Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear New Apartment,
Only one more week until we get to move into you!!  YAY!!  I can't wait!

Dear Laundromat,
Oh man, I can not explain to you how much I will NOT miss you, NOPE not ONE itty tiny bit!  

Dear Washer & Dryer,
Thank you for being inside our new apartment, quarters are NOT my friend!

Dear Puppies,
Why are you soooooo cute??  I mean seriously, so adorable!  BUT why are you sooooo stinky??  P.S. I'm really going to miss you when you leave :(

Dear Penelope,
I really am loving your name it's so long for a little tiny puppy, but you are sooooo cute, and I just realized that I do NOT have ONE single picture of you, that WILL change this weekend!  But you were cute when you were little too.

Dear Baby Carter,
Oh man, I can feel you are getting bigger in there, only a short 16 weeks until you are here, and I can't wait!!! :D  P.S. I didn't feel you really move around in there on either Monday or Tuesday and I was getting sad, UNTIL yesterday you were moving around a lot in there, AND today you've been moving ALL morning LONG, sorry to say but I think you really really liked that cup of noodle I gave you this morning, sorry buddy you can't have those all the time, but I'm glad you loved it!
Getting HUGE!
Dear Pay Day
Oh, so nice to see you this week!! :)  I do enjoy when you make an appearance BUT why oh why can't you be for more?  Maybe we'll work on that in the next two weeks?

Dear Grey's Anatomy,
OMG!!  HOW did I miss the last two seasons of you!?!  I can't believe it, I have been catching up on you on Netflix, and I KNOW I'm gonna be super upset when the current season is over because the next season is only on DVD....lameeeee

Dear Starbucks,
I wish you were closer to my job, how about you trade places with McDonalds so I can have a green tea EVERY SINGLE DAY??   Cool?  Thanks!

Dear Hair,
Oh goodness, you REALLY REALLY need a haircut!  LIKE NOW!!!  But, thanks to Pinterest, I have been able to keep you out of my face the last couple of weekends, and not just look like a total boring mess.

Dear Marlee Muffin,
Sometimes, you really really really drive me crazy, especially when you think it's acceptable to WAKE me up at 6 AM to put you on the bed, I KNOW that I created a MONSTER, by letting you get on the bed for a solid week, and didn't even care that you were waking me up, BUT really?  You are old enough to be trained to listen, you need to act your age little muffin!  Training starts now, because you can not be acting crazy once Carter gets here!  Okay, promise if you listen we'll give you the BEST treats!  I'll even talk the husband into buying you some pig ears, and sticks, cause I KNOW you love them!!

Dear ALL TWELVE of my Followers,
I hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend, and just think we get a WHOLE weekend off, AND then we go back for two days and get a break, AND then go back for only TWO days!  YAY!!  Happy weekend before a holiday!!  Have a GREAT hot weekend!  Enjoy the sun, and if you are near water, make sure you jump in it!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's Okay Thursday!!

YAYY!!!  It's Thursday, which means we are ALMOST to the weekend!  WOO HOOO!!

Without further ado....

It's Okay that....

I'm SUPER DUPER excited to go watch Ted this weekend, it looks HILARIOUS!! let's hope we actually go see it and don't say we're gonna go and then not go, LIKE WE ALWAYS DO!

I am getting more excited to move, but who wants to come pack up all my stuff??  I still have not packed A SINGLE thing and that needs to change ASAP!

The puppies are soooooooo adorably cute, but they must go SOON!!  They are so messy and if you ever thought having ONE puppy was a lot of work, OMG FOUR is CRAZY!!  I'm definitely gonna miss them when they are gone, but I WON'T miss the mess that's for sure!

I had a terrible morning yesterday, but had a good night :)  LOVE when that happens

I am in LOVE with coffee again YAY!!  I thought that I was not going to want it ever again, and I LOVE coffee, nothing is better then waking up early and walking around with a fresh cup of coffee!

I LOVE Costco, I mean who doesn't really?  Unless you don't know what it is, or don't have a card!  It is seriously the BEST place EVER except for the fact that when we go there we always manage to spend wayyyyy more then we had budgeted for...damn you Costco and your amazing stuff!

