the day we went to see Santa I had never even been there before.
BUT I figured a FREE picture with Santa can't be bad. AND oh man am I glad that they sent us there, because the place was AMAZING you have to go sign up ahead of time for a time slot to see Santa which I'm VERY glad that Carter's nina lives literally ONE mile away and they went and got us tickets, because as soon as we got there we walked RIGHT in! IT was the BEST! AND the Santa was really cute too!!
Told you I was OBSESSED with that outfit, I mean really? It's so cute not to be! AND yes, Carter was asleep the whole time he got to meet Santa, BUT at least he didn't cry right?
We did LOTS of Christmas shopping!
I mean that hat? Is it NOT the BEST?! Sooo cute my little reindeer :)
AND finally once Christmas eve arrived I was SO SO SO sick :( It was terrible!! BUT we made it out of the house to celebrate!
Okay, I promise he did NOT wear this outfit every single day during the Christmas season, just on days that I knew his picture would be taken..hahaha he did have TWO other Christmas pajamas that he ALSO wore VERY often!
Christmas Hugs :)Opening his FIRST ever Christmas presents :) Clearly he was still sleepy :D
Christmas card :) YES it's a screen shot all cause I'm too lazy to find the original -.-
Merry Christmas :) P.S. Santa is my ho-ho-homeboy
We had an amazing Christmas!! Carter got sooooo many presents and we had the BEST time ever! Can't wait for next year when he will be able to open his presents himself and maybe be excited to see the lights and all the festivities :)
Monday, January 21, 2013
Meet Jasmyne
Hi guys, I’m Jasmyne and I blog over at A Fisher’s Wife about all things wifey and mommy in nature…the wonderfully good and the horribly bad! I’m so happy Jade has let me take over for the day, we were pregnant at the same time, shared our experiences and now here we watching our two little men grow up “together” virtually…it’s been TONS of fun.
Since becoming a mommy my heart has experienced a love I could only dream of, I never imagined I could love someone as much as I love my son, I really couldn't imagine life without him. To be honest, the first few months I was so involved with Izzy (my son) I forgot about my husband completely, forgot to do the little things, so I wanted to share with you guys on little things to do during and after baby.
1. "I Love You"
Amazing how when you get so busy you can go ALL day without even saying it, which I found myself doing, for weeks end, the lack of sleep was hard for me, I couldn't think straight and my days seemed to run over. Once I realized what I wasn't doing, I told my husband ALL the time how much I loved him that he began to worry, better too much than none at all.
2. Date Night
This is good after you have healed completely and don't look like death...all you mommies know exactly what I am talking about. When family offered to watch Izzy at first we would decline in fear that no one would watch him like we could, I mean we are his parents. As time went on we realized we needed time to ourselves whether it was going grocery shopping, yes this is considered a date for us, going out to eat, going shopping...you have to make time for one another at ALL times.
3. Laugh
Laughing got us through the hardest of times, times where Izzy would cry for hours on end and those times where we had to make critical decisions for our family. Laughter is always good no matter what the circumstance but after having a baby and especially after having your first, find ways to laugh with your spouse, it alleviates so much stress and will bring the two of you closer together.
4. Talk
It seems like a simple one, but when I say "talk" I mean really talk, especially for us moms...I found myself slipping away and coming detached from the world a bit and forgot that I had my best friend right beside me the entire time. I did not suffer from Postpartum Depression and I attribute a lot of that to talking with my husband about any and everything! Talking not only kept us connected but also allowed us to go down memory lane and remember little things like how we first started dating, our wedding day or the day we found out we we pregnant.
5. Be Romantic
I think this says it all, it's not only important for the husband to be romantic but also the wife. Little things like candlelight dinner at home, just because kisses/hugs, flowers, chocolates and intimate time keeps the relationship fresh and reminds you both why you got married in the first place!
