Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Baby Crib Meltdown!

I love that ever since I've been preggers EVERY one PLUS their Mom takes it upon themselves to give them their WONDERFUL advice, doesn't matter what it is they just give it to me!  MOST of the time I just laugh about it, and think it's funny that everyone KNOWS everything about everything, and go about my day.

Welllllll today I was talking to a co-worker about how I have so much to do before the baby comes and FIRST thing we need to do ASAP is paint the baby's crib!  You see, my cousin was VERY generous and gave us her daughters old crib that she literally slept in five times!  SO basically it's BRAND NEW so we figured why are we going to buy a crib when this one was given to us for FREE!?  Right?  Well, the only problem is that this crib is CHERRY wood, and I HATE Cherry, not for everything I mean it's cute in bedrooms and stuff but I don't like it for a little boys room, or maybe it's because it doesn't go with what I have in mind for Carter's room!  

free crib
I mean it's a simple crib and would look great in his room, IF it was a different color!  So we decided when she gave it to us that we were going to paint it!!  I really really wanted this crib!
gray crib
AND we figured that we could easily paint the above crib this beautiful gray color!  Right?  I mean it can't be THAT hard...and it will really pop!  So we went to Home Depot last week, and bought the perfect gray to go with his green wall and existing bedroom set, and we LOVED it the colors all matched perfectly!  The husband painted the room last weekend, and this weekend he was gearing up to paint BOTH the crib and the changing table a cute gray color!

That brings us to today, when I was telling my co-worker about my husband painting the crib and she looked at me and said, "you're going to paint the crib?  I don't think you should do that! In my honest opinion, because it could be harmful to the baby!"  I didn't know what to say, I hadn't even thought to ask or make sure that the paint was non-toxic -.-  In my defense I did think about it BEFORE I went out and actually bought the paint, I had read all about it and it said just make sure you get a NON-TOXIC paint!  Okay perfect!  BUT when I went to Home Depot to actually buy the paint, did I remember to check for toxicity?  Ummm that would be a BIG FAT NO!  Am I already the worlds worst mom???  :(  

So, I immediately text the husband and had a semi-meltdown about how I don't know what to do because we don't know if the paint is toxic, I mean we could potentially be poisoning our child right??  AND I searched again a MILLION times, painting a baby crib, and everything said just make sure the paint is NON-TOXIC, what the heck is paint toxic?  Because really my dog chewed my walls at my old apartment and I'M POSITIVE that they SPARED the expense and did NOT buy NON-TOXIC paint so does that mean my little Marlee was poisoning herself??

I went to the paint website, and emailed them asking if the specific paint that I bought would be okay to paint a child's crib and we shall see what they come back with.  Really?  Who knew deciding to paint a crib could be so nerve racking....but I mean really, isn't the gray crib just so much cuter!?!  I mean really?

Right now I'm hoping that the paint company will get back to me and let me know rather or not their paint will toxify (i'm positive that's not a word but I can't think of a better one) my baby!  and all things I found online said to just add a clear non-toxic protective coat over whatever paint you choose, so we shall see what happens.  

Anyone have any idea rather or not you can use regular paint on a baby crib?  Anyone ever done it before?  Please let me know!  Thank you :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Welcome Back

I've been trying to come up with a super fun interesting post, and every time I think about it my mind instantly goes BLANK!  Literally!  I want to share the progress of the baby's nursery BUT we haven't had much progress in there, besides changing the color of one wall, AND adding a cute wall vinyl sticker thing.  Don't worry I'll take a picture of it's MESSINESS this weekend AND on hopefully after the holiday it will look 10000x's better then it does right now!  So stay tuned!

Okay Okay Okay, so I'm bringing back Sometimes & Always, I always loved linking up with the girl so why not participate again?

We go to friends house's for dinner

I'm super grateful that I didn't have to cook dinner and get to enjoy just eating (fatty?)

I wish I didn't work full time so that I had more time to do things around the house (really how do ladies craft and cook dinner & work full time? is it even possible?)

think about how much I am going to miss the extra money when I go on maternity leave

I actually like working on a PC 

try to use Mac shortcuts and then I get over it and miss MY computer

I want the time from now until Carter gets here to go SUPER fast!

Realize that I have a WHOLE bunch of stuff to do and realize it needs to SLOW down a little.

I get SUPER stressed thinking that in NOT too long from now I'm actually going to have another human being to take care of and be responsible for! :O

Think about how exciting it is and how I can't wait to see his little tiny face, and lips and can't wait to see what he looks like!  EEK so exciting!

my phone acts up and I want to get rid of it

realize that I could NEVER because I love it wayyyyyy too much!

complain about lack of money

realize that I have more money then a lot of other people and I need to be MORE grateful for it!

people really get on my nerves :l

try my hardest to NOT let them, but it doesn't work!