I can't wait for the 4th of July, but I really really wish that it wasn't on a freakin' WEDNESDAY!! :/ Who schedules a holiday on the day in the MIDDLE of the week!?!  So dumb! least we'll go to work for two days, and have to go back for two days right?

I love lighting fireworks!  Sparklers are probably still my favorite :D

I slept good for two nights in a row, and I think I could get used to this!

I think it's weird that it's SOOOO bright at 6:30!!  WTF so weird that it's so sunny!  I wake up every single morning at 6:30 thinking that for sure it has to be WAY later because it's way too bright for so early in the morning!

I haven't gone grocery shopping, and I kinda don't want to, since we're moving next weekend and that would mean we would have to transport all that stuff to the new place

I FINALLY got upgraded to a gold card at Starbucks, BUT I'm pretty sure I'm never going to get it, because it takes over a month and we are moving in one week.  Let's hope the post office changes our address!

I'm excited that I just found out that I can change my address online, YAY!!

I realized that I'm going on Vacation in FOUR weeks, and then 2 and a 1/2 months after that Baby Carter will be here, I can't believe how fast it is coming!!!

I am super excited for all the things that are coming in the coming months :)

ALWAYS watch the news in the morning and NEVER pay attention to the traffic girl because she's kinda annoying!

I am super grateful for the AMAZING husband, every day (even the days he's a grouchy ass in the morning) he makes my smile :D

Santiago has been driving me CRAZY recently jumping on EVERYTHING, does anyone want to borrow a cute siamese cat??  I promise he's really cute and really loving, but he will GET INTO EVERYTHING!!  AND he definitely thinks knocking things off counters, book shelves, etc is super funny!

I'm excited to go to Disneyland next month, YAY for seeing Cars Land @ 7 AM!!!

I realized that MOST of this post was about things that I'm excited for, I think today is going to be a good day :)

Until Next Week Friends,
Happy Thursday!! :D

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday Morning Blues

Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling so refreshed, because for one time this week, the cat, the dog, puppies, your cell phone, or your snoring husband didn't wake you up, NOT once last night, I mean you didn't even wake up to pee until seven and you feel AMAZING!!  Kinda like this!!

Ready for a new day, and ready to continue your week!  You really can't believe how good you feel, You know that you are going to have a GREAT day! :D

You get ready, you eat breakfast, you make your lunch, and you get in your car!  You know it's going to be good, you even left on time!

THEN, you get on the freeway and what's this!??!  DEAD STOPPED traffic!?!?!  You are not a mere ten miles of your 28 mile trip to work and you have already been in the car for thirty-five minutes!  You are supposed to be at work in ten!  WONDERFUL!!  You listen to the radio, maybe it help keep this wonderful mood you were in before you got to work going, turn on your favorite radio station and they're on vacation, you try to listen to other ones that people listen to and rave about often, and you can't get interested, they're not as funny, not as interesting, so you start to day dream....ten minutes later you are still fifteen minutes from work!  WONDERFUL you will be there LATE!  >.<

Finally, you get off the freeway, you get into work just 15 or 20 minutes late, it's okay your mood is still okay, you haven't let traffic get you down, BUT get into the office and you start to feel like this.


What happened to your wonderful mood you woke up with this lovely Wednesday morning?!?!  Why is it that now you are struggling to keep your eyes open, when you got such a good nights rest???  Could it be the traffic?  Being late?  Not listening to your favorite radio show?  Who knows, but all I know is that right now Monday was a whole lot better to me then this Wednesday has been, let's hope the day gets better!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!  
Just think, ONLY two more days (after this one) until the weekend!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Baby Laines-The Time We Told My Family (Easter Sunday)

Easter Sunday!
So like I said before we had decided long ago to WAIT until Easter when I was twelve or so weeks, to tell EVERYONE about the baby and of course I wanted to do it in a fun way, I mean since we had waited almost two months anyway!  

So I had tossed around lots of ideas, and I finally decided that I would buy these shirts for the BEASTS and have them wear them on Easter Sunday, run around until someone noticed what their shirts said!
Imagine this little dog....
In this cute shirt!
And this little dog...
In this ADORABLE shirt
Cute, right?  I know!  TRUST me they were super cute on! :D
(I don't know, why but I forgot to take a picture of the puppies in these adorable shirts, and now I can't find Marlee's maybe when we move it will turn up).

