Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Grey's Anatomy,
I am so close to finishing season 8, and you are so good!  I already can't wait until next season!!!  OMG!  So much is happening right now, and I have no idea how you are still going to continue??!  It almost doesn't seem possible, but I have a couple more episodes of you this season so we shall see.

Dear Puppies,
I am happy that you guys are slowly leaving, with just Charlie gone the house is cleaner...BUT we will MISS you, LOTS & LOTS promise.  P.S. we'll also be keeping up with you via Instagram & FB because everyone that is taking you is really close to us.

Dear New Apartment,
Tomorrow is the day!!  YAY!!  I can't wait!!!  We go pick up the keys today, and I can't wait to see what you actually look like from the inside!  P.S. Thanks for being in the shade by the grass, because we LOVE your location WAYYY better then the one that we looked at in the first place.

Dear Memory,
REALLY!?!?  Where are you!?!?!  I need you back ASAP pleaseeeeeeee...please please please stop going missing, I really could have used you this morning when I was supposed to bring the Honda to work & I accidentally brought the Xterra, that was supposed to go to the shop to get some work done!!  Why did I remember this when the Husband text me RIGHT when I pulled into work!?!  Oh & this month when I forgot the Husband's truck tags were due, and I could have cost us OVER a hundred dollars!!! (thank god that we have the hookups and they were able to get passed us paying those pesky fees) -.- Come back soon memory please, I need you!!!

Dear Pho,
Man, Oh Man, have I missed you!!  Thank you for being AMAZING yesterday, you were just as delicious as I remember! :D

Dear Family & Friends,
Again, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for saying you are coming to help us move tomorrow, we could really use ALL the help we could get especially considering I can't carry much.  You guys are the BEST, promise you can come swimming whenever you want.  OH and I'll have donuts & coffee in the morning!  AND beer & pizza for lunch!

Dear Coffee, 
I have found you again, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE you again, probably too much!

Dear July,
Thanks for finally showing up!  I'm so glad you're here, feel free to stay as lonnnnng as you want!

Dear Baby Shower,
I haven't forgotten about you, still can't wait for you!!

Dear Baby Carter,
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! :D  AND I'm starting to think that you don't want your Dad to see you move, because EVERY single time you move around and I try to show your Dad, then you STOP, maybe you're waiting until you are a little bit stronger so he can REALLY feel you move?  I hope so.  I'll tell him to start talking to you more so you can move for him :)  P.S. I THINK we might have found your middle name, and I'm excited :D

Dear Husband,
You need to start talking to Carter more, I think he's mad at you for not talking to him that's why he never wants to move for you!  AND I can't wait to spend a day at CA adventure with you next weekend :D  YAY!!  OH and I'm super excited for all the fun that is coming our way in the next couple of months, OH & Carter will be here in a little over THREE months!!  Can you believe it!?!!?  I can't!!!  I'm so excited, and I'm sure you are too!!  AND tomorrow we will be sleeping in our brand new apartment :)  YAY!!  I love you more then you'll ever know and everyday I'm grateful that you chose me to spend your life with!

Dear iMac,
I am still pining over you EVERY single day!!  I want you so bad, I'm trying to save money to get you, BUT it's so hard with all the stuff we have to get for Baby Carter :/  Don't worry soooon you shall be mine!

Dear Doctor,
I'm actually kinda excited to go see you in a couple of weeks, because I have so many questions for you!  AND I want to hear little Carter's heartbeat again, it's always so much fun!

Dear DirecTV,
I'm sorry but I kinda hope that you don't work tomorrow, I would much rather get Fios because they are offering a much better deal then you.  Sorry, I LOVED you for the year and a 1/2 that we had you.  BUT it's time to move on.

Dear Blog,
I need to work on your name still, I know I do, but I still haven't found anything that I like.  I need to work harder at that!  Soon, promise!

Dear Followers,
(I don't really like that word, but that's what Blogger calls you)
Thank you for continuing to read, and leaving me WONDERFUL comments I LOVE getting the emails from you guys.  I hope that you have a GREAT weekend!!!  YAY!!!  It's summer!!

interested in linking up??  Join here!


The Pink Growl said...

aww the pups are leaving :( They are just so cute! Good luck with moving!

Jamie said...

I havent had pho is so long. Yum. Maybe I will go out this weekend. New follower!

Courtney Cakes said...

Dear Pho. I miss you too and thanks to Jade I am now craving it...

Have a good weekend.
Good luck with the move!

Adrienne said...

HOORAY for the apartment!

That is SO way exciting! I LOVE moving into a new place, you guys will have so much fun "nesting"!

Jasmyne! said...

Hate to tell you your memory will only get worse! I forget EVERYTHING...may want to write it all down and I mean all! And our babies can be virtual friends, sounds good? :)