Monday, July 2, 2012

Baby Laines-24 Weeks

How far along:  24 weeks Baby Carter is now Viable and I couldn't be happier :) 

Baby's size: Baby Carter is now the size of a cantaloupe  

Miss Anything: Being able to sleep on my back, my doctor said after 24 weeks, not to sleep on my back anymore, even though that is the MOST comfortable way for me to sleep, so I miss being able to sleep comfortably.  If I sleep on my side, I usually wake up every couple of hours :/
Best moment this week:  I have been searching & searching for CUTE dinosaur bedding for baby Carter, and  I have found NO luck whatsoever, all of the bedding I have found has been filled with BROWNS & BEIGES and those are BORING!!  BUT this weekend, we went to look at some baby stuff @ Burlington Coat Factory, AND guess what I found!?!  THE CUTEST dinosaur crib bedding, AND since they only had ONE more left we had to buy it.  BUT now baby Carter will have the CUTEST baby dinosaur bedding I've ever seen :)

Movement: He has been moving a lot less this week, I want him to move more!!  BUT, I do feel him at random times, he just hasn't been kicking as hard as I would like him to be.

Food cravings: Sweets, ALL the time!!  I wanted See's Candy yesterday, so bad AND we went and it was CLOSED :(  I got cookies instead, and thank god they were DELICIOUS!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, nothing that I can think of at the top of my head

Maternity Clothes: They are sooooo comfortable!!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE them, I just wish that I had more to wear, because I am wearing my same pants & shorts every single day :l

Stretch marks: Still none yet, THANK GOD!

Symptoms I HAVE:   Still get moody randomly, AND randomly I'll be SUPER starving, like I NEED to eat NOW!  But, most of the time, I feel AMAZING!!! :D

Doctor’s Appointment:  !
What I'm looking forward to:  !

Gender: BOY!!!

Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :) 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy, most of the time, I'm so excited ONLY 3 full months until baby Carter is here!  EEEK I can't wait!!! :)  BUT like mentioned above, I randomly get super cranky! 

Sleep: Oh, I already said that this week, I wake up almost 3 times a night and it is NOT fun, I'm hoping I can get used to sleeping on my side and I'll be more comfortable soon?  Ya, I'll just hope for that.

Showing:  More & More all the time, people have finally started to say "OMG!  You're preggers, I didn't even know" well at least they can tell now that I wasn't just fat, YAY!

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