Thanks for reading guys, until next time! Have a wonderful day!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Birth Story-Part 3 (the final chapter)
This was around 11 am, and they came in to check me shortly and told me I was at around 7 1/2 or 8 and that since I had now gotten the epidural it more then likely would slow down my labor and they would give me some pitocin if that did happen...seemed okay. Right after this my mom showed up and we had a little pow wow in my room while the husband slept :l
must have been tired from all that child birthing he was doing. right? welllllllll they came back to check me a little while later and told us that I hadn't been progressing at all, and by now my contractions had all but STOPPED, so they said they were going to break my water and see if my labor would start on its own again...so they did and I didn't feel anything AT ALL. They then told us they would come back again and check to see how I was progressing in a couple of hours. For the time being we watched regular TV tried to take some naps and just hung out. THEY finally came back and said that now my contractions had pretty much stopped completely so they were going to go ahead and start me on some pitocin...which I was fine by because I wanted to meet my little baby already :)
andddddddd all the time at the hospital the MOST annoying part was this!
this stupid finger thing was sooooo annoying I swear I hated having it on and it was so uncomfortable!
must have been tired from all that child birthing he was doing. right? welllllllll they came back to check me a little while later and told us that I hadn't been progressing at all, and by now my contractions had all but STOPPED, so they said they were going to break my water and see if my labor would start on its own again...so they did and I didn't feel anything AT ALL. They then told us they would come back again and check to see how I was progressing in a couple of hours. For the time being we watched regular TV tried to take some naps and just hung out. THEY finally came back and said that now my contractions had pretty much stopped completely so they were going to go ahead and start me on some pitocin...which I was fine by because I wanted to meet my little baby already :)
andddddddd all the time at the hospital the MOST annoying part was this!
this stupid finger thing was sooooo annoying I swear I hated having it on and it was so uncomfortable!
I don't even know why but it was probably the MOST uncomfortable thing that I had to have on the entire time I was in the hospital...
they kept coming to check me every couple of hours and telling me my progress, and then FINALLY the pitocin was working and I could see my contractions on the screen now! It was pretty cool to think that your body was working but you couldn't feel any of the pain :) sooooooo finally at 5 o'clock the dr came in to check me and said "okay, you're at ten, it's time to start pushing! BUT know that since it is your first baby and you have an epidural it could take like 3 hours." WHAT?!!? 3 hours!?!! OMG I knew there was NO way that I could push a baby out for 3 hours! AND I wanted to see the presidential debate so I told baby Carter, okay it's finally time for us to meet you and I know you want to watch the debates so we have 1 hour! :) AND at first it was so weird because I couldnt feel ANYTHING, my bad my epidural had run out right before I had hit ten so I pressed the button AND I was EXTRA numb, it was so annoying because now I couldn't feel ANYTHING, eventually the epidural wore off enough so that I could feel a little bit of my contractions and was finally able to make some traction...a couple of really good pushes and baby Carter's head was out! :) the nurse said his head is out, and I looked at the husband and said "Really?" his face alone told me yes! His eyes were huge and he couldn't believe it. Finally @ 5:48 on October 22nd baby Carter was born into this world :) and he was gorgeous!
I don't know if I had mentioned this here on the blog or not, but when I was pregnant with Carter I had decided that I wanted JUST the two of us in the room when Carter was born, I figured it would be nice to spend some time just the three of us together before everyone else got to meet him, selfish? maybe, but it was the BEST decision I EVER made!! Once Carter was out they placed him on my chest and even thinking about that exact moment makes my heart skip a beat, I looked up at the husband and looked at my baby and couldn't believe that we had just gotten a miracle placed in our arms, someone that was ours! :D We looked at our baby in almost disbelief and the husband took lots of pictures :)
he was so cute! :) I even told him over and over again, I can't believe how cute you are! :) I am glad that I decided to just have the 2 of us in the room and that is exactly how I want all of our kids to be born, it was like we got to take him our child being born into the world together and it was amazing :) (is it bad that I am literally tearing up thinking about that moment?) and P.S. EVERYONE'S right, once that baby is placed in your arms you can't even believe you have so much love for something so tiny even now 3 months later I still can't believe that I have so much love for a human so tiny but it's possible and if you're pregnant or get pregnant you will see, and if your'e a mom already you already know exactly what i'm talking about :)
EVERYONE came in to meet the little guy and the next day we went home, and it was such a great birth story, really I'm hoping and praying the rest of my kids are born this easy :)
Thursday, January 17, 2013
A Birth Story-Part 2
They told us that they were really crowded sooooo although I was having contractions pretty often they asked me to wait while they got a room ready to check and see how far along I was. I think the ladies in L&D thought I was going to get sent home, because I wasn't acting like I was in major pain, and I mean I was in pain BUT from what other ladies have told me it usually is EXCRUCIATING pain that you can not even walk...I was able to walk into labor & delivery AND when just had to stop when I got contractions...so when we walked up I could tell the nurse probably thought I was going to get sent home, because LOTS of times they said in our l&d classes "a nurse can tell if you're going to be admitted into L&D by how you walk in, if you are walking and talking fine, you probably aren't going to get admitted" BUT I knew that I was having contractions even if they weren't what everyone told me they would be. I felt like since I wasn't what most girls are, they were taking extra long to check me, because they were just so ehhh she's not gonna get admitted she's probably a 2. I was soooo nervous while I waited for them to check me...I just kept thinking that 1. I wouldn't be far along and would get sent home (even though I didn't FEEL like I wasn't dilating) and 2. That I would be too far along AND that I would not be able to get an epidural that seriously was my BIGGEST fear probably for a while...I was soooo scared!
