Monday, July 30, 2012

Baby Laines-28 Weeks

officially in the THIRD trimester!!!  YAY!!!  
Less then 13 weeks to go! 

How far along: 28 weeks :)

Baby's size: around 2 lbs and 14 inches long, the size of an eggplant!

Miss Anything: Well since I was on vacation, I did miss having some wonderful drinks, like those frozen margaritas, daquiris etc, other then that, not too much.
Best moment this week:  Getting excited that we're one more week close to him being here :D

Movement: He was moving like crazy last week, and this week not too much, don't know why, but maybe all that vacation was too much for him!

Food cravings: Still nothing, but fruit

Anything making you queasy or sick: still just when I don't eat!

Maternity Clothes: Yes please!!!  I need more of them but with only 2-3 months left I feel like buying more now would be a waste

Stretch marks: None still, OMG only two more months please let it stay this way....

Symptoms I HAVE:  besides having a huge belly, I have been getting sharp pains on my sides :(  NOT fun, also I'm starting to get tired again, please let it be I just had way too much fun on vacation and NOT that the third trimester is going to make me tired

Doctor’s Appointment:  Have one in a couple of weeks, and then after that it's every two weeks!  EEEEK it's getting sooooo close and I can't wait!!

What I'm looking forward to:  Him being here!!!  I'm soooooo excited!

Gender: BOY!!!

Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :) 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but my patience is COMPLETELY gone!!!  Don't even think about acting ridiculous because I will tell you to stop your shit!  Sorry, but it will teach people to stop acting like idiots anyway!

Sleep: Ummm, it's getting not so good, again hoping it's just from being in a different bed for five days.

Showing:  ummm yes...getting kinda big now too...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

it's okay-last one of july ALREADY

Welcome back to another Thursday, OHHHH yay!!!!!  I love it when the week goes by fast, ACTUALLY this week did NOT go by fast, BUT it's Thursday and it's almost over with, Thank God!

It's okay that....

.....I was beyond stressed thinking that the husband was going to have to do Jury Duty the entire week before we go on vacation :l  He is an owner operator which means, if he doesn't go to work he doesn't get paid...thank god he got let go and they didn't want him to sit on the jury after all!

.....I haven't gone grocery shopping in a couple of weeks, I HATE when I have groceries when we leave on vacation because I know they are going to go week planned meals again!

.....I get easily annoyed when people are OVERLY dramatic!  I refuse to talk to people when they're being ridiculous

.....I'm OBSESSED with SOA!!!  OMG I love it so much, I'm gonna miss it these four days we are gone, because it's sooooooo good!  Me & the husband are trying to get through the entire series to catch up so that when the new season comes on we can be right on track.

.....I am super worried about leaving my puppies this weekend, because Marlee & Fox are staying home and Penelope is going to stay with the husbands family....I feel like she'll be sad without Marlee and I don't want her to get lost she's soooooo tiny :(

.....Someone MIGHT have stolen my directv box off my front porch, and I really hope it isn't true!  :/  I put it out there and scheduled USPS to come pick it up and then I got an email from them saying that the item was not as described, and it said total number of packages picked up 0, hmmmm I really really really hope that NO one took the stupid cable boxes, I mean really?  Why would you want them anyway!  AND we share our stairs with only 3 other families and you can't see our stairs from the street so if someone stole it, they are RIDICULOUS!!!  (fingers crossed that the post office just sent me the wrong email)

.....I am beyond excited to leave on vacation tomorrow!  I love spending time with my family and having 5 days off in a row is a plus too :)

.....I am sooooooo much more in love with baby Carter now that I saw him then I was before, it's so much different when you can actually put a face to the little baby is that is squirming and kicking inside you all day :)  LOVE LOVE LOVE him!!!

.....I really need more clothes because MOST of my clothes don't fit me anymore, especially shirts, that are getting wayyyyyyyy too short :l  BUT I don't want to buy anymore clothes for myself, I'd rather buy Carter lots of cute stuff!