I'll bust out laughing at something I remembered

laugh and then look around to make sure NO one saw me laughing

I want to delete my facebook

Don't because that's PRETTY much the only place my family gives news now! -.-

I feel like me and the husband have been together forever!

realize that it hasn't even been 5 years!

I think of amazing blog posts and start them!

Get distracted or want pictures from my computer at home so I NEVER finish!

wanna link up?

YAY!  It's Tuesday AND I'm off on Friday to go to the Doctor's sooo that means it's ALMOST my FOUR day weekend!  YAY!  That does mean that today is technically like my Wednesday right?  And tomorrow's Thursday?  OH MAN even when I have Friday off I can't wait for Friday! :)  HOPE you are having a SPECTACULAR week!!  It's almost the end of summer, can you believe it!?  I sure can't!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Baby Laines-32 Weeks :)

Today Marks POST # 100!!!  
Can you believe it??  I finally made it!  WOO HOO!

and now back to our regularly scheduled post, Baby Laines week 32!

How far along: 32 weeks!!  Crazy to think that in FOUR more weeks, Baby Carter could come at ANY minute!  Eeek I'm so excited!

Baby's size: AROUND 19 inches & 4.5 lbs :O He is the size of a honeydew, wowza he's getting really BIG in there! 

Miss Anything: I miss not being busy!  We have a lot going on in life right now and I feel like our weekends from now until I go on Maternity leave are JAM PACKED and it's CRAZY!  I wish we had a little more down time...but UNFORTUNATELY we don't!  I was telling my dad how busy we were from NOW until Baby and I said, well once the baby comes, I'm gonna be sitting at home EVERY weekend!!  He laughed at me :l  BUT I'm being 100% serious!

Best moment this week:  Getting the babies room painted (of course I didn't do it, BUT the husband did and it looks so cute!)  NOW to get EVERYTHING else done for his room :l

Movement: He's moving more and more, BUT I still don't think that he moves AS MUCH as other people say that their babies do.  Mostly I feel his back/butt (not sure what it is) and it feels funny poking out on my side.

Food cravings: Nothing, still.  ACTUALLY every week I have had McDonalds @ least once, and I would NEVER eat McDonalds before, but those dumb chicken nuggets & french fries taste soooo good right now!  To MAKE it a little healthier I ALWAYS get a side salad and eat that FIRST before I eat my nuggets OR french fries!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still randomly will feel nauseous and it's sooooo annoying!  BUT  other then that I'm good MOST of the time.

Maternity Clothes: Yep!  A couple of my old shirts still fit me...but anything else I feel like I'm a sausage stuffed in its casing.

Stretch marks: Still none yet, THANK GOD!  BUT I do have EIGHT more weeks (still praying that they don't pop out)

Symptoms I HAVE:   Besides a basketball in my shirt, not too much...I am starting to feel really really tired...and it's getting harder and harder to sleep but NOTHING tooooo bad (I guess)

Doctor’s Appointment:  They are EVERY TWO weeks now!! YAY!!  Means we're getting closer and closer!  All of September they are EVERY OTHER WEEK and then in October they start EVERY week!  EEK he's ALMOST HERE!

What I'm looking forward to:  BESIDES October, and for him to finally be out and me to KINDA have my body I'm excited for the baby showers, and for his room to be all ready for him!  I go in there and it looks like a TORNADO hit it!  SO we need to get that done ASAP!  Husband promised by this long weekend, so we shall see!

Gender: BOY!!!

Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :)

Happy or Moody most of the time: I LIKE to say that I'm happy MOST days, BUT it's NOT my fault that some people are sooooo annoying and they make me in a bad MOOD!

Sleep: Ehhh, I can get to sleep but often wake up tossing and turning MOST of the night, not to mention having to pee...pleaseeeeeee let these 8 weeks go by fast!

Showing:  Ummm ya for sure, BUT one of the students did ask me the other day "OMG!  When are you due?" and I said October, another student looks at me and says "OMG!  I didn't even know you were pregnant" hmmm I just laughed but does that mean she thought I was just that awkward fat girl?  Weirddddddd

Friday, August 24, 2012

It's FRIDAY, FRIDAY got to get down on FRIDAY!

Really?  I know that EVERYONE in the world can't stand that song, BUT really?  It's the FUNNIEST song EVER!  Especially if you watch the video!...okay enough of the song...It's FRIDAY so it means it's time for 

Friday Letters YAY!!