Sooooo after what felt like FOREVER even though I'm positive it was probably only like 15 minutes they finally came in to check me and they said I was a 6-7! I was so excited! That meant I would NOT have to go home! YAY!! the midwife confirmed that I would be admitted and that we would have a baby that day! Since it was 6 am now! We immediately called my mom and text other people letting them know a baby would be born that day, or at least we had hoped we would have a baby that day :)
Soooo we stood in the in-between room for a little while probably about an hour and I kept thinking OH my god what if I'm one of those ladies that dilates SUPER fast and it goes fast, my contractions were coming every minute to minute in a half now, and were hurting way more! They finally put me in a room a little while later, and then checked me again I was definite 7 now and on my way to 8. I couldn't believe it! In this little bit of time, my grandma had showed up and she was super excited to meet her 13th grand child! :D I immediately asked for an epidural, and they came in a little while later maybe 20 minutes and told the husband and my grandma that they needed to leave while the epidural was being put in. the anesthesiologist finally came in and the husband and my grandma left, I was super nervous for this part, I was nervous to move and not be tense when I had a contraction. I remember feeling so nervous, they lifted the bed (did you know those bed go as high as the sky?) it lifted ridiculously HIGH! so then i started freaking out thinking omg what if I pass out and fall off?!?! -.-
BUT before I knew it, it was ALL over! YEP I felt one little cold pinch and then nothing! done! I know I couldn't believe it either! from then on it was smooth sailing well at least I felt like it, I was so much more comfortable then I had been only a few minutes before, AND the part I was MOST scared about was OVER! YAY! SO, after they finished the husband and my gma came back in and we were just hanging out.
Sooooo after what felt like FOREVER even though I'm positive it was probably only like 15 minutes they finally came in to check me and they said I was a 6-7! I was so excited! That meant I would NOT have to go home! YAY!! the midwife confirmed that I would be admitted and that we would have a baby that day! Since it was 6 am now! We immediately called my mom and text other people letting them know a baby would be born that day, or at least we had hoped we would have a baby that day :)
Soooo we stood in the in-between room for a little while probably about an hour and I kept thinking OH my god what if I'm one of those ladies that dilates SUPER fast and it goes fast, my contractions were coming every minute to minute in a half now, and were hurting way more! They finally put me in a room a little while later, and then checked me again I was definite 7 now and on my way to 8. I couldn't believe it! In this little bit of time, my grandma had showed up and she was super excited to meet her 13th grand child! :D I immediately asked for an epidural, and they came in a little while later maybe 20 minutes and told the husband and my grandma that they needed to leave while the epidural was being put in. the anesthesiologist finally came in and the husband and my grandma left, I was super nervous for this part, I was nervous to move and not be tense when I had a contraction. I remember feeling so nervous, they lifted the bed (did you know those bed go as high as the sky?) it lifted ridiculously HIGH! so then i started freaking out thinking omg what if I pass out and fall off?!?! -.-
BUT before I knew it, it was ALL over! YEP I felt one little cold pinch and then nothing! done! I know I couldn't believe it either! from then on it was smooth sailing well at least I felt like it, I was so much more comfortable then I had been only a few minutes before, AND the part I was MOST scared about was OVER! YAY! SO, after they finished the husband and my gma came back in and we were just hanging out.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
A Birth Story-Part 1
So, I LOVE reading all about other peoples birth stories AND I want to remember EVERYTHING about the day that Carter was born so here it is people...pretty sure it's going to be pretty long, so skip ahead as you wish :)
My due date was October 21st so when I woke up on Sunday and didn't feel NOT one contraction I starting thinking about how that day was MORE then likely NOT going to be the day that baby Carter would make his grand appearance!
My due date was October 21st so when I woke up on Sunday and didn't feel NOT one contraction I starting thinking about how that day was MORE then likely NOT going to be the day that baby Carter would make his grand appearance!
AND then I went on Twitter and I saw all of the Kardashians posting that the 21st was Kim K's Bday!
