Hellooooooooo...and welcome to another link up par-tay!
I am linking up with this little momma
for a
speed dating party!
It's fun so if you want to join go on and head over to her blog!
Here goes my speed date!
I have the most amazing husband in the whole world, one that will make me raviolis for dinner even if he hates them because i love them! :)
I am catholic and try to go to church as much as possible, me and the husband were married in a church the same one I did BOTH my baptism & communion at...the same church I went to when I was young, and I can't wait to get Baby L baptized in the same church!
The husband and I have known eachother for over ten years! and yet have only been dating for 4, yes ladies and gentlemen we were ONLY friends nothing else, I really think it's the reason we work so well together, we never kept things from eachother because we couldnt! we already knew the good and the bad, sometimes when were at home, i'll look at him and think "what the heck? how did i end up marrying the dude who i used to wrestle with at work?" it always amazes me! but makes for an incredible love story it's making my eyes get teary just thinking about how amazing it was (that or it's the pregnancy hormones?)
I am obsessed with my family, they are that amazing! Literally! If you want to know more about them check this out!! I'm sure you'll love them too!
I can't wait for Baby L to get here, and even though I get anxiety thinking about where we're gonna live, and how we're gonna do it, I get so excited thinking about it! I can't wait to see what 1/2 of the husband & 1/2 of me is going to look like!
I have THREE beasts that reside inside my home, Mr. Fox McCloud, Miss Marlee Muffin & Mr. Santiago Ignacio, and I talk allllllllll about them in this post! :D and have recently added to our household FOUR tiny puppies the product of Mr McCloud & Miss Muffin (yes they're married!) and you can see how cute they're here!! I love them, and I still want to keep them all!
My husband laughs at me when I tell him something exciting that happened to one of the people who's blog I read! JERK!
I have my bachelors degree in teaching, a teaching credential and a masters in education and still can't find a full time teaching job in CA it's really ridiculous! So ridiculous that often times I think "why didnt' i listen to my dad when he told me to be a business major, so I could make lots of money" :( BUT I love teaching, I pray everday sometimes opens up for me, I guess the perfect position just hasn't found me yet!
I was in a sorority for three years, and when people talk bad about them it makes me so mad! It was the MOST fun I have ever had in my whole life and I would recommend joining a NATIONAL sorority/fraternity to anyone! It made college that much more fun! And memories for a lifetime!
I lived without health insurance for seven months and almost every single day i worried about it. it was so frustrating and sad, I would often think that if something terrible would happen (car accident) we would be so poor we would never be able to afford a house or anything that we want to accomplish in the years to come. Therefore, anyone that doesn't understand the importance of universal heathcare drives me crazy, because every single one of these people i have met, HAVE HEALTHCARE :(
I am obsessed with my iPhone. Litearlly I could not ever imagine myself buying a different type of phone EVER! Actually I'm obsessed with all things Apple related, I just love all of their stuff so much!! Next up new iMac!! I have been drowling over the HUGE screen for years! and once we move we have decided to finally invest in one! :D
I LOVE football! And am often explaining this to the husband, he doesn't love football so much! I don't know how he couldn't it's so much fun!
I like when people spell their kids names a unique way like instead of an "i" putting a "y" or vice versa, BUT I can't stand when parents try TOO hard to make thier normal kids names ridiculous! Ashley turns into Ashilieey...way over dramatic for my taste and as a teacher/substitute teacher it's kinda annoying for both me and the poor kid
I lived in Fresno for 3 1/2 years and even though it was super hot in summer and super cold in winter it was so much fun! I'm so glad that I picked there to go to college! Go Bulldogs!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE reading blogs, I think it is so much fun...even if my husband things I'm weird!! My fave cousin knows exactly how I feel because we follow a lot of the same people and will call/text eachother when one of our faves gets some amazing news! :)
Thank you so much for linking up! :)
haha my husband's laughs, too, when i share with him about my bloggy friends!! found you via the link up xo
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