I have seen a couple of different blogs do this, and I LOVE it! Not too sure who started it, and where to link up to so, sorry I didn't link up with whoever started it! :D
Dear Apartment Q,
When we first moved in we were in LOVE with you, you cost the right amount of money, you were so cute, you had NO neighbors & you allowed the Beasts to live in you, BUT now you are entriely too cramped! I don't know how some of the other tenants that live in your relatives live in there with more then two people! We will soon be parting ways, and although I am sad to see our first apartment go, I am not so sad to get some more space!
Dear ANNOYING neighbors that complain for EVERYTHING,
STOP complaining!! You make Apartment living WORSE then it already is!!! You should really go live with some relatives or rent a nice back house or something, because clearly you don't know the sacrifices that you have to make to live in an apartment. AND really?!? MUST you go CRY to the manager anytime something so tiny happens that you are not happy about?!?! Making us all get letters telling us the RULES of the way things work in the Apartment?!?! MAYBE someone just had a rough day and totally forgot about their clothes that day, JERKS! AND really, complaing about dogs, footsteps, walking, parking, car noises, babies, the house neighbors does NOT make living here that much better so PLEASE stop complaining you're making everyone uncomfortable!!
Dear WONDERFUL neighbors (Apartment P),
We will misssssssss living next to you guys :( Who are we going to borrow milk from now? or quarters?!!? HAHAHAHA AND who are we going to complain to about above said ANNOYING neighbors (here's hoping we have LESS annoying neighbors at the next place).
Dear new apartment (that we haven't even found yet),
Please be a good place to bring baby carter home to, and please be next to someone that is as nice as our amazing neighbors now!! PLEASEEEEE
Dear July,
Please come quick! I want June to be over with so we can be moved out and settled already! AND it's my bday month, AND vacation month!! So please come SOON!!!
Dear Starbucks,
I miss you! :( Be back soon!
Dear Kohls Credit Card,
I have finally paid you off! Can you believe it?? Me either! BUT now I keep thinking about how I want to go to Kohls and use you ASAP! It's a good thing I don't get my own coupons in the mail or else I might have already been (blessing in disguise? I think so)
Dear Family,
Can't wait to go on vacation next month!!
Dear Husband,
Thank you for everything, I don't know if I can ever say enough times how much I love you, and how thankful I am to have you in my life! You're amazing :D
Dear Coffee,
Things just aren't the same as before, and I'm trying, you just always make my stomach hurt now. You must have done something to make baby Carter hate you, I'm sure of it!
Dear Blogger,
You're being so dumb that I couldn't even publish the post that I wrote yesterday!! You make me so mad sometimes! AND you better let me post this OR ELSE!
Dear Grandma,
I miss you, and I miss our days spent together!
Dear Fox McCloud,
Please don't be too mad at us for sending you to the vet today :( You need your teeth fixed, and you and the Muffin do not need anymore puppies (sorry) BUT I love you and I'll pick you up soon! AND I really hope they don't make you wear a cone, because then I can't help but laugh at you and I don't want to laugh at my poor baby :/
Happy Weekend everyone!!
LOVE this idea and how I miss Starbucks too!! sigh
Found the link up: http://comeoneileen86.blogspot.com/
Think I will have to join
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