Online Stores,
You have become an OBSESSION and I can't stop frequenting you, ESPECIALLY when you give me COUPONS & FREE SHIPPING I can't take it, I feel like I'm going broke while at work because I'm online shopping!  BUT I do love when I get those packages in the mail, it's always the best to see what you actually bought since you don't get to see it in your hands when you buy it!

DIY projects that I currently have going on,
Umm, I MIGHT have a little too much to do in the next two weeks, DEFINITELY in the next 4-10 weeks! So much to do for the baby!

How are you guys possibly so cute?  I have no idea, but you are so cute that I get sad thinking that you're home all day by yourselves!  Can't wait for maternity leave we are gonna hang out ALL day!

When will you stop?  I hate you!

Co Workers,
You are all so nice, always asking me about the baby, and how I'm feeling.  THANK YOU!  You're the BEST!

WHY must you always come while I'm at work and have NO medicine to treat you?  
(NOTE TO SELF:  Why do you ALWAYS forget to pack said medicine?)

Labor Day Weekend,
Are you really already next weekend?!  OMG I can't believe it!!!  You're kinda like the end of summer, which means Baby Carter will be here VERY soon!!

Baby Carter,
What is UP with you hurting me??  I know that you MUST be getting cramped in there, BUT could you pleaseeeeeeeee get out of my ribs, it doesn't feel good when I can't lay any way because my ribs hurt :(

Thank you for not being AS bad as I thought you would be, please be good to me for the next 8 weeks.  THANK YOU!

Really??  What is your problem??  President Obama wasn't even in town this week...what is going on seriously??  You are sometimes a LITTLE too ridiculous when it takes me an HOUR and FORTY FIVE minutes to get home!!!  NOT cool, please try again today and this time I would like more of a FORTY FIVE minute commute forget the HOUR!

I always want to go swimming in you, BUT yet have NO time to do so.  Maybe tomorrow?  AFTER all my errands of course!  :D

Potential Opportunity Coming My Way,
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE work out the way that I would LIKE you to, it would be nice if everything panned out the way that it should :)

I LOVE YOU!  You truly are the BEST husband in the ENTIRE world, even if EVERY SINGLE time I tell you that you think I am joking, I'm NOT really, I actually mean it!  Thank you for loving me, our dogs and our baby!  Yesterday, when you said "I don't know what I would do without you, OR Carter and he's not even here yet" brought tears to my eyes (true, it might be the pregnancy hormones, but I don't think so).  I'm so happy to see that you are as happy as I am that Carter will soon be here! 

Prenatal Pills,
Is it just me or do you seem to be getting harder & harder to swallow??  It just seems like you do NOT want to go down.

Hurry up and get over with please, I got LOTS to do in September and then it's FINALLY going to be October!

I can't wait for you to get here!!  NOT only will baby Carter be here in your month BUT you are ALSO the beginning of the holidays, I mean really, it's Halloween, then Thanksgiving the Christmas & New Years!  Can't wait for all those and a new baby!  HURRY!

Cold Weather,
Where are you??  I need you in my life, I'm over the humid heat...we live in SOUTHERN CA I have no idea what is going on, but when it's muggy and gross outside @ 10 pm I feel like I'm on the East Coast, and this weather is the EXACT reason WHY I refuse to move over there.

1st Baby Shower,
You are only TWO weeks away!  I can't wait for you to come!  I swear it's like Christmas!

THANKS for reading!!!  I LOVE reading your comments, so much fun!  AND I hope you ALL have a FABULOUS weekend!!  WOO HOO it's Friday!  Let's hope the weekend goes as slow as Mondays! :D

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I'm sure I'm like MOST women and we LOVE a GOOD sale!!  (did I really just call myself a women?  really when do you go from a young lady to a women?  sounds so old...okay back to what I was saying) So, I have found a couple of websites recently through different places that I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE for a  good deal!

my first NEW favorite place is My Habit!  It's seriously the BEST!!  I have bought a couple of different things for the baby from there and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM is absolutely ADORABLE!!  Once I got the stuff, I was super excited that 1. it comes in like four days.  2. the stuff is really really good quality and 3. the stuff that i've been paying like 6-10 a piece FULL price cost between $30-$50 (I only know because I LOVED it so much that I thought about paying full price, until I looked up the website of the clothes and they were for RICH people)  good thing I found this website to make my kid look like he's rich when he's CLEARLY NOT!