Okay, so I thought they were adorable and the people that did know, my mom, dad, steph were all so excited for everyone else to finally know, so was I!

We got there, and were sitting around, I was just waiting and waiting for someone to notice the shirts, we were probably all hanging out talking for a good I would say 30 minutes and NO ONE noticed the shirts (it was so weird because usually someone in my family will say something about the outfits I put my dogs in and this day not one person said anything). 

Finally, the Husband told my cousin Mela, "hey, look at the haircut I gave fox the other day, it's actually pretty good" she was like really?  Let me see and picked him up, right when she picked him up she said "what does his shirt say?" and started to read it, well at that exact moment someone called her and she put him down.  (what was more funny was that me, the husband and my sister in law pokey were all sitting there eagerly waiting for someone to figure it out, to tell you the truth I was super tired of holding the secret and I wanted everyone to know already).

So, she walks away and we sit there in suspense, FINALLY she comes back and says hold on let me see Fox and picks him up again, she looks at his shirt and starts to read it, she says "I'm going to be a big brother, what does that mean?  OMG!!  Is Marlee Preggers??"  I looked at her and said NO!  If she was wouldn't that be his kid?  She looked at me confused and said, "well then I don't get it, what does that mean?"  I said "I don't know" by now I could tell that the husband and his sister were getting super anxious for her to figure it out because they were giving her clues like who would be his sibling?  NOT Marlee's babies!  She reads it again, and again and then goes, "OMG!! WAIT!!!  OMG!!  HOLD ON!!!  WAIT!!!" (yelling)  I immediately start smiling because I knew she had figured it out.  She calls my other cousin (her sister) and says "OMG Jumps READ THIS!!!"  My cousin Jumps reads it and says the same thing, "Ummm I'm going to be a big brother?  I don't get it, OMG!  Marlee's preggers!"  I laughed again and said "NO!  Marlee is his wife! DUH"  She goes, "wait then who's pregnant!?"  Mela looks at her and you could tell that at that exact moment they realized it, they both looked at me and said "OMG!!  You're going to have a baby!?!?!"  I said "ya" and I could feel my eyes getting watery (at this point I could cry for ANYTHING so it didn't really take much) they asked me how far along I was and then were shocked that we had kept it so secret!  BUT they were super excited!  I told them not to say anything so that everyone would find out themselves once they got there.

So my aunt who lives there came out of her room, and they asked her "Did you see Fox's shrit?" she said "No" and was literally chasing Fox around to read his shirt, it was the funniest thing, she read it and we hugged, this happened to every single one of my family members as they walked in to Easter.  My cousin Clarissa got there, and right away started crying!  She said "OMG!  I know you're preggers thats what his shirt says, ha?"  we kept telling her to read it and she was already crying, as soon as she read it we hugged and of course I was in tears (this made my eyes get watery just typing it now, damn these pregnancy hormones!) My Aunt Lali walked in right at that moment, and she said "OMG!!  YAY!!  I'm so excited for you!"  Everyone else got there slowly and everyone else found out by our little puppies, aren't they the cutest props ever?

Everyone in my family was beyond excited for us, they kept asking how far along I was when the due date was, what we were going to name him/her and we were so excited to finally have the cat out of the bag!!  I was so relieved that EVERYONE knew now and we were no longer keeping a secret from anyway!

AND the best part, that day we were exactly 12 weeks along, no longer in the unknown 1st trimester, (or very close to the end) and we were excited that our embryo was on his/her way to being a fetus, which would turn into a brand new baby!  AND I think about it and I'm so glad that we told my family together at an event!  It was the BEST decision that the husband and I have ever made!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Baby Laines-23 Weeks :)

How far along:  23 weeks :)

Baby's size:   11 inches and a little over a pound the size of a grapefruit!

Miss Anything: This week, nothing...yay!
Best moment this week:  Felt hiccups this week, it was the BEST feeling in the whole world!!  It was soooooooooo cute!!  LOVED LOVED LOVED it!!  

Movement:  A lot more this week, but only really at night, and ONLY if I'm not talking or not moving!  He likes to have his OWN moment I'm thinking.