I KNEW for sure he would NOT come that day now....he's like his dad and I knew he didn't wanna share his bday with Kim K! BUT I was still a tiny bit hopeful! THAT maybe he'd change his mind! OR I was going to do things to try to push him a tiny bit!
I really did EVERY single one of these things and NO baby Carter did NOT want to come out!! I remember as we were doing all these things trying to get him to make his appearance already the husband and I kept saying that it would be funny if he did come and then EVERYONE would say see the "whatever they told me to try" worked! So the husband gave me reese's peanut butter cups and said "if you go into labor tonight, we're gonna tell everyone it's because you ate reese's peanut butter cups! OH! AND chicken wings cause you ate those tonight too!" We could NOT stop laughing we watched a movie and THEN we kept hearing an alarm going off...it was like 10pm on a sunday and we kept hearing this stupid car alarm going off FOREVER! Finally the husband went to go check who it was and it was a girl PASSED out in her car (I guess her bf/husband was trying to wake her up by pressing the panic button CLEARLY it was NOT working!) BUT me and the husband could NOT stop laughing we kept running from the living room to our bedroom (where there is a window that looks down into the parking lot) and laughing at the girl passed out in her car! She was arguing with her boyfriend and it was so funny! We were rolling (Okay, I'm sure this was a LOT more funny in person BUT this may or may not have been ONE of the reasons I went into labor) after running back and forth for 45 minutes to an hour the girl finally went to bed while yelling at whoever was taking her to bed and we had a good laugh and then watched the end of the movie! The clock turned passed midnight and I had finally accepted that Baby Carter would NOT be one of the 5% that was born ON his due date! Me and the husband were getting ready to go to bed and I changed the calendar in our living room to October 22nd and we headed to bed.
While I was laying there trying to get comfortable as MUCH as you can while 40 weeks and ONE day pregnant, I realized that I was getting cramps! I had to spend a day at labor & delivery earlier in the week and they were tracking my contractions and they finally told me that what I had been feeling the last couple of weeks things that felt just like menstrual cramps were contractions and I now knew what to look for. SO when I started getting cramps I was thinking oh cool at least a couple of contractions maybe he'll come in the next few days! I DID NOT want to be pregnant ALL the way until my next appt which wasn't until THURSDAY! I laid there watching TV and realized that my "cramps" were coming often even if they didn't hurt....so I busted out my HANDY pregnancy app and started timing my "cramps" (at the time I THOUGHT they MIGHT be contractions but couldn't be POSITIVE!
I started tracking
They were every 4 minutes or SO but they didn't hurt...I mean they were just like regular cramps they didn't feel like everyone told me they would feel (worse pain in the world) sooooo I just kept timing...UNTIL it had been 1 hour! and I realized that I MIGHT be in labor :-O soooooo after about an hour and a 1/2 of timing them coming every 3-4 minutes I decided I should probably call L&D and see what they said....I called and they told me that unless I was in a LOT of pain or they got super close together I could stay at home...so I did...and I was watching TV still timing...they got closer and closer together but still weren't hurting like I thought they should. BUT once they were coming EVERY 2 minutes I decided that we were going to have to go to the hospital so I took a shower and started getting ready to go to the hospital...once I got out of the shower I realized that they were now every minute and a half apart!! I immediately woke up the husband and tried to get him to hurry because NOW I was nervous that Carter would want to hurry up and come out and I wouldn't get to the hospital in time for an epidural (my biggest fear about having a baby was thinking I might have to do it with NO drugs) :l I know I'm terrible BUT whateva, I heard what that pain feels like and I feel NO need to feel it if I don't have to!
We got ready and NOW it was exciting! We all piled into the car, the husband and I plus the puppies, since we had already talked to my mom and told her that IF we had to go to the hospital in the middle of the night that she would come to the hospital to pick up the puppies from us and they would stay with her and my dad while we stood in the hospital! sooooo while we were on our way to the hospital I called my mom to meet us there and we were on our way....those 20 minutes felt like FOREVER because I had no idea how far along I was and I did NOT want to give birth in a car! We FINALLY got there and my contractions were a steady minute and a 1/2 apart and lasting 50 seconds to a minute and 30! It was a crazy feeling...when you are having a contraction it hurts...and then once it's over it's like you were never in pain at all...it kept making me laugh when the contraction would go away because I would immediately not be in pain anymore...we got to the hospital and my mom was there waiting for us...we handed her the dogs and we told her we would let her know what they told us once we were checked and stuff. we got to L&D and were told that LOTS of ladies were having there baby that day! We figured that NO babies wanted to be born on Kim K's bday AND all the babies wanted to be born on the last day that they could be before becoming scorpios :) (my entire pregnancy my whole family just kept saying...I hope he's born on his due date so that he could be a libra...we don't want another scorpio (considering both my mom and gma are libras) P.S. last day of libra is October 22nd :)
To be Continued.....can't wait for you guys to hear alllllllllll about the actual delivery part (that was my FAVORITE part) and still makes me tear up thinking about it! :)
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Happy 2 months Carter!!!