Anyway, this website is AMAZING!  AND the BEST thing that I LOVE about it!  is that's ALWAYS free shipping (of course unless you order a bed or something HUGE, then they charge you a surcharge) but other then that FREE shipping!  that's my FAVORITE!  I hate when I go to buy something off of a cool website and the stuff I get is so cute and so cheap only to find out that when I'm buying cost less then the dumb shipping costs.  SO annoying!!  Oh and they don't charge tax :)  What price is you see the price you pay!  LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Okay, second place that I have recently come OBSESSED with is called Zulily it's kinda like My Habit, BUT My Habit has men, women children, stuff for everyone and Zulily is focused on babies, kids and moms.  I have been drooling over lots and lots of things for the baby for the last couple of days...BUT unlike my habit they do charge shipping and it's ALMOST $9 so I hadn't bought ANYTHING :(  BUT today I found the CUTEST outfit for the baby to wear on Halloween, and I HAD to have it!  I know, I WAS going to make him Mickey Mouse, BUT again I didn't want to pay Disney $10 for shipping when the whole outfit was only $20!  and I couldn't find a coupon code ANYWHERE -.-  Soooo anywho the husband and I both have a couple of god kids, well he has ONE and I have THREE which totals FOUR right, well TWO of those said god kids birthdays are within ONE day of each other, ONE on the 8th of September and ONE on the 9th of September (remember I told you that LOTS of people in my family share birthdays with either holidays or other people in our family, it's really crazy actually) anywho so I figured since I was going to buy the baby this cute outfit anyway so I started to look around for cute stuff for the kids since their bdays are coming soon too right, WELL I found the CUTEST winter coat for the husband's god daughter AND a cute dress and a SUPER cute sweater for my god son and a cute T-REX shirt!  ALL of it came out to a decent price, BUT I saw that there was a place for a "PROMO CODE" well if you're anything like me, when you see that you instantly search google to see if you can find something to stick in that little slot, and WHAT DID I FIND??  A promo code for FREE shipping!  WOO HOO I just saved myself $9 (please don't tell me I'm the only one that gets excited about saving $9? the other day at Target the husband and I bought a book for the baby and a movie, and if you bought both you got $5 off, the register wouldn't give us the discount so I had to stand in line at customer service to get my $5 the husband seriously laughed at me while I waited my 5 minutes, and said I can't believe you're standing in line for $5, well CLEARLY that's why he isn't in charge of the bills right?)  ANY WAY I was excited and NOW I have the babies SUPER cute Halloween costume & a couple of B-Day presents out of the way!  Seems like a pretty successful shopping day if I do say so myself!

P.S. I also bought THREE blu-rays TWO of them Disney Movies for the low price of $39 PLUS I'm going to be receiving a $10 coupon to use as cash at Best Buy on a a later date :)  LOVE SALES!

AND feel free to check out any of those websites, seriously LOVE THEM!!  Even if you're like me and spend the first two weeks just window shopping!  SOOO much cute stuff to look at!

Monday, August 20, 2012

award for me???

Jasmyne @ A Fisher's Wife nominated me for an award!  Can you believe it?? :D
Sorry this is so late Jasmyne, I've been trying to complete it for a couple of days now...just haven't had much without further ado...

Liebster Award 
The meaning: A German word meaning sweet, kind, nice, dear, beloved, lovely, valued and welcome. 

 Here are the rules for the Liebster: 
 *Post 11 random facts about yourself. 
 *Answer 11 questions the tagger has asked you, and give 11 questions to the people you’ve tagged.
*Choose 11 deserving bloggers and tag them in your post. (REMEMBER! The people that you tag HAVE to have less than 200 followers) 
*Tell them you’ve tagged them. 
 *No tag backs. 
 *Snag this button and proudly display it on your blog! 

11 Random Facts: 
1.I have known the Husband for TEN years, the first six of them we were just friends, NO JOKE!
2.  I only have ONE sister and we share the same birthday!  My whole life it felt like I had a twin, even now on birthdays when we don't spend the day together it doesn't feel like my birthday.
3.  I get sea sick -.-
4.  I am the oldest cousin on my Dad's family, and I LOVE it!
5.  My dogs are like my children, and I'm often afraid that when my HUMAN baby comes they won't get as much attention :(
6. I can type pretty fast...thanks to completing my ENTIRE Master's degree online :D
7. Before I was pregnant I would NEVER drink any liquids besides water, and alcohol.
8.  I LOVE to cook, and do crafts, but since I've been working I feel like I don't have enough time to do either one
9. I'd much rather text someone then call them, I don't really like talking on the phone, I feel like when you are on the phone you are ONLY on the phone, BUT if you're texting you can do LOTS of things while having a conversation, love the freedom!
10. My FAVORITE breakfast is a chorizo burrito OR beligian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream YUMMMM
11. I'm a serious PLANNER like I don't like to just wing things (sometimes it's bad) BUT it makes me the planner of my family, so all trips/dinners/events I usually have my hand in there somewhere making sure everything goes off without a hitch

 & here are the questions Jazmyne asked me... 