Food cravings: Ugggh I've been wanting a funfetti cake ALL week, but I don't want to turn on the oven to make one!!  It's so hot outside and the oven just makes our tiny apt hotter!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Actually, NOPE!  NOTHING!  YAY!!

Maternity Clothes: Yes, Please!!!  I need some more clothes that are comfortable, I lived in my ONE pair of maternity shorts the entire weekend, they're so comfortable!

Stretch marks: None yet, thank god!

Symptoms I HAVE:   Hmmm...none that I can think of at the top of my head.

Doctor’s Appointment:  Went to the Dr's this week, and she said that EVERYTHING looks AMAZING and that all of Carter's tests came back negative for any syndromes or diseases, YAY!  AND that he was measuring perfectly!  Oh, and his heartbeat sounds strong and good!  YAY for Baby Carter growing nice and healthy :)

What I'm looking forward to:  Moving!  Is that what I say every week?  Ugggh I just can't wait to move!!  I need more space, and I want to start putting together the babies room!

Gender: BOY!!!

Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :) 

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Most of the time, HAPPY BUT don't say anything to make me mad, OR ELSE I'll be super pissed, I can't help it, it's all the Husband's fault he has a terrible temper and I'm sure that Carter is going to have his temper

Sleep: Still okay, but I wake up for any tiny movement or noise so annoying!

Showing:  I think a lot more, but I don't know if people would still be comfortable walking up to me and asking me about the baby, they'd probably think I was just a fatty!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear New iPhone App (Photo Editor-the free one),
I am kinda obsessed with you!  JUST a little, tiny bit.  I mean puppies in funny get ups, how can anyone NOT be obsessed??  I think it's HILARIOUS!! :D

Dear OPI nail polish
I am currently OBSESSED with you!  I do not know what color you are, but you are so cute!  So sparkely and I need these nails like NOW, thanks!
Dear Fox,
Why oh why are you so cute?!?!  I get so mad when people see Marlee & say "aww that dogs cute" and then see you and say "Awww but he's soooooo much cuter" mean people don't know that dogs have feelings too!  BUT idk you are pretty freakin cute!!
Dear Husband
You seem to be driving me MORE and MORE crazy every single day!  BUT I love you so much! YOU are AMAZING!  (as if you already didn't know that) I can't wait for you to actually FEEL Carter move, since something is seriously wrong with your hand and you can't feel him yet.  WEIRDO!

P.S. This reminds me of us :)  Don't worry, you will be with me when I'm SUPER wrinkly, from  not using sunblock and you're going to love it!
Dear Hair,
SERIOUSLY!!  What the heck is going on!?!  You are being ridiculous LATELY!!  WHY must you be so dry??!?  >.<  there is NO way that it could be because you haven't gotten cut since December!!  TO DO:  Get hair cut!

Dear Carter,
You are AMAZING, I can't believe all the things I can feel you doing now, you really make my life complete and you're not even here yet!  Yesterday when you had the hiccups I could not stop laughing it was hilarious!!  I had to ask Auntie Steph if what I was feeling was what I thought it was, and yep it was, so funny that you could even get hiccups when you're so tiny!  Can't wait for you to start moving more AND for you to finally get here! :)

Dear Bank Account,
Seriously?!  Again this week you want to be empty?!?  Get your shit together and stop being so loose with your money!

Dear Doctor,
It's weird that you make me wear a hospital bracelet to see the doctor, but I guess preggers people are known to faint, so I'm assuming that's why?  ALSO thank your nurse for telling me that I would NOT have to do the glucose test the same way that everyone says I have to and getting my hopes up, ONLY for you to tell me this week, that I DO in fact have to the REAL test that everyone talks about and HATES NOOOOOOOOO :-O

Dear 4th of July,
I totally forgot that we get you off at work YAY!!  Too bad you're in the MIDDLE of the week!!  AND too bad we're not going to be moved into our new apt by time you get here.  BUT don't you fret I have been wanting to make a funfetti cake for weeks now and I'm thinking that on this day shall be the PERFECT time to make one!  JUST like this one!  LOVE!!!

So festive right!?!

Dear Baby Shower,
I can't wait for you to get here!  You're gonna be so much fun! 