......I have $25 to spend at Kohls and you better believe I'm going tonight to spend it!  OHHHH ya!  LOVE Kohls Cash & email coupons!! :D

.....I feel like Summer just got here and now it's almost over, it makes me sad because summer is USUALLY my favorite time, BUT right now I'm excited for it to leave because that means Fall is here and so is baby Carter :)

.....I get annoyed when people tell me "Ugggh it's cause you're pregnant!"  NO!  NOT every single thing that annoys me is because I'm pregnant, MAYBE it's because you're a dumbass!! -.-

.....some of the bloggers I follow ANNOY me so much, I don't know why I still read their blogs 

.....we had to take Santiago to live at my parents house for a little while :(  I'm still sad about it, but he was NOT adjusting to living at the new apartment, I don't think he liked it and he would just walk around the house crying and crying -.-  

....I'm excited to have tomorrow off, even though I have LOTS of things to do!!

....I realized that my baby shower is in ummm 6 weeks, and we haven't done ANYTHING for it -.-  Need to get on that ASAP!

....I love when we have weekends where we don't have anything planned and can clean the house from top to bottom, haven't had one of those in a while...can't wait for August now!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bucket List

I have been thinking about this often, because people ALWAYS say, Oh that's on my bucket list!  Actually I started thinking about it when I heard about that 90 year old lady that went skydiving because it was on her bucket list, I realized that although there are LOTS of things that I would LIKE to do before I kick the bucket I haven't actually ever written them down, SO today I'm going to write down what I would like to do before I kick the bucket, and some stuff that I have already done, that would probably NEVER do again, or am glad I have done.

Bucket List

Go to the Super Bowl!!!  
It doesn't matter which one or where I just want to say at some point in my life, oh ya I went to that Super Bowl, sounds AMAZING right?  And I'd take my Dad with me, because really he is the one that confirmed my LOVE for football :)
Go to Europe with the Husband
and make sure we go to England & Ireland because those are TWO places that look AMAZING that I have never been!
Go on a Cruise to Alaska during Summer
We had actually talked about going to do this next summer, but with Carter coming we will see if it actually happens, if not we WILL do this in the summers coming, it sounds like so much fun and REALLY how cool would it be to see an iceburg in person right next to you??  PLUS the northern lights?  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!
Own a House
I can't wait to actually sign papers that say we OWN this house and for the NEXT 30 years we will be paying for it!  I can't wait to decorate it exactly how I want, and know that our kids can grow up there knowing that it would always be their home :)
Road Trip Across America
OMG!!  I want to do this so bad, the husband and pretty much done this when he started trucking BUT not with a companion in tow, I think it would be so much fun once we have more kids or just Carter and take off in a motor home and drive all around the U.S. I haven't seen nearly enough states, I mean come on I haven't even seen the grand canyon!
Have an teaching job that I LOVE
You would think that someone's bucket list would not consist of getting a job, but really I LOVE being a teacher and can't wait for ANYTHING to actually get a job teaching in a school that I love!
Things that I've already completed :)
(and i just wanna brag about)

Go Skydiving
The Husband & I were just watching the Video of the day we went Skydiving and I had JUST turned 23 :O OMG was that really FOUR years ago??  I can't believe it!!  It was AMAZING and a CRAZY experience that I would PROBABLY NEVER do again, it was scary and anyone that tells you it wasn't is CRAZY!!   I plan to write a whole post about my experience, eventually.

Get Married
I always wanted someone to call my husband and someone to be able to build a life with.  I am so happy that the person that I have found is AMAZING and truly my soul mate :)

Graduate College
Completed in 2006 YAY!

Graduate with Master's Degree
Completed in 2011 and my whole family was JUST as excited to share in this life changing experience as I was, now if ONLY that Master's Degree would help me find a job! :l

Go on a Hot Air Balloon Ride
The husband & I like doing things that are different and fun, and when we went on our honeymoon we wanted to do something that was fun and different, so we went on a HOT AIR BALLOON ride around San Diego, and it was AMAZING!!!  So beautiful!!  LOVE LOVE LOVED it!!  (even if we did lock the keys in our rental car and were afraid that when we got back the car would be stolen, thank god it wasn't) 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Baby Laines-27 Weeks :)

How far along: 27 weeks :)

Baby's size: 14.5 inches long & about 2 lbs the size of a Rutabaga

Miss Anything: Again this week was beer, I wanted a Corona with lime & salt so bad :/
Best moment this week:  Seeing the little baby Carter on the 3-D ultrasound!!  I LOVED it!!!  I felt like it was perfect!!!!  He was soooooo cute and his mouth is EXACTLY like the husbands and NOW I can't wait until he comes out!!  AND finding out that for sure he was a BOY was pretty amazing too!
Movement: He has been moving more and more!!  I love it so much!!  :D  This morning he was moving when I was laying there thinking about getting up, it's the BEST!  Most amazing feeling ever!
Food cravings: Still just sweets, and stuff that I never wanted before
Anything making you queasy or sick:  still feel sick when I don't eat on time.  other then that, I feel good most of the time.