1. Who is your biggest role model? Why?
My BIGGEST role model is my grandma :)  She's the BEST person in the WHOLE world!!  She always puts everyone before herself, BUT can stand up for herself if she's getting taken advantage of!  She's so strong and the BEST person to talk to!  She's strong and really is the glue that holds our family together :D

2. What is your dream car?
Ohhhh I'd LOVE to own a Range Rover :D  I think they're sooooo cute!

3. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

4. What do you consider your greatest strength?
I think I'm pretty organized, I live an organized mess, if something looks messy, it's NOT I know exactly where everything is!

5. What are some of your pet peeves?
Yuck, it seems like I have ONE HUNDRED more now that I've been pregnant!  BUT
-I can't stand when grown ups LIE!  Like for what?  Especially hate it when people brag about how "they do it all on their own", rather go to school or raise a Kid when EVERYONE can see that you're parents help you....I mean there is NOTHING wrong with your parents helping you because mine have helped me LOTS but don't tell me you do it all on your own when your mom watches your kids while you go to school...or your Dad pays your rent while you're going to school ANNOYING!
-When a Mom will be SUPER done up and dressed nice, and their kid is dirty and looks like they just rolled in the dirt, OR has drool on their face from the night before, UMMM your kid SHOULD be dressed and ready before yourself, and don't tell me that it's because you didn't have time to get them ready you were putting your makeup on :l
-When people act like they KNOW what they're talking about, and they don't....ohhhhh so even though I have NEVER been pregnant, I'm going to tell you how it feels to be pregnant -.-
(okay I think those are my CURRENT pet peeves) :)

6. Why did you start blogging?
I was working part-time and started reading LOTS of blogs, so I figured why not start my own, to keep it for me to read years from now!  I especially started writing more once I got pregnant and wanted to remember everything from when I was pregnant!

7. What is your favorite accessory?
I really like things for my hair, like ribbons, or bows or head bands!

8. Cat lover or dog lover?
I love both!!!  BUT I don't really like other peoples animals, I'm kinda like those people that are like, well I hate all kids except my own, because I don't really like any animals that I don't own...sad but true.

9. Anything "quirky" about you (double jointed, can say ABCs backwards...?)
I'm not quirky :(  BUT I can drive stick shift...some people can't so I'll use that :)

10. Do you speak any other languages?
No, I can understand Spanish for the MOST part, BUT I don't really truly understand everything.

11. What is considered a perfect day for you?
A perfect day would be an extra day off of work, cleaning my house and the weather outside being amazing!  Going out to eat with my love and spending time with our little beasts.  I just love being around my little family :)  Oh and knowing that we don't have to go to work the next day :D

Most of the blogs that I follow either have already received the liebster award OR have over 200 followers, So I am just nominating TWO ladies :)

1. Steph @ Life Through My Eyes

and MY questions are...

1.  What would you like your blog to become?
2.  Which of your own blog posts is your favorite??
3.  Favorite craft that you have or want to create?  Link pleaseeeee
4.  What is your favorite alcoholic drink?  Recipe?
5.  What is your favorite state in the U.S.?
6.  Where is somewhere you wish you could visit?
7.  One thing on your bucket list?
8.  What is your dream job?
9.  What is your favorite month of the year?
10.  What is one thing about being pregnant that surprised you? (since both of you ladies have been preggers or are preggers :))
11.  Favorite TV show?  Or show that you can't wait to start in the fall?

Baby Laines-31 Weeks

How far along: 31 Weeks!!  WOO HOO only (hopefully) 9 more to go!

Baby's size: The little baby is around 3.5 pounds, 16 inches & the size of a pineapple :D  He's getting pretty big in there!

Miss Anything: This week...hmmm I miss being able to get out of bed without feeling like I'm sinking into the bed...ALSO sleeping through the entire night without getting up to have to pee was nice.

