On March 13th, I had a "doctor's" appointment, I say "doctor's" because it was at one of those women clinics since my insurance hadn't kicked in yet. AND this was the second time I would go to this "doctor" they told me that they were just going to give me the results of all of my blood tests, but for some reason I had a good feeling about this appointment (since this was my grandpa's bday) and that is when I wrote
I went to the "doctor's" and met with an OB/GYN that had his own office, I think he could tell how nervous I was so, he said "well if you want we can go to my office and you can get an ultrasound today!" I was super excited!! So I of course said YES! And was scheduled to go later on that day!
I got there and he did the ultrasound SUPER fast, and there was little Baby Laines on the ultrasound machine, so tiny and so cute! I was in awe I couldn't believe that there was ACTUALLY a baby growing inside me! He played the heartbeat for me and it was the MOST amazing thing that I have ever felt (I was sad that the Husband wasn't there with me), the doctor said that everything looked good, and I was around 9-10 weeks.
As soon as I left the doctor's office, I called the husband I didn't even wait until I got to the car, I was trying to talk to him in the elevator :) I told him that everything was GREAT with the baby and that we even got a picture!
It was so weird though, because I had been worried about the baby this whole time, crying to the husband about how scared I was that the baby wasn't real, or this wasn't going to pan out the way that we wanted it to, but this day it just felt like my grandpa was there watching me and letting me know that he was going to take care of this baby until I could on the outside and everything was going to be absolutely fine! It is and still is a weird thing to say, but at that moment I felt like my grandpa was looking at me and smiling so happy that we were bringing a new "Mendoza" into the world! :D
The husband and I decided that day that we would tell OUR PARENTS and Brothers & Sisters that week, and still wait to tell the rest of the family after Easter! :)
I told the husband, that my grandpa had made me feel like everything was going to be okay, and we should tell our parents already so they could feel the happiness that we had been feeling for a couple of weeks now.
Since my parents live a little further from us then the husband's parents do and it was my late day at work we decided that we would go to his parents that night and my parents the next night. It was super weird and funny calling my dad to tell him that we were going to come over for dinner the following day, and listening to him ask me why? "ummm, just cause we don't see you anymore" his answer "oh okay cool, I'll have mom make something" me thinking inside "OMG!! You're going to be a grandpa!!" BUT I didn't say anything and figured it would be so exciting the NEXT day!
I called my sister while I was at work and told her about the baby and I wish I would have recorded it because it really was the funniest thing that I have ever heard, to say she was excited would definitely be an understatement. She was REALLY REALLY REALLY EXCITED!! And it was so exciting to see her so happy she was going to have a niece/nephew!
When I finally got off of work me and the husband put this ultrasound picture in a frame and took it over to the in-laws house, we sat through dinner and all the small talk and I kept looking at the husband like "hello, when are we going to tell them?" He FINALLY text me and said he was calling his brother & sister from their rooms to come out, he had to show them something. FINALLY they came out and I said "oh (mother in law) I was gonna show you a picture! It's from the wedding we got it printed it's really cute" and then she started talking about how she wanted to get some printed and she's glad I finally had one (I really don't remember exactly what she said because I was so focused on giving them the picture).
I gave it to her, and instantly she started crying, everyone else that was at the table was just like "what?! why are you crying? it's just a wedding picture" and then I told her to show the father in law, and he said NO! NO WAY!! They were all super excited, and everyone was crying! It was such a memorable moment and I was so glad that they finally knew!
Fast forward to the next day, and we went to dinner at my parents house, since we live about 20 minutes from them I told husband to meet me there and I would go straight after work I got there around 6:30, and had to wait until after the husband got home to tell them anything! It was DREADFUL, my stomach was in knots and I wanted him to get there already so we could tell them! OF COURSE he had to work late that day so he didn't get there until after NINE! Still feeling funny because I had been sitting there with them all night I couldn't wait to tell them, of course he had to eat there first and although I don't remember talking to my parents about ANYTHING that night, I can not remember ANY of the conversation, I know that the whole time the husband was eating I kept looking at him thinking OMG are you done yet?!?!
He finally finished AND my FAVORITE cousin had done me the favor of getting the baby a St. Louis Rams onesie, to show them. So when we were sitting there my dad was asking me IDK something and I said "oh let me check my wallet, to see if I have $5" for what? I can't even remember but when I came back I said "Oh Yay! I wanted to show you guys something that Steph got for me!" They looked at me like umm okay?
it's like this but all blue |
I pulled out the Rams onesie and this is how the conversation went:
Me: "Isn't it cute!? "
(holding up the onesie)
They both looked at me like ughhh ya okay?
dad: "Ya, it is who's it for?"
Me: "Us!"
Dad: "Ya, but who's baby?"
Me: "Ours!"
(While pointing to the husband! )
They both were shocked I could tell, and I was super nervous (why? I have NO clue, but I was).
Mom: "What?!?! You're pregnant!?!"
Me: "Yes! :D"
Mom: "And this is how you are telling us?? Right here and now??"
Me: "Yes! How did you want us to tell you?"
Mom: "I don't know!"
(I think my moms reaction was the funniest, because she was so shocked! I think they were even more shocked because I had been sitting there with them practically the entire night! AND I had not said a word!)
After the initial shock wore off I'm sure both got up and started hugging us, said their congratulations and you could tell they were excited! I sat down, and started telling them the story about how I had went to the doctors and felt my grandpa there with us and that is why we were telling them early. Me and my mom cried of course, and we were so happy that BOTH of our parents knew!
Now, we couldn't wait to tell the REST of our family!!!