Wow!!! I CAN'T believe this little dude is ALREADY 2 months old (okay, I'm a little behind & he's 2 months & 2 weeks old) BUT time is literally FLYING by!!!
Here's a run down of things we did this month!
Weight: I'm POSITIVE he's 12 lbs now!! When we went to the hospital he was 11 lbs 9 oz soooo I'm sure he's bigger then 12 lbs now BUT we have his 2 month appt finally next Tuesday so we'll know for sure then!
Height: all of his pants are getting so short on his I'm POSITIVE he's 2 feet tall by now :) we shall see next week!
Clothing size: he definitely DOES NOT fit in ANY newborn clothes AT ALL :( AND even now some of his 0-3 are getting too small RIP woody pajamas we loved you while we could wear you :l
Diaper size: at his 2nd month birthday he was still wearing size 1 BUT as of today he is NO longer fitting in size 1 :( we had three blowouts today PRETTY sure it had something to do with the fact that I have 30 size 1 diapers that I did NOT want to waste :( and was FORCING his little butt to fit in them! :( anyone know where I can send diapers to babies that need them?
Feeding: he's a little fatty at night he's good but during the day he eats every 2-3 hours AND if he takes any nap at all when he wakes up he's immediately hungry EVEN if he just ate an hour 1/2 ago -.- better during the day then @ night though
Sleep: he's been doing soooo good @ night! Thank god!! He sleeps about 4-5 hours then he's up between 4-5 to eat goes back to sleep until 7-8 and them goes back to sleep until 10 (we are night owls in this house can you tell?)
Milestones: he is a smiley baby now! He smiles all the time & "talks" all the time!! He's able to track people & objects so good now! Oh & he plays play station! ;)
Adventures: wellll @ 6 weeks I told you we went to Disneyland and then we went AGAIN @ 7 weeks!! We also had thanksgiving in the month AND we did LOTS of shopping! OHHHH and we visited my job! :)
Here's a run down of things we did this month!
Weight: I'm POSITIVE he's 12 lbs now!! When we went to the hospital he was 11 lbs 9 oz soooo I'm sure he's bigger then 12 lbs now BUT we have his 2 month appt finally next Tuesday so we'll know for sure then!
Height: all of his pants are getting so short on his I'm POSITIVE he's 2 feet tall by now :) we shall see next week!
Clothing size: he definitely DOES NOT fit in ANY newborn clothes AT ALL :( AND even now some of his 0-3 are getting too small RIP woody pajamas we loved you while we could wear you :l
Diaper size: at his 2nd month birthday he was still wearing size 1 BUT as of today he is NO longer fitting in size 1 :( we had three blowouts today PRETTY sure it had something to do with the fact that I have 30 size 1 diapers that I did NOT want to waste :( and was FORCING his little butt to fit in them! :( anyone know where I can send diapers to babies that need them?
Feeding: he's a little fatty at night he's good but during the day he eats every 2-3 hours AND if he takes any nap at all when he wakes up he's immediately hungry EVEN if he just ate an hour 1/2 ago -.- better during the day then @ night though
Sleep: he's been doing soooo good @ night! Thank god!! He sleeps about 4-5 hours then he's up between 4-5 to eat goes back to sleep until 7-8 and them goes back to sleep until 10 (we are night owls in this house can you tell?)
Milestones: he is a smiley baby now! He smiles all the time & "talks" all the time!! He's able to track people & objects so good now! Oh & he plays play station! ;)
Adventures: wellll @ 6 weeks I told you we went to Disneyland and then we went AGAIN @ 7 weeks!! We also had thanksgiving in the month AND we did LOTS of shopping! OHHHH and we visited my job! :)
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Thanksgiving 2012 |
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First Trip to Disneyland |
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Sleeping with his best friend :) |
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Stretchingggggg |
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loveddddd this shirt and so sad he only got to wear it once :l |
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"Can you guys believe I'm already 2 months old?" |
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