Dear Blog,
Look at Me!!  Adding pictures to you today :D  You're welcome :)

Dear Weekend,
SO glad you finally made it!  YAY to not having TOO much to do this weekend!  WOO HOO those are the BEST weekends!

Dear Bloggy Friends,
Have a FANTASTIC weekend!!!  YAY!!  We made it through the FIVE long days of being at work, and now are rewarded with TWO days off!!  Enjoy it!  Oh and HAPPY FIRST WEEKEND OF SUMMER!!!  It's officially here!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

It's Okay Thursday

Hellooooooo, can you believe that it's THURSDAY again?? 

Okay, so it's okay.....

....I'm dying of thirst, but don't want to drink TOO much water because then I'll have to pee in 5 minutes.
....that they called me yesterday to RESCHEDULE my appointment that I had scheduled for today, and when I told them morning or late afternoon they scheduled me for the SAME exact time!  Wouldn't it have been easier to just say "Hey, your doctors out, so & so is going to see you instead"
....I really can't wait for July to get here, JULY did you hear me??  You're taking incredibly too long to make your appearance!
....I HATE my new work schedule!!  AND every single day I want to ask my boss to switch me back, but then I get nervous and continue with the WORST schedule EVER!
....I want ice cream EVERY SINGLE day!  I mean, it's really not for me, it's for Carter, he's like his Dad he LOVES it!
....that the security guard at my work is seriously starting to get on my nerves, WHY must he always ask me a BILLION questions!??!
....I thought RHOC was SUPER hilarious last night when they were making such a HUGE deal about the lady eating the cake!!  I mean it was ridiculous and that girl is just gross BUT I LOVED that they kept yelling "SHE ATE THE BOW!!!"  It still makes me laugh today thinking of Heather's face when she gave her interview, and her Husband's face when she told him, "WHAT!?!  She ATE the bow!?!"  OMG who said the housewives are only drama?  CLEARLY there's comedy too!
....I ate a footlong the other day, when I had full intentions on bringing the other side to work for lunch the next day (again, not my fault, Carter just thinks he's starving)
....that I booked an appt for a 4-D ultrasound, even though I said I would NEVER get one!  (I want to be 100% sure that Carter is a boy!)
....we have a lot of stuff coming up in the next month actually from NOW until Carter gets here!
....that sometimes I try to delete apps from my phone because really I have WAYYY too many, but then I don't end up deleting ANY because I  mean I might need the Spanish again one day, and it's better this way.
....I always forget to change my desk calendar at work so EVERYDAY when I come in I spend 1/2 the morning thinking it's the day before, TODAY I thought it was Wednesday until lunch!
....that I haven't really cooked a meal at all this week, it's the husband's fault really!  I keep telling him let's go to the store, and he NEVER wants to!
....don't want the puppies to go to their new homes BUT they are starting to make a huge mess!
....that the puppies are so cute, I retract my above statement, they can stay FOREVER
....Santiago has been driving us NUTS lately!  ANYONE want to borrow a cute Siamese cat??  (he's even driving the puppies CRAZY, last night he went in their cage, and ALL of them started growling at him to get OUT! FUNNIEST thing that happened all day)
....that I really really really want to CHANGE my blog name, but haven't come up with the PERFECT name yet!  SOON!!!
....that I don't really realize how much I type everything in upper & lower case letters, until I try to write a work email like that (oops)
....I'm OBSESSED with emoji's!  I seriously love using them!  PROBABLY why I'm always typing happy faces on here, because I am deprived of emojis


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Swap Into Spring Goodies Reveal!! :)

I had been wanting to try a swap for a while, every time I see someone post all the cool stuff that they got from one, I think man I gotta try one of those!  So a couple of weeks ago I signed up for one over @ Brunch With Amber.

I was partnered with Erica, and this is what I got!

(don't mind my nails they're not the cutest)
AND I LOVE every single thing she got me!  SOOOO cute!!  AND I love that she coordinated everything together!

