Thursday, June 5, 2014


As in the sun that shines on us.

I'm so excited for summer, and not because I love the sun because I really don't like being hot, and I don't like getting sunburned.  I don't like that it beats down on me, and I hate sunscreen -.- plus I hate it on my hands and now that I have a mobile kid, I just get said sunblock on my hands to apply it to his pale face :(  I literally HATE sunblock!  Yuck!

But!  The sun reminds me of summer, and I looooove summer!!!  It's always the best season!  I mean kids aren't in schoool, so it usually means vacation!  It means cool summer nights & I LOVE that the sun stays out til literally 8 pm!!

PLUS my birthday is in summer!  It's just so much fun, anyone who hates summer is WