Friday, September 28, 2012

Dear Friday

I don't know why, BUT I'm kind of obsessed with celebrating the LAST day of the month, so HAPPY last friday of September!  Didn't September FLY by?!?!?!  OR is it just me that thought so??

Sad to see you go so fast, BUT I'm kinda happy you did!

I'm SUPER excited for you!!  Like I can't wait for you to be here, only a few more days and I can officially say that my baby will be here THIS month and I can't wait!! :D  EEK so exciting, going on Maternity Leave...and getting Baby Carter's room COMPLETELY ready for him to move in with us :) 

SPECIFICALLY the NEW one by my job, I LOVE made me SUPER excited when I found out that you opened up today :)

I can't wait to see you today...I miss hanging out with you on random days like today

I miss the elementary ones the MOST, with my new job I get to work with only adults and I miss the innocence of children :l

That's all! :)

I Love you TO INFINITY and BEYOND!  I'm positive that what we found out or THINK might be going on is not going to be as bad as we think it might be...and if it is we will handle it, and we will all be SUPER strong, because that's who we are!  We are strong and we lean on each other and we fight...not just with each other but AGAINST all things against us!  And that's why we are as strong as we are...we love and care for each other because that's what we were taught and I can't wait for Baby Carter to join us!  We're going to be good!  I KNOW IT!

Bank Account,
I think I write to you EVERY SINGLE week during Friday Letters, so WHY can't you get that I need you to stop releasing your funds so easily!  Seriously, stop it!

King Size Bed,
Awwww I LOVE you, and I'm POSITIVE that I'm going to LOVE you MORE when I can sleep on you regular and not with a MILLION pillows surrounding me...but you are amazing and you make me sleep 100% better then I was before we got you :)

You were worth the $60 I don't care that anyone thinks I'm crazy for spending that much on sheets you are AMAZING!

Please don't make me feel rushed to go through my appointment today, because last time I had an appointment she made me feel rushed, and it was ANNOYING!

Fall on TV,
Welcome back!  I'm glad to see you!  So far you are great!

All things on my to do list,
I hope that you all get completed before Baby Carter decides to join us!  Seriously I'm starting to get nervous that I might NOT finish in time!

Grey's Anatomy,
I don't know whyyyyyyy I EVER listen to anyone about you, I loved you!  Thought you were GREAT and full of surprises!  I don't know why everyone was complaining that you weren't good...

I miss you...I really need to start doing a LOT more of you!  Seriously...I miss getting caught up in a good book!  NOW I just need to find a good book to really get into!

Real Housewives,
Can you believe that I haven't watched ANY of the New York season AND I also haven't watched hardly ANY of the New Jersey season, AND now I find out that Miami already started!?!  I'm so far behind!  BUT since I look at a computer ALL day at work, the last thing I want to do when I get home is watch TV :l  AND the husband and I get home at the same time...soooooo I can't really watch any of the shows that I used to enjoy alone, while I was making dinner.

Thank you so much for the AMAZING baby shower that you threw for Baby Carter on Tuesday!  You guys are AMAZING!!!  And now that we are only a week away from my last day, I am getting kinda sad thinking that I won't be coming here every day...I am going to miss it BUT I WILL NOT miss the traffic!!  NOT one BIT!!

Friends via Blogger,
I LOVE getting comments for you fine people :)  It really brightens my day!  Especially TWO weeks ago when I woke up on the WRONG side of the bed!  Thank you!  You guys are the BEST!  P.S. I just entered in a Fall Swap...I LOVE them they're so much fun because you have NO idea what you are going to get...kinda like when you were a kid and you bought those "grab bags" from the Hello Kitty store (I know it's called Sanrio Store BUT when I was little we ONLY called it the Hello Kitty store, they were SO much fun!  and you BETTER believe me and my cousins ALWAYS bought one!  Go ahead and enter HERE!

wanna join in on Friday Letters, go here :)


Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Okay LAST one of September ;)

Hellooooooooo and welcome Thursday, OH how I've missed you!  I've felt like it was Friday since Tuesday -,-

It's OKAY that....

....I wake up EVERY single day @ 6 am (when my alarm goes off at 7)!!  NO it's not but let's pretend

....I had to remind my gma when her bday was :)

....I'm SUPER DUPER excited for my gmas bday dinner next week :)

....I'm getting a little bit of anxiety about LOTS of things happening in the VERY near FUTURE

....I NEED to go to Burlington Coat Factory, BECAUSE I have a $10 coupon off a $10 purchase!  HELLO at the VERY least I can get something for the little baby :)

....sometimes I get kinda moody

....I'm ALWAYS hot!!  AND the husband thought he was HOT blooded! students always FIND me on my lunch break and WANT to talk :l

....I've been SOOOOOOO tired the last couple of weeks

....I'm MOSTLY excited to for the weekend so that I can sleep in on Saturday!!

