I love that ever since I've been preggers EVERY one PLUS their Mom takes it upon themselves to give them their WONDERFUL advice, doesn't matter what it is they just give it to me! MOST of the time I just laugh about it, and think it's funny that everyone KNOWS everything about everything, and go about my day.
Welllllll today I was talking to a co-worker about how I have so much to do before the baby comes and FIRST thing we need to do ASAP is paint the baby's crib! You see, my cousin was VERY generous and gave us her daughters old crib that she literally slept in five times! SO basically it's BRAND NEW so we figured why are we going to buy a crib when this one was given to us for FREE!? Right? Well, the only problem is that this crib is CHERRY wood, and I HATE Cherry, not for everything I mean it's cute in bedrooms and stuff but I don't like it for a little boys room, or maybe it's because it doesn't go with what I have in mind for Carter's room!
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free crib |
gray crib |
AND we figured that we could easily paint the above crib this beautiful gray color! Right? I mean it can't be THAT hard...and it will really pop! So we went to Home Depot last week, and bought the perfect gray to go with his green wall and existing bedroom set, and we LOVED it the colors all matched perfectly! The husband painted the room last weekend, and this weekend he was gearing up to paint BOTH the crib and the changing table a cute gray color!
That brings us to today, when I was telling my co-worker about my husband painting the crib and she looked at me and said, "you're going to paint the crib? I don't think you should do that! In my honest opinion, because it could be harmful to the baby!" I didn't know what to say, I hadn't even thought to ask or make sure that the paint was non-toxic -.- In my defense I did think about it BEFORE I went out and actually bought the paint, I had read all about it and it said just make sure you get a NON-TOXIC paint! Okay perfect! BUT when I went to Home Depot to actually buy the paint, did I remember to check for toxicity? Ummm that would be a BIG FAT NO! Am I already the worlds worst mom??? :(
So, I immediately text the husband and had a semi-meltdown about how I don't know what to do because we don't know if the paint is toxic, I mean we could potentially be poisoning our child right?? AND I searched again a MILLION times, painting a baby crib, and everything said just make sure the paint is NON-TOXIC, what the heck is paint toxic? Because really my dog chewed my walls at my old apartment and I'M POSITIVE that they SPARED the expense and did NOT buy NON-TOXIC paint so does that mean my little Marlee was poisoning herself??
I went to the paint website, and emailed them asking if the specific paint that I bought would be okay to paint a child's crib and we shall see what they come back with. Really? Who knew deciding to paint a crib could be so nerve racking....but I mean really, isn't the gray crib just so much cuter!?! I mean really?
Right now I'm hoping that the paint company will get back to me and let me know rather or not their paint will toxify (i'm positive that's not a word but I can't think of a better one) my baby! and all things I found online said to just add a clear non-toxic protective coat over whatever paint you choose, so we shall see what happens.
Anyone have any idea rather or not you can use regular paint on a baby crib? Anyone ever done it before? Please let me know! Thank you :)