Monday, May 21, 2012

Marlee the Mom???!!!

The most exciting thing happen this weekend, my little Marlee Muffin became a MOM!!!  I can't believe it!!  We have known that she was pregnant for a while now, and this past week we could even feel the puppies move!!!  It was so exciting especially because we didn't know when they would come, and neither me or the husband has had a dog have puppies before, especially one that is like our baby!!  So we spent all weekend and last week thinking she was going to have the puppies any day now, we didn't know when BUT we knew it had to be soon!  My cousin lent us a HUGE dog cage that is for a golden retriver, and we thought that would be perfect to hold the puppies in!

Well last night we were thinking lets set it up just in case she has them during the week, we don't want to worry about setting it up then...we didn't think we were going to wake up to puppies, BUT we did!! 

Last night before we went to bed, Fox was crying to sleep with us on the bed, so I put him up and then Marlee wanted to come on, then the husband said, I don't think you should let her sleep up here, what if she has the puppies, so I said ummm okay let me put her in the bed so she can see that it's there.  I put her in there and she loved it, immediately fell asleep so we all went to sleep.  At 5 am, I woke up to a crying puppy!  I looked in the cage and couldn't really see anything but I thought I saw Santiago in the cage with the puppies, so I started freaking out a little bit because our cat is pretty rough and I didn't want him to think they were little rats, and the muffin has never had puppies before so I wasn't sure how she would act.  I kinda freaked out and went to wake up the husband, i said "OMG!  Marlee had the puppies, and I think Santiago is in there!!  Get up and check!!"  and then i remembered that right before we went to bed, he said "if marlee has the puppies at night DO NOT WAKE ME UP FREAKING OUT!"  Oops my bad, it's not my fault i was scared! 

He finally got up and checked on the puppies and Santiago wasn't in there, it was actually Marlee that I saw, but we immediately got up to look at how cute the little tiny puppies were!  There are four of them!  and they are so cute that I want to keep them ALL!!  Every single one of them!!!  I listen to a radio show here in LA most days, and one of the guys has literally like TEN dogs, and they always make fun of him, because they were all brothers and sisters but now I know how he felt, if his dog had the puppies he didn't want to give them away!  I'm already having seperation anxiety and I only got to spend two hours with them this morning!

They are so cute!!!  It's amazing to see what a good mom she is already and she is still my puppy (is this how moms feel when their baby becomes a mom?) because I feel so sad thinking about giving them away, is she going to be sad?  OMG!!  We're just going to keep them all and we are going to be "those" people!

We'll see how it goes, I'm sure once they start pooping everywhere then I'll feel more willing to let them go, but right now I want to have them ALL!!  All four of them, they're my puppies-puppies!! :D

I'll let you know how this adventure goes, as we are along for the ride.

There's so many things happening in the next couple of months, I'm so glad I have this bloggy wogg to help me keep track of everything :)


The Pink Growl said...

ahhhh so cute! Sometimes I wish I didn't get my pom fixed. But then again if she had pups I know I would want to keep them all.

Jade :) said...

I'm already having a hard time thinking about the day that one has to leave :( I'm getting her fixed so that we never have to do this again.