....I have NO idea what we are eating for dinner

....MOSTLY I'm excited to be home with the baby so that I can cook dinner every night...ummm it MIGHT not happen if baby carter is a fussy baby BUT I can dream right?

....NEXT week is my last week @ work and I am counting down the days!

....this post is not going to have a single picture in it -.-

....I'm SUPER excited for all the new fall shows being back!  YES!!

....I get SUPER DUPER annoyed when people post things on IG, FB & Twitter about shows that haven't even PLAYED at my house yet!!!  UGH I can't tell you how pissed I was when EVERYONE and their freakin MOM was posting about the SOA episode @ FREAKIN 8 o'clock!!  WTF people I DON'T even get it on TV until 10!!  I have CABLE!!  It's not like I was just being a lazy ass and recording it for the next day!  (can you tell how much it pissed me off?  NOT at all right?) actually ANNOYS me when ANYONE posts about any show...just watch the show people...I don't need a status update on HOW AMAZING IT WAS!  Duhhh I watch it!  I KNOW!!  OR I don't watch it and I don't care!

....this post might sound KINDA mean, but I promise I'm not that mean...some people are just annoying

....I can't believe September is already OVER's funny how much I can feel the baby move, so much that I am used to him moving constantly it's like a way of's gonna be weird when I don't feel it anymore

....we went to a labor & delivery class, and it made me more nervous to push this baby out :l

....we have ANOTHER baby shower this weekend :)

....our bed is SO huge now that I don't even feel the husband at all!  Literally AT ALL...most times I don't even feel like he's in bed with me!


go ahead and link upppppppp here

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Welcome Fall

I know that loooooooots of people have been talking about Fall and all the things they love about it, SOOOO I decided to give you a couple of things that I LOVE LOVE LOVE about Fall!!  I mean I love all seasons, because I always feel like when it's time for the next season to come, we are COMPLETELY ready for it, I mean I could NEVER live in Hawaii, I head it NEVER gets cool there...I like days when I have to wear boots and scarves (even though people in other states would say that we in CA don't really know what it is to experience the seasons, I like OUR seasons VERY much THANK YOU :D)

So, here are a couple of things, that I'm SUPER excited for now that it's fall!

USUALLY by now, or VERY soon we would be going to the L.A. County Fair, it's so much fun!!  They have the BEST food, the BEST things to buy and watch and do, and we ALWAYS have so much fun...unfortunately we have NOT been able to afford to go to the fair this year :(  it's okay NEXT year we'll have an ALMOST one year old to take and enjoy everything BRAND new!! :D  Can't wait!
Yes, that's a money machine, and NO it wasn't real money BUT we did get to win prizes according to how much money you put in the box, and IF I can remember right the husband did pretty good.

OF COURSE football season!  I mean really?  Who's NOT excited to see some dudes tackle each other, throw a football, kick a football, and just have fun?  Okay and I'll admit I MIGHT be a tiny bit jealous that I can not have a beer while watching Monday night football....sooon (hopefully)
P.S. YES this pictures is blurry BUT how many of you have a picture with a super bowl trophy?  NOT many I'm positive!

Like I've said MANY times before, ALMOST NO one in my entire family has their OWN birthday, actually we figured it out, and the ONLY one that has their OWN birthday is my cousin Brianna AND the only reason that is, is because she was born SUPER premature, at around 24 weeks gestation, so IF she would have been born ON time, she would have been lumped into the June in October is NO different, we start off with my FAVORITE person's birthday!  Which is coming up NEXT week!
 My grandma!  I mean isn't she the cutest little thing you've EVER seen!!?!  Sorry about the blurry's old and I didn't even take it!
The last couple of years we go to Panda Inn (a SUPER delicious Chinese restaurant) for her birthday because 1.) she LOVES chinese food, and 2.) this ones her FAVORITE!  This was a couple of years ago, not too sure why our faces look like this BUT omg I can't believe how little these kids are :(  They're growing up WAYYY too fast!