Best moment this week: Going to the doctor and finding out that 1.  I haven't gained that much weight since last month.  2. My next appt will be in two weeks and every two weeks after that until they are EVERY single week until baby comes!  It feels like it's getting close :D

Movement: I asked the doctor because it doesn't feel like he moves A LOT...and she said to make sure I pay attention to EVERY single movement and now that I have been doing that I realize he MOVES a lot, it's just not enough for me to notice without paying attention! :D

Food cravings: I have been wanting some potato wedges with nacho cheese, YUMMM I think I'm going to go get some today after work!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Ummm, I've been feeling a lot more queasy, BUT it's not over a specific thing I eat or drink.

Maternity Clothes: YEP!  Am not wearing much else these days, ESPECIALLY because maternity is SOOO much more comfortable!

Stretch marks: None, still.  Still praying that they stay away!

Symptoms I HAVE:   Besides, a HUGE belly, feeling stuffed in my nose and my body, having a hard time picking up stuff off the floor and being extra hot, nothing really.

Doctor’s Appointment:  Had one on Friday and now they are EVERY OTHER WEEK!  YAY!

What I'm looking forward to:  We have TWO baby showers next month and I'm excited to see all the cute stuff the baby is going to receive! :D

Gender: BOY!!!

Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :)

Happy or Moody most of the time: I think I'm happy most of the time!

Sleep: Sleep is okay...BUT I have to wake up AT LEAST twice a night to pee and it's so hard to get out of bed.

Showing:  ummm I'm assuming yes since people always ask me about the baby now :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lucky # 13

So this weekend I was talking to my grandma AND showing her this picture

just the four of us
my cousin had posted it the other day, found it when she was going through her stuff at home.

you see, when we started it was just the FOUR of us, and look @ how cute we were :)  
I mean really super cute!  
(don't pay attention to the fact that NONE of us are looking at the camera) well besides me & the gramps

so it was the four of us for what felt like forever, I guess it really was only five and a 1/2 years or so but when I'm 4 years older then my sister that means that from me to my sister 4 years, there were four of us, and then NOT another grand kid for five and a 1/2 years after that!  So the four of us became SUPER close, especially because even after they had another baby the four of us went to school together still and spent the ENTIRE summer with our grandma! :D  it was the BEST way to grow up by FAR!
all TWELVE of us!
Since we grew up so close being bound by my grandma & grandpa's love I have always been close to my cousins, we don't go a couple of weeks without talking or seeing each other, and you better believe we NEVER miss a birthday party or event without a REALLY REALLY good reason to miss, because we truly look forward to seeing each other and love being around each other.

So, what leads me to LUCKY NUMBER 13, well I have mentioned before on here that I LOVE the number 13 now, it reminds me of my Grandpa and it just makes me happy :)  We picked our wedding date on that day on PURPOSE...and if Carter comes ONE week & ONE day early his bday will be on the 13th, and really my bday is 31 so backwards it's 13 right?  :)  Well I was showing my grandma the picture of just the four of us and I realized that we have grown so much and it's amazing that when we were a tiny family all of us would fit inside her little house no problem!  Actually we felt like it was BIG!  Before my grandpa passed away he added a HUGE den/living room onto their house which made the old living room turn into the dining room and made the new room a HUGE living room!  I can't imagine all of us fitting inside of my grandma's old house it would have been entirely too tiny!  My grandpa knew we were going to be expanding and made sure that we had room to grow in his tiny house :)

Well now I counted, there are EIGHT grand kids now and FOUR great grand kids!  Which equals TWELVE grand kids in total for my grandma and it's amazing that,
Baby Carter will be lucky NUMBER 13 :D 

Can't wait for him to join this amazing family and have all 11 cousins to play with and love on him he is going LOVE it as much as I do!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Baby Laines-30 Weeks

How far along: 30 weeks!!  Can't believe only 10 more to go (hopefully not MORE)

Baby's size: Baby Carter is around 3 pounds and 15-16 inches!  Around the size of a cucumber! No wonder I can feel him ALL in my ribs :l

Miss Anything: Being able to sleep, sit or lay feels like I'm always in a bad position...OH and I miss not having a constant pain in my ribs, OH and the feeling of NOT being stuffed, can't wait for the day that goes away!

Best moment this week:  figuring out that I only have 53 more days of work and then it's maternity leave time!  YES!!  Oh AND finding some of the cutest stuff for Carter's room!  I'm in LOVE and I can't WAIT to start decorating!  This weekends project, painting!

Movement: Yep!  He moves, never when anyone wants him to still, BUT he does move in there, it's crazy that I NEVER EVER get tired of seeing him move...I can look at him move from the outside now and I swear I'm memorized it looks so crazy and feels so crazy AND it's weird to think that there is in fact a tiny baby growing in there!  SUCH an amazing feeling!

