I know that I always end up posting my weekend updates on Tuesdays, it's USUALLY because I am posting about
Baby Laines on Mondays....sooooo I don't get to talk about my weekend until Tuesdays! I am so excited it's my first week off of work and I think I am unlike most 38 week pregnant ladies, because although I would loveeeeee for Baby Carter to make his appearance into this world VERY soon it would be nice if he stood in there a little while so I can get things ready at the house and have some time to relax, because it's really hard with a BIG watermelon taking up your entire body :)
Sooooo...this weekend was eventful! It was my last day of work on Friday, and it is a surreal feeling all weekend I just kept thinking that I was going to have to go back to work, when in reality I don't! :D Before I stopped working I had to stop by Starbucks...and OF COURSE they got my name wrong again...PROOF that they don't understand the name JADE :l whateva AT least it was delicious! Jay, Jane...Jade same thing right?
My cousin sent me a picture that I still can NOT stop laughing at! I mean seriously!?! So freakin HILARIOUS!! HIS face is TOO much! I think this should be his costume for sure! So funny!!
I was going through pictures on my phone for #tbt on Instagram and I was so sad to look at this picture of me from a couple of years ago....I wonder if I'll ever be able to fit in those jeans again :l I don't even remember what it was like to NOT have a belly in front of me!
P.S. I LOVE Disneyland, and can't wait to go back! My passes are premium but it's been sooooo hot during the summer that I haven't wanted to go, and now I'm so pregnant I don't want to go...anyone want to go during the week? Friday?? :D
We bought a new crate for Penelope, because the one we had for her was the size of a HUGE dog, like a golden retriever!! and it was taking up WAYY too much room in our bedroom! So we got her a smaller one, and my cousin bought her dog one too (he's Penelope's BIGGER brother) and her daughter (the husband's god daughter) Delylah wanted to test it out, you know make sure it was safe for her puppy to use :)
As I was driving home on Friday from my grandma's house I saw this amazing view! I LOVE it! Plus it started getting a lot cooler last week, so right now I'm pretty much IN LOVE with the Fall weather currently going on!!
On Saturday the husband and I went to breakfast at Denny's and I always think it's so funny how they do themes of food there, a couple of weeks ago they were doing around the U.S. or something and everything was themed by states, it's so fun, even if I NEVER ever get anything from that menu...right now it's bacon time! The Husband got something off the menu though, and it looked amazing, I almost wanted to trade him, but his had onions :l (gross I hate onions)
Like I told you we got a new King Size bed a couple of weeks ago, so in order to clean out Carter's room we had to get rid of the old bed...and we did that on Saturday and the WHOLE ride from our house to my parents the husband and I could NOT stop laughing thinking "what if the mattress fell off in the middle of the road?" So embarrassing but would be the FUNNIEST thing EVER!!

My friend from college came to visit, one last visit before Baby Carter makes his appearance and it was fun! We watched the Fresno State game on TV and then we went to eat a type of food called Shabu Shabu, it was AMAZING!! IF you have never heard of it, look it up...sooooo good!! You put order a broth to cook your food in, which there were like 20 different types then you order the type of meat you want...then a type of dipping sauce! I guess my combination was the BEST one because it was delicious!! and it was LOTS and LOTS of fun to cook too...some of the people that we were with said it was kinda like the melting pot, so NOW I have to try that ASAP!
We hung out at our house after, and on Sunday we watched some football and got ready for my gmas bday dinner!
I brought the cake, but I promise that soon, I will start making the cakes for events again! They're so much cuter then the ones I buy from the store, and we can customize them ourselves! I've just been sooooo tired! Baby Carter takes ALL my energy! We did have a blast though, we always do! I mean there were ALMOST thirty of us! AND we were all there to celebrate this lady :)
She's so cute! :D AND amazing :) and while we were there I realized that the next time we go anywhere or celebrate anything together as a family Baby Carter will be here!! I can't believe it! Like literally can't believe that I am going to be a mom VERY SOON! :) AND I couldn't be happier!
On the way home the Husband and I stopped by Babies R Us to use our gift cards and to pick up a diaper bag, because ummm we didn't have one! Of course when we got home the husband put together all the stuff we got LIKE a brand new stroller, and I have to say the Chicco Liteway is amazing!! BEST umbrella stroller I've EVER seen because it reclines ALL the way down so you could even put a brand new baby in it! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
We also picked up a few toys for Baby Carter, while we were there!
isn't he the cutest!?!
We had the best weekend, and I'm so glad to be home this week to relax a little, get my house in order a little and wait for baby Carter to make his appearance...but don't rush baby Carter, me and your Dad are enjoying our last days of just the two of us while you are baking away :D