In October we also celebrate my Mom's bday & my Aunts and we have a couple of other cousins and great aunts bdays too!
Last year was the SECOND year in a row that we made it to the Pumpkin Patch!  They have it every year at one of the colleges I attended, and it is HUGE!!  I will have to post some pictures of how gigantic it is, but literally ALL you see is Pumpkins!  So pretty!  AND all pumpkins are only $5!  LOVE
YOU better believe we WILL be going back in a couple of weeks :D

Fall signals all my HOLIDAY wreaths coming out!!!  STARTING with Halloween :)
I posted a tutorial here on how to make this!  AND I  LOVE LOVE LOVE it! 

Right after Halloween I get to put out my Thanksgiving one! :D
For some reason they just make me a little happier when I get home!  They're just so cute :)

Then comes one of my FAVORITE holidays!!!!
 YESSSSS one year I was a nerd, and YES I did make the husband dress up with me!  HEY that was probably one of the cheapest costumes I EVER was, and I LOVED IT!
Well actually this costume was pretty cheap, it was PUT together @ Rite Aid on Halloween, RIGHT before we went to pass out candy!  The husband was Don King (yep he thought of that ALL on his own and thought it was the BEST idea EVER) and I was a bank robber! :D
The husband and I were cave people last year for my Aunt's Bday party/Halloween party and I LOVED it!  Since we had some left over fabric, because the Husband decided he just wanted to wear a dress my gma joined us!  What a cute cave family we are ha :)  See here my gma is beating up the husband for trying to drag me by my hair!  NO ONE noticed that ha?  :D 
P.S.  YES these costumes were COMPLETELY hand made AND no we did not sew ANYTHING all those years in the sorority really helped me in learning how to make costumes completely out of safety pins and hot glue :)
 The Monsters!  They LOVE Halloween too!  I mean can't you tell?!?  Especially little Fox! :D
Traded costumes, and I think these were way better :)
AND everyone knows that Halloween is about wearing RIDICULOUS things, so gives me an excuse to wear PINK eyelashes!  LOVED!  I was a witch on actual Halloween, so I wore these eyelashes and a nice witch hat again courtesy of rite aid ON Halloween :D

Fall means my anniversary is coming :)
November 13th :)
awww I love fall :)
cooler weather
longer nights
hot coffee/chocolate
and getting ready for

Welcome Fall, you are greatly appreciated :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Taco Tuesday!

Since, it's Tuesday and USUALLY Tuesdays are a whatever day...I mean really...what is it good for EXCEPT Taco Tuesday?  Right?

WELL, today it's going to be good for Throwing out pictures on my iPhone, IF you're anything like me and you have a GABILLION pictures on your iPhone, I mean literally I have OVER 3,000 what are they of?  I have NO idea!  But I am going to share some of the recent ones with you :)  YAY you!  :D
The Muffin got fixed :(((  Did I mention that on here?  NOT too sure if I did, but it was the SADDEST thing ever!!  Seriously she was WAYYY more sad then poor Fox was :l  Breaks my heart to see our USUAL spunky beast so sad.
Like father like daughter?  OBVIOUSLY right??  They are so funny, it's really hilarious how much a like they are in the way they sit and stand, in EVERY OTHER way though, she's EXACTLY like the Muffin!
I watched this video the other day on YouTube, if you haven't ever seen this girl before
1. you MUST live on another planet
2. you NEED to go check her out like UMM NOW!!
3. Her names Jenna Marbles AND this video is called "My Boyfriend Does my Makeup Tag"
5. ESPECIALLY when he puts on her foundation!
LOVIN' the NEW update!!  MOST of it, I LOVE that Siri tells me how to get to places BUT she told me the wrong directions home the other day, she was telling to go to a place that was BEHIND my house :l  WEIRD and the maps NO longer tell you how long it is supposed to take to get somewhere lameeee 
P.S. Apple if you're reading this, which I'm SURE you are, please fix those two things and I will LOVE this new update & Siri FOREVER!!
is it bad that I want to go see this movie ridiculously bad???  I mean come on it's in 3-D and it's one of the BEST kids movies umm EVER!  I don't know how I always forget about it!  Maybe we'll go this weekend!
I told you the muffin was so sad :(  this is how she spent ALL last week!!  :(((  Thank GOD she finally started feeling better on Saturday!
Happy First day of Fall on Saturday :D
In honor of it, I got my FIRST pumpkin spice latte of the season :)
we found this SUPER nice rocker from Costco for 1/2 price of what we had been seeing the CHEAPEST one for!  AND I LOVE it!  If anyone knows where to get a nice slipcover for LESS then ridiculous amounts of money please let me know :) 
AND yes, my husband DOES bring his Chick-Fil-A into Costco to eat & shop :)  and he was VERY excited for this chair!  CLEARLY
The stupid toaster at work, BURNT my pop tarts -.- 
This made me laugh that I seriously got a paper to sign a petition after last nights CRAZINESS, well if you don't know what happened, google it, I still don't understand what the refs saw, but a petition?  HILARIOUS!
I told you guys the husband sends the BEST text messages! SOMETIMES he's hilarious!
I ordered a Boppy Cover from Etsy with this print, I HOPE it comes out at cute as I think it will be :)