1.  Cute Starfish Notepad
2.  Bracelet
3.  Starfish Magnetic Notepad (perfect for the fridge & writing quick notes)
4.  Beach Stickers :)
5.  Earrings
6.  THE CUTEST baby beenie for Baby Laines
7.  Little Cutie onesie (also for Baby Laines) 
8.  (I used this already and put it away so I forgot to take a pic of it) BUT this Essie Nail Polish so cute and perfect for summer! :D  

Thank you Erica, for everything!!  I LOVED your package!!  And I'm positive Baby Laines is going to look adorable in the clothes you sent :)

Baby Laines-The Day We Told OUR Parents :)


On March 13th, I had a "doctor's" appointment, I say "doctor's" because it was at one of those women clinics since my insurance hadn't kicked in yet.  AND this was the second time I would go to this "doctor" they told me that they were just going to give me the results of all of my blood tests, but for some reason I had a good feeling about this appointment (since this was my grandpa's bday) and that is when I wrote THIS POST!!!  :D

I went to the "doctor's" and met with an OB/GYN that had his own office, I think he could tell how nervous I was so, he said "well if you want we can go to my office and you can get an ultrasound today!"  I was super excited!!  So I of course said YES!  And was scheduled to go later on that day!

I got there and he did the ultrasound SUPER fast, and there was little Baby Laines on the ultrasound machine, so tiny and so cute!  I was in awe I couldn't believe that there was ACTUALLY a baby growing inside me!  He played the heartbeat for me and it was the MOST amazing thing that I have ever felt (I was sad that the Husband wasn't there with me), the doctor said that everything looked good, and I was around 9-10 weeks.

As soon as I left the doctor's office, I called the husband I didn't even wait until I got to the car, I was trying to talk to him in the elevator :)  I told him that everything was GREAT with the baby and that we even got a picture!
It was so weird though, because I had been worried about the baby this whole time, crying to the husband about how scared I was that the baby wasn't real, or this wasn't going to pan out the way that we wanted it to, but this day it just felt like my grandpa was there watching me and letting me know that he was going to take care of this baby until I could on the outside and everything was going to be absolutely fine!  It is and still is a weird thing to say, but at that moment I felt like my grandpa was looking at me and smiling so happy that we were bringing a new "Mendoza" into the world! :D

The husband and I decided that day that we would tell OUR PARENTS and Brothers & Sisters that week, and still wait to tell the rest of the family after Easter! :)

I told the husband, that my grandpa had made me feel like everything was going to be okay, and we should tell our parents already so they could feel the happiness that we had been feeling for a couple of weeks now.

Since my parents live a little further from us then the husband's parents do and it was my late day at work we decided that we would go to his parents that night and my parents the next night.  It was super weird and funny calling my dad to tell him that we were going to come over for dinner the following day, and listening to him ask me why?  "ummm, just cause we don't see you anymore" his answer "oh okay cool, I'll have mom make something" me thinking inside "OMG!! You're going to be a grandpa!!"  BUT I didn't say anything and figured it would be so exciting the NEXT day!

I called my sister while I was at work and told her about the baby and I wish I would have recorded it because it really was the funniest thing that I have ever heard, to say she was excited would definitely be an understatement.  She was REALLY REALLY REALLY EXCITED!!  And it was so exciting to see her so happy she was going to have a niece/nephew!

When I finally got off of work me and the husband put this ultrasound picture in a frame and took it over to the in-laws house, we sat through dinner and all the small talk and I kept looking at the husband like "hello, when are we going to tell them?"  He FINALLY text me and said he was calling his brother & sister from their rooms to come out, he had to show them something.  FINALLY they came out and I said "oh (mother in law) I was gonna show you a picture!  It's from the wedding we got it printed it's really cute" and then she started talking about how she wanted to get some printed and she's glad I finally  had one (I really don't remember exactly what she said because I was so focused on giving them the picture).

I gave it to her, and instantly she started crying, everyone else that was at the table was just like "what?!  why are you crying?  it's just a wedding picture" and then I told her to show the father in law, and he said NO!  NO WAY!!  They were all super excited, and everyone was crying!  It was such a memorable moment and I was so glad that they finally knew!

Fast forward to the next day, and we went to dinner at my parents house, since we live about 20 minutes from them I told husband to meet me there and I would go straight after work  I got there around 6:30, and had to wait until after the husband got home to tell them anything!  It was DREADFUL, my stomach was in knots and I wanted him to get there already so we could tell them!  OF COURSE he had to work late that day so he didn't get there until after NINE!  Still feeling funny because I had been sitting there with them all night I couldn't wait to tell them, of course he had to eat there first and although I don't remember talking to my parents about ANYTHING that night, I can not remember ANY of the conversation, I know that the whole time the husband was eating I kept looking at him thinking OMG are you done yet?!?!