Food cravings: Well I just read a blog that talked about how cheese fries are their favorite food, and NOW I want some fries with nacho cheese so bad...ugh I wish I knew where to get some at!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Remember when I THOUGHT that nauseousness was over??  Well I GUESS I was wrong, because it's back in full force, back to the days of just feeling sick for no apparent reason AT ALL!  damnnnnn you nausea why are you back??  I thought I would only see you in the first trimester....

Maternity Clothes: YES please!!  That's ALL I wear, they're so comfortable that the days I try to wear regular clothes it makes me feel so uncomfortable that I just give up.

Stretch marks:  No, none yet, thank god!  Come on body, we only have 10 more weeks, I think we can make it out ALIVE! :D

Symptoms I HAVE:   Besides feeling stuffed all the time, feeling nauseous, having a stuffy nose, pain in my ribs, being ridiculously tired AGAIN, I don't have any symptoms at all.  I'm not complaining though because I do get some perks, like when I'm eating before I say hi to everyone at a party, everyone understands because I'm preggers, OH and when I want to go home from an event to no one calls me a party pooper cause I'm preggers :)

Doctor’s Appointment:  I have one scheduled for this Friday, I'm sure it's just a standard appt, nothing too big is going to happen, BUT after this one they are coming EVERY TWO weeks!  I'm excited, it means he will be here in NO TIME!
What I'm looking forward to:  I'm actually looking forward to a few things, the baby shower is in a couple of weeks, followed by ANOTHER baby shower a couple of weeks later, PLUS we have a whole bunch of different classes set up that I actually can't wait to attend!

Gender: BOY!!!

Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :)

Happy or Moody most of the time: I think I was a little happier this week.

Sleep:'s okay...I wake up a few times a night tossing and turning, BUT it could be a LOT worse!

Showing:  Ummm...yes....EVERYONE touches my belly now, it's still funny to get used to because usually random people do not randomly come up to you and touch your stomach...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sons of Anarchy

Okay, so I'm PRETTY sure that you have heard me mention, MORE then once, on this here blog that me and the husband have RECENTLY become OBSESSED with SOA!!  If you haven't seen's on Netflix, feel free to watch it!  It's AMAZING and although it took me 4 ALMOST 5 seasons to realize that I needed to jump on this bandwagon (I mean really, I have NO idea how I had managed to let it slip by me for so long)

I randomly started watching on Netflix a couple of weeks ago, and was telling the husband about how much I really liked it, in which he replied, 

"I've been telling you that we should watch it!"  

my bad, so we've been watching it EVERY single night for the passed ummm two weeks or so...AND on most weekends when we aren't getting 1 of the million things that we have to do done, then we spend hours and hours watching it, I mean really it's an addiction!  

BUT last night...something awful happened!  We finished season 3, and it was AMAZING!!  The BEST episode yet!  and guess what?!?!  
Season 4, isn't on NETFLIX!!  
Can you believe it!?!?!  We looked online every where and couldn't find anywhere that it was where, so what does a desperate couple do that can't wait to watch the reruns on FX to play before the new season starts?  
AND for $21.99 poorer...
we started watching season 4, and 

I'm hoping that we go through these 14 seasons VERY slowly so that we don't have THAT much time until season 5 starts on September 11th, BUT ugggh I KNOW we're going to get through it in a week MAYBE a week and a 1/2 if we have things to at least it will be back NEXT MONTH!  YAY!

I mean really??
look at this dude?  he makes the show that much better to watch....
especially with this hair cut..

AND any show where Peggy Bundy is this crazy is worth a watch...I mean really?  She TOTALLY got rid of the bon bons, big hair and high heels
and turned into a TOTAL BADASS!!  She's CRAZY!  AND I LOVE HER!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Carter Update :)

Does it seem like ALL I ever talk about on this blog here is Baby Carter?  It's probably because I'm OBSESSED with him!!  I mean OBSESSED!!  EVERY SINGLE DAY I think about the day he'll be on the outside, and although I KNOW that it's gonna be crazy, and our LIVES are going to change INSTANTLY I mean really, we are going to have a itty bitty tiny human being to take care of for...umm just the rest of our lives! :)  BUT I can't wait!!!

So, I'm going to share with you some of the stuff that I have become OBSESSED with in the recent days.

Oh and I have officially FULLY embraced having a BOY!  and NOW I can't even imagine having a girl!!