OKAY, well that's allll I got for today!  HAPPY Tuesday!!  ONLY THREE more days until the weekend!  WOOT WOOT!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Baby Laines-36 Weeks

How far along: 36 Weeks :)

Baby's size: 19-22 inches, around 6.5 lbs AND the size of a WATERMELON!  Ummm safe to say Baby Carter is BIG enough to come out ANY day now!!

Miss Anything: NOT having a MILLION things to do on my to do list!!  Seriously!

Best moment this week:  Knowing that in LESS then a month the new baby will be here!  Eeek I can't wait!

Movement: Yep, he doesn't kick so much anymore, BUT he gets hiccups a lot AND lots of rolls, and I think he moves his hands around a lot

Food cravings: Still just sweets.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Randomly I'll feel SUPER nauseous but not on a steady basis. 

Maternity Clothes: Uggh yes, I'm still trying to squeeze myself into my old pants, and although they still go on, they are completely unbuttoned, thank you belly band for making it seem like they're not.

Stretch marks: :(  I am sad to say that I got a few stretch marks :,( I wanted to cry when I saw them, BUT the upside is that they are REALLY REALLY light and I think I MIGHT be the only one that can truly see them, what can I say I know what my stomach looked like before and those tiny marks were NOT there.

Symptoms I HAVE:   Big huge belly, tired ALL THE TIME, NONE of my clothes fit, get out of breath, ONE symptom I still don't have though, is that I am NOT nesting thats for sure, I'm so tired all I want to do is sleep!

Doctor’s Appointment:  Have one on Friday, and then it's EVERY single week until he finally decides to come!

What I'm looking forward to:  Baby Carter finally being here!  I literally CAN NOT WAIT!!!  I know I have a LOT to do before his arrival BUT I'm so excited to go in his room and see an actual baby :)

Gender: BOY!!!

Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :)

Happy or Moody most of the time: Not gonna lie, I'm pretty freaking moody, BUT it's HOT and I have realized that MOST people are REALLY annoying!

Sleep: Yuckkkk...I wish it was easier to sleep!  I'm so tired!

Showing:  There is NO hiding this big belly, I mean I can try BUT I'm pretty sure people can tell there's a baby in there :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Some funny things about being preggers!

Soooo I know I still have a couple more weeks, BUT I wanted to share with you some things that have SURPRISED me since finding out I was preggers, not only surprised but also things that other people "forgot" to mention!