Maternity Clothes: Yes, please!!  I am so uncomfortable in clothes that are not made for maternity ladies, or ones that aren't super stretchy!
Stretch marks: Still none yet, thank god!!! :D
Symptoms I HAVE:   Still just feeling bloated & too big for my clothes, but feeling good overall!
Doctor’s Appointment:  Had one on Friday, and it went good, got to ask lots of questions that I had, PLUS we found out that after our next appointment, the middle of next month our appointments will start coming every TWO weeks!!  I can't believe how fast the pregnancy is going now!  I LOVE IT!!  Can't wait for him to be here already!
What I'm looking forward to: Besides Carter coming, I'm looking forward to getting his room ready! AND his baby showers!  Can't wait!!

Gender: BOY!!!
Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :) 

Happy or Moody most of the time: I like to think I'm more happy most of the time!

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good, thank god!

Showing: Ya for sure, I think so I have had a lot more people coming up to me asking me when the baby is coming, so I'm assuming I don't just look fat anymore, right?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Friday,
Ohhh I'm so glad to see you :D  I missed you while you were gone!

Dear Hair Tinsel,
I LOVE LOVE LOVE you, I am sad that I have slowly had to start to remove you because let's be honest you grew out a little too fast.  BUT I do love you, and I'm getting more, just a different color now!

Dear July,
WOW you took FOREVER to get here, and NOW you are just ZOOMING by!!!!  I can't believe we only have ONE more week of you left!

Dear Water,
Thanks to my new AWESOME water bottle you feel like you're getting easier to drink :)
Dear Sons of Anarchy,
OMG!!!  I am only on episode 7 and you are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!  I can't believe I never watched you before!!  I LOVE YOU!!!  P.S. Peggy Bundy is a total Bad Ass!!
Dear Benihanas,
Thanks for sending me a "gift certificate" for my bday, we are going there on my bday and I'm excited!

Dear New Neighbors,
I BETTER not hear you complain about my dogs, when you run UP and down the stairs!!  HELLO dogs bark when they hear loud noises!  PLUS your kids are standing outside our house playing with our empty water bottles, UMMM hello what do you expect??  P.S. if you want you can move out at the end of the month, so our old neighbors can live by us again!
Dear Santiago,
I'm sad that it doesn't seem like you like the new apartment as much as you liked the old one, is it cause you miss your girlfriend?

Dear Carter,
OH man I can't wait to see you tomorrow :D  I couldn't be MORE excited!

Dear Penelope,
How are you so cute??  I don't know but you are, AND it's so hard to train you because of your cuteness!

Dear Husband,
I like that you think I don't talk about you on this bloggy, and yet everyone thinks (knows) I'm obsessed with you because all I do is talk about how amazing you are!  P.S. I love our life, and I don't think I could say it enough times.  P.S.S. I can NOT stop laughing at this picture, OMG it's so funny!

Dear Baja Taco,
OMG you were AMAZING on Wednesday, I think that you and the Laines family are going to become fast friends, you are DELICIOUS and baby Carter can't make me stop thinking about you!

Dear Target,
You have some of the cutest and cheapest maternity clothes that I have found, can't wait to wear the new maternity dress that I bought, it's just so cute!

Dear Vacation,
YAY!!  You are here in ONE week from today!  I am so excited!!  Can't wait for these 7 days to go by!  YAY!!!

Dear Followers,
Have an AMAZING weekend!!!  I hope that you all have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bloggers 411!

How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I guess I used to technically blog when Xanga was cool!  BUT now that I've been blogging more and more I think I've changed because NOW I blog lots and lots about the baby!  and I try to blog more then twice a week @ the very least!  Let's hope I can keep up with it, because I LOVE IT!

Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?

I went to three different colleges!

Fresno State 

for my Bachelors Degree!  

And you can read all about all the fun I had there here!


Cal Poly Pomona
for my teaching credential!
Azusa Pacific University
for my Master's degree :)

Where have you traveled?
I have traveled lots of places!  But the one that stands out the most was more then ten years ago!  It was THAT amazing though
I went to stay with my cousin in 
Heidelberg, Germany
We stayed with her for a month!  and she took us to do so much fun stuff, LIKE...
and all over Germany, we saw....
(yes the concentration camp)
and lots of other stuff that my 15 year old brain couldn't appreciate as much as I would now!  I wish that I could go back ASAP!

Okay, now my favorite place to on a normal basis is our ANNUAL family trip!  EVERY SINGLE year for the past THREE years (this year will be the fourth) we go on a family trip and we spend 4 days somewhere together and have the best time!
The first year we went to 
Big Bear
the second year we went to 
Las Vegas
Great Gma loves some margarita NBD
the next year we went to
Palm Springs
a VERY fun and exhausting day @ the water park
and this year we will be heading up to 
it's so much fun to spend four days with my family even if we don't do anything but swim, take naps and eat lots and lots!  We always manage to have a blast!  and I can't wait for this years trip and many more in the summers to come :)

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?

a BIG HUGE house!


it's the only thing that I really care about, that and I would buy a new car, just because I've never had one!

What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?

when people are RUDE! >.<

when adults don't act like adults

you're an adult act like one!!!
When people don't want to do their job!  You get paid!  Do your job!

What is your favorite movie?

right now my favorite movie is Easy A, I just think it's hilarious! I love Emma Stone


What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?
Wine-I don't really have a preference but I'm not really a big fan of those sweet wines
Beer-I LOVE coronas with lemon & salt YUMMM
Liquor-Well since all I can think about lately is Margaritas I'm gonna assume those, but I really do like Vodka & 7 up or lemonade & 7&&'s yummm (can you tell it's been a while since I drank alcohol because I want it all)
and I LOVE water! :)

What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?

I'm obsessed with watching reality TV, literally!  I can't help it, it's so hard not to watch.

If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?
hmmm..that's a though one, I'm obsessed with Kohls!  It possibly might be because I get so many coupons for there and I LOVE their clothes, so probably there because I can get more then just clothes!

What day would you love to relive again?

like lots of these that I have read already I would definitely want to relive my wedding day!  It was amazing and a day that I will ALWAYS remember!!  FOREVER & EVER!!

11-13-2010 :)

If your life was turned into a movie... what actor would play you?
I would want Mila Kunis, because I think she's the FUNNIEST person in movies and I would hope that my movie would be semi-funny about all the craziness that goes on in my life! AND it's a plus that she's GORGEOUS!  ;)

What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?

Me & the husband met at our VERY FIRST job, we both worked at a public county park called Santa Fe Dam it had a lake and a water play area for kids, it was the BEST job I ever had because it was so much fun!  Everyone that worked there was young & it was so much fun!  The husband & I always talk about how we hope our kids have as fun as a first job as we did because it made the time go by so fast!

Show us a picture from high school or college.

Junior year of college :)

If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?
I would DEFINITELY go to Europe with the husband!!  It would be the BEST trip EVER!!

Show us the most current picture of you, or your family, or anything of meaning to you. 
the husband & i @ CA adventure this weekend :)

Where do you see your life 5 years from now?
I see us with a house, and a beautiful OMG almost 5 year old son! :/ and hopefully another kid, or two and enjoying our lives with them and our Beasts!  PLUS I hope that by then I'll have a teaching job and be settled there and loving it! :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Baby Laines-26 Weeks

How far along: 26 Weeks!  :)

Baby's size: 13-14" He is now the size of a lettuce!!  Cutest lettuce living in my stomach I've ever felt that's for sure! 

