Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Birthday Weekend...WOW!

Last weekend, I was not really excited about my bday, IDK why it just didn't feel like something I was excited about, but as it gets closer and all of the plans are starting to come together then I actually am getting exciting. We are going to a club on Saturday and then on Sunday a Bday swimming BBQ so I am pretty excited!!! I hope everything goes good and we have a blast! AND next weekend Jewel is coming so we will have to celebrate again! :D

One thing I can't believe is that 2 years ago today I was rushing home from work to be with my grandpa! I can't believe it has been two years already :( I swear I can still hear him yelling at me, I can still see him walking even sometimes when I walk into my grandma's house I think that he is going to be there, even though I know he's not. It's so crazy. I miss him so much every single day, especially when I think about everything, it makes me sad and some days I just think, I miss my grandpa and there will be nothing in particular that makes me say or feel that, I just get a sad feeling all of a sudden. Death sucks, and I can still remember the exact way that I was feeling on this day 2 years ago. I love you grandpa!!! AND can't wait to have kids so that I can tell them all about you and how funny you are! :D

For now, I got to get ready for Gustavo's 21st bday tomorrow. SO today I will bake!! HAPPY WEDNESDAY! :)

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