-no matter what your preference is once they tell you what your baby is, you will be BEYOND excited!  
I ALWAYS wanted a daughter, I longed for the husband to have a daddy's girl, I wanted to laugh at how wrapped around her finger he would become, and I wanted a room of pink and animal print!  I had it all planned out!  BUT now, now I can NOT imagine being pregnant with a girl!  I am so excited for a boy!  I can't wait to play with trucks, and cars, and lets face it, BOY toys are wayyyyyyy cooler!! :)  Even the husband is excited now, we talk about what sports we're going to put him in and all the stuff that we can't wait for him to do!  Trust me once you find out, after the initial shock, you'll be excited!
-you NEED maternity clothes
I had LOTS and LOTS of people tell me, "Oh don't buy maternity clothes!  they're ugly and you'll NEVER wear them again, such a waste of money"  Ummm I don't know how those people didn't wear maternity clothes, they are the MOST comfortable clothes that I have EVER worn in my WHOLE LIFE!  Seriously, so comfy!  AND I mean you CAN buy some clothes that are MUCH bigger then your regular clothes that will fit while you're preggers BUT you'll be sad because your size went up so much :(  in maternity clothes you can still wear the same size you were in BEFORE you started growing a basketball under your shirt!
-you MIGHT not get any cravings, and EVERYONE will ask you about it
I haven't really had any ridiculous cravings, and usually that's the very first question that everyone will ask you, "OMG!  what are you craving?  anything crazy?"  I haven't had anything, AT ALL, I mean I do have a couple months left, BUT so far the only thing that I crave are things that are normal, french fries (even though I NEVER feel like I NEED them RIGHT NOW) ice cream, OR cookies, don't worry I try to limit myself to ONCE a day craving, because clearly this
-EVERYONE will have an opinion about your baby
literally!  EVERY SINGLE person that you HAPPEN to run into while you are carrying a baby will have an opinion about EVERY SINGLE THING that is going on in your pregnancy!  "ohhh you've gained a lot of weight" "ohhh you are really going to name your baby that?" "on your going to spell their name like that?"  "why that theme for his room?"  "you're having your baby at what hospital?  Why?"  "you are going to breastfeed?  you aren't?" "you shouldn't wear heels" "you shouldn't carry ANYTHING AT ALL" it's kinda funny at first, and then it will get kinda annoying, AND then you're pregnancy hormones are really going to kick in and you're going to want to punch said people in the face!  :)  Don't worry you won't actually do it.
-People will ask you about your baby A LOT!
its cute, actually I never really thought that it would be such a conversation started.  BUT people are really interested in babies, they want to know everything about the baby, is it a boy?  or girl?  what is his/her name going to be?  Is it your first baby?  Are you still working?
-your body will do things that don't seem possible!
I mean really, you will look at your stomach and think, "how can this stomach possibly fit a 5/6 lb baby in it, with 5 more weeks to go??  really?  how is it possible?  Oh and how is it possible that your stomach can move like a CRAZY cat got inside there!  Or alien?  I mean will feel so different then ANYTHING that you will ever feel.
-You will think to yourself, "Now please, tell me how those ladies didn't know they were pregnant?"
I mean really?  How??  To me, does NOT seem possible AT ALL!  They are either the LUCKIEST women on the planet, OR the dumbest women on the planet, you decide my friends.
-You could NOT imagine what Michelle Duggars life is like
I mean really?  Being pregnant with NINETEEN kids, I can't imagine!
-Everyone will ask you how you feel
it's really a nice gesture, it really is and you'll feel good when someone asks you, but you'll really just want to tell them all about how your feet hurt, you can't sleep, you feel stuffed, your back hurts, you have to pee every hour on the hour even when you're sleeping, you're bigger then you've ever been in your whole life, etc. but instead, you'll say "feeling okay..." because you don't want to complain about growing a miracle inside that BIG belly :)
-Other ladies with kids will tell you ALL about the pain that you will feel, and that it is the worst pain EVER, BUT in the same breathe say "Just make sure to relax"
really?  yes this does happen, and yes being someone that was NEVER pregnant before it will freak you out for what is to come, i just try not to think about it too much.
-You'll probably cry
and over the dumbest things when you look back at it.  In the beginning I cried all the time, it was pretty ridiculous, the husband could just look at me weird, and I'd start crying
-Your husband, no matter how much he tries, will NEVER full understand what it feels like
with anything, being big, getting swollen feet, feeling sick, and if your husband is anything like mine, he'll probably look at you like you're exaggerating when you try to get out of bed and struggling, actually at first he thought I was kidding, no husband I wish i was, that is actual struggle you see here!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Husband

I'm pretty sure you're all PRETTY tired about hearing about the husband.
We ALL have the BEST husband in the whole world right?
I'm POSITIVE we do!  
The best husband for us!  RIGHT?
I mean you wouldn't pick him to be
if he wasn't the best?
did he pick you?
Either way, you said I Do,
and it's final :)

I'm linking up with Kristina @ The Streeters Unlimited to talk ALL about the Husband!

I want to share with you
of the reasons 
why I love him so much!

and what better way to do that?
Then with pictures?

I love him because.....

he drives this BIG BEAST every single day and LOVES it!
He loves disneyland EVEN if he swears he doesn't!
he'll even take funny pictures inside toy boxes with me!
and he insists on TAKING pictures "pretending to open car doors"
he gets EXTRA scared on roller coasters that we've been on a HUNDRED times!
he loves taking silly pictures :)
he LOVES to give hugs!
he loves to be "that guy" in pictures!
(creeper?  probably)
He always thinks these pictures are the 
when he's the girl!
He lovessss napping
especially with the
at bars
with his brother
and while holding lots of stuff!
he loves taking pictures of friends in the BEST situations!
sometimes he looks like a creepy old dude with a little dog
he's been KNIGHTED by a KING!
he has the BEST smile!
he gives the BEST presents!
makes the BEST breakfast
and gives the best flowers
he loves dressing up
and always
sends the best text messages <3
he truly is 
the love
of my whole entire
and I couldn't imagine my son looking like anyone else
and for that...I'm thankful every single day! :D

I love you Husband, and can't imagine choosing to spend my life with anyone more perfect for me!

don't forget to link up & tell us all about your husband! :)