He finally finished AND my FAVORITE cousin had done me the favor of getting the baby a St. Louis Rams onesie, to show them.  So when we were sitting there my dad was asking me IDK something and I said "oh let me check my wallet, to see if I have $5" for what?  I can't even remember but when I came back I said "Oh Yay!  I wanted to show you guys something that Steph got for me!"  They looked at me like umm okay?
it's like this but all blue
I pulled out the Rams onesie and this is how the conversation went:

Me:  "Isn't it cute!? "
(holding up the onesie)
They both looked at me like ughhh ya okay? 
dad: "Ya, it is who's it for?"  
Me: "Us!
Dad: "Ya, but who's baby?" 
Me:  "Ours!"  
(While pointing to the husband! )
They both were shocked I could tell, and I was super nervous (why?  I have NO clue, but I was).  
Mom: "What?!?!  You're pregnant!?!"  
Me:  "Yes! :D"  
Mom: "And this is how you are telling us??  Right here and now??"  
Me: "Yes!  How did you want us to tell you?" 
Mom:  "I don't know!"  
(I think my moms reaction was the funniest, because she was so shocked! I think they were even more shocked because I had been sitting there with them practically the entire night!  AND I had not said a word!)

After the initial shock wore off I'm sure both got up and started hugging us, said their congratulations and you could tell they were excited!  I sat down, and started telling them the story about how I had went to the doctors and felt my grandpa there with us and that is why we were telling them early.  Me and my mom cried of course, and we were so happy that BOTH of our parents knew!

Now, we couldn't wait to tell the REST of our family!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Baby Laines-22 Weeks

How far along: 22 weeks :)

Baby's size: nearly 11 inches long!  The size of a spaghetti squash! 

Miss Anything: this week, i wanted a michelada cup so bad!  So, I went to the liquor store and got some O'Douls (non-alcoholic) it wasn't as good as regular beer, but it sure did the trick! 
Best moment this week:  finding out that we are for sure moving!!  AND I can't wait!!!
Movement: He is pretty lazy, and hardly ever moves, let's hope that changes soon
Food cravings: hmmm...besides my weekly banana royale from baskin robins, nothing :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope, except yesterday I was eating a slice of pizza and all of a sudden I got the urge to throw up, I have no idea why, maybe Carter doesn't like Pizza?

Maternity Clothes: Ohhhhh yes!  Finally I broke down and bought some, and after EVERYONE telling me NOT to because I'll NEVER use them again, I am sooooooo glad that I did!!!  Do you know how much comfort a pair of maternity pants will give you??  I can finally breath when I have that elastic wasteband on!
Stretch marks: None, still, and still hoping none pop up.

Symptoms I HAVE:   Still nothing, although I woke up SOOOOOO tired this morning, that always happens to me when I have super vivid dreams, and last night I had a dream I was in the show Person of Interest, and the main guy was having me help him solve a crime, but then he got Marlee killed!!  I was so sad :(  CLEARLY I could do withouth these crazy dreams!

Doctor’s Appointment:  We have one this Thursday, but I am not looking forward to it at ALL, they always take forever to call me in, and then when I get in there they listen to the babies heartbeat and say, "okay, any questions? No, Okay, good we'll see you next month."  A little frustrating when you are waiting OVER an hour!!
What I'm looking forward to:  Decorating Carter's room!  I can't wait!!!  AND I can't wait til he gets here :)  I keep thinking once we get passed summer then he will be here soon :)

Gender: BOY!!!
Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :) 

Happy or Moody most of the time: I am MOSTLY happy, but I can all of a sudden be super mad or upset, and it is terrible!  I swear I never got this many mood swings before

Sleep: As long as I'm not having crazy dreams, it is super good.  BUT any tiny noise can wake me up and it is so annoying!  I used to be able to sleep through everything :(

Showing:  I think more, and everyone I saw this weekend said so too.  Glad to see people can finally see that I'm not just fat, but preggers :D