1.  I am OBSESSED with this picture of baby Carter!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE it, love his little face!!  Can't wait to kiss it over and over again once he gets out!
it looks so blurry on here :(
2.  This Mickey Mouse costume on the Disney Store, I am going to order it ASAP and keep my fingers crossed that Carter comes out BEFORE Halloween so that he can wear it!  Hear that Baby, you NEED to come out BEFORE Halloween!
the CUTEST for a little TINY baby! :)
3.  Dinosaurs!!  I'm OBSESSED!!  Not only is his bed set Dinos BUT now every single time I find ANYTHING with Dinosaurs on it, I want it for the baby!  (most things unless they are NOT cute) I've been SEARCHING for a cute dinosaur plush for him, and I have yet to find one, does anyone know where I can get this dinosaur at in plush and BIG!?!
she's soooooo cute!
Here is Carter's bedroom set, that I am still in love with! :)
it reminds me of the ugly dolls and I LOVE them!
I mean really, it's so cute!  AND it has all the colors that I want for his room!!  Green, Blue, Gray, pops of orange!  Like I said, I am obsessed with Dinosaurs, so I naturally bought him THIS pair of pajamas!  They're so cute!
AND I am searching EVERYWHERE for this dinosaur!!!  and I can't find it anywhere for LESS then $500 
it would match PERFECTLY in his room!
I love that I can feel Carter from the outside now, it is still kinda creepy that you can feel body parts and stuff, BUT it's amazing that you can feel his back or head, not really sure what it is, but it's something and when I touch him he moves!  It's a CRAZY/AMAZING experience!!!

I'm IN LOVE with this stroller/car seat combo!!  I LOVE the colors, it looks so comfortable!  and really, so boyish, and not babyish...i don't really like babyish looking things for boys....
LOVE it!
I'm IN LOVE with Carter's baby shower invites!  They're the BEST!  Can't wait to frame one and put it on his wall, that I really really really want to do that's hopefully going to turn out something like THIS!
BUT a little less cluttered & NO TV
and here are his invites!
sorry so pixilated it's from a picture of a computer screen
AND finally I have come across MY HABIT and I LOVE it!  I've bought a couple of different shirts for Carter from it, and I can't wait til they get here, it's FREE shipping and I LOVE free shipping!  That's the BEST!  and they have the BEST stuff!!  
We are getting started on the babies room this weekend (hopefully) and I will be sure to give updates, I'm not the BEST decorated so I'm getting a LOT of help from pinterest! :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Baby Laines-29 Weeks

How far along: 29 weeks! :)

Baby's size: 15-16 inches & around 3 lbs!  The size of an acorn squash! 

Miss Anything: I miss not feeling stuffed all the time :(  Between my nose running constantly and feeling like I can't take a FULL breathe I feel like someone is holding a pillow in front of my face, can't wait for this feeling to go gone!

Best moment this week:  Feeling the little one move, more and more, really though, either he doesn't like people that much, OR he loves people so much that he doesn't want to move around them, because really when we're around people he HARDLY ever moves, EVER!  This last week when it's just me and him though he moves like CRAZY :)  LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

Movement: He's moving more then before, BUT still not moving TOO much, we'll see if this changes in the next couple of weeks!

Food cravings: Hmmm besides cookies, ice cream and sweets nothing really.  like if that is nothing :) It's really the husbands fault though because he LOVES that kind of stuff Baby Carter is gonna be just like him I KNOW it!

Anything making you queasy or sick: NOPE, still just feel sick if I don't eat on time!

Maternity Clothes: YES please!!!  OMG!  I have been wearing SOME of my old shirts BUT for the most part they are getting too short or too tight :(  AND 90% of the pants/shorts or skirts that I wear now are maternity, they are SOOOO much more comfortable!

Stretch marks: Still none, only 11 weeks to go...lets hope they don't get added later, pleaseeeeeeee

Symptoms I HAVE:   Besides feeling stuffed in my nose and chest, my growing belly, my random leg cramps, my inability to jump right out of bed, or the ability to be comfortable falling asleep in two seconds then nothing really.

Doctor’s Appointment:  I have a Dr Appt NEXT Friday and THEN they are EVERY two weeks after that!  YAY!!  That just means that the baby is going to be here in NO time!  Can't wait!

What I'm looking forward to:  The baby showers, (yes we're having two) I can't wait to see all the cute stuff that he gets!!

Gender: BOY!!!

Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :)

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happier this week then normal, I'm excited that the weeks are going by pretty fast, and hopefully they keep going fast, and he gets here soooooooooon!

Sleep:'s okay...when I get in bed, it takes me a little while to get comfortable so that's NOT fun, BUT once I'm asleep for the most part I'm OUT! :)

Showing:  uggh i think people can OFFICIALLY tell that I'm carrying a baby AND not just a fatty!