Miss Anything: Ugh this weekend, I wanted a Margarita so bad, I MUST go get some margarita mix this weekend to AT least make pretend margaritas!  
Best moment this week:  Feeling Carter MOVE more and MORE!!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!  He is so cute, and I can't wait until Saturday to see what he looks like!!  Uggh I'm so in love and I don't even know him yet!!
Movement: He's been moving more and more, and I love it!  He still is pretty lazy but NOW for sure I feel him doing something in there every couple of hours and it's amazing!  It's by far the BEST part of being pregnant!  BY FAR!!!!
Food cravings: Ummm..nothing really.  I still haven't craved crazy things like most preggers say they pop tarts with butter here, at least not yet.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Only if I don't eat!  If I don't eat and I am starving I all of a sudden won't be hungry at all!  I'll feel like I'm going to throw up, once I force myself to eat I'll feel 100x's BETTER!!

Maternity Clothes: I have been trying not to buy too much, because I don't like spending money on stuff I'm only going to wear a little while, BUT when your clothes don't fit you feel SOOOO uncomfortable!!  So, I have bought a few more things, MY maternity shorts are my weekend staple!  I LOVE them!!!  Sooooo comfortable!!!
Stretch marks: Still none yet, thank god!

Symptoms I HAVE:  Besides getting bigger by the minute, and my constant rash on my face I think that's it.  I still feel really good and after all the horror stories of the 3rd trimester I am sooooooo not looking forward to it!

Doctor’s Appointment:  This Friday and then we have our 3-D ultrasound on Saturday!  YAY!!! 
What I'm looking forward to:  Getting to see our little babies face on the screen again this weekend!  I'm sure he's gonna look funny, because really all of those 3-D ultrasounds look funny, but it's gonna be amazing to see him living inside!  LOVE!!!

Gender: BOY!!!
Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :) 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, I'll get random spurts of grumpiness or times when I will freak out on someone bothering me, my patience is definitely GONE, but other than that I'm happy :)  I really love where me and the husband are at right now and I'm excited for this baby boy to get here!

Sleep: I kept reading that you should sleep on your left, BUT every time I tried it was uncomfortable, BUT this week I have laid there on my left side, and I didn't wake up ONE time!!  I think I found a new way to sleep and I hope my blissful sleep continues :)

Showing:  YEP!  In some clothes I still think that I just look FAT, BUT I have been having a lot more people ask me when the baby is due so I think it's definitely more noticeable now!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Friday the 13th,
Welcome!!  I don't know why everyone is so afraid of you, or hates you so much I think you're the BEST and although I really don't have anything too big going on tonight I have a feeling it's gonna be a good day! :)

Dear Costco Chocolate Muffins,
I am OFFICIALLY obsessed with you!!  Thank you so MUCH for being so delicious!!  I have enjoyed you almost every day this week, and you are still as delicious on Friday as you were on Monday! 

Dear H2O,
 Please stop being so hard to drink, I really need to drink more of you, but for some reason the last couple of weeks it has been more difficult to drink you.

Dear Carter,
I love that you have been moving so much lately!  NOW I can't wait until I go back to the doctor to hear your heartbeat, only a HUNDRED more days until you're supposed to arrive!!  I can't tell you how excited we are!!

Dear Lauren Conrad,
I am re-watching ALL of the hills episodes and they all make me like you EVEN more then I already did, it's NO wonder I LOVE all your clothes from Kohls!  You're just so cute!

Dear Spencer Pratt,
You are by far the MOST HATED person I have ever watched on reality TV, I do NOT like you, and I do not think you are a good person, AND I'm pretty positive that you are like that in real life!  You're lame and I'm so glad that you are NO longer on ANY TV show!!

Dear Husband,
You're the BEST!!  I love you!  You are the greatest husband that anyone could ask for, and for that I LOVE YOU more then I could ever explain!  Thank you for being you, and loving me, baby Carter & all our beasts unconditionally!!

Dear Homemade Iced Coffee,
You're the BEST, that's all! 

Dear Penelope,
You are the BEST, and really?  How could you possibly be so freakin cute!?!  I don't know but somehow you are! P.S. you still need a middle name, we're working on it don't you worry.

Dear Marlee Muffin,
I'm glad that you are FINALLY playing with Penelope and making her feel not so lonely now that all of the other puppies are gone. I love watching you play with her, it's really so cute!

Dear Bills, 
Please pay yourselves, and while you're at it then please pay yourselves off so I don't have ANY bills anymore!  K!  Thanks!

Dear My Growing List of Followers,
Have an AMAZING Friday the 13th!!  AND while you're at it, have a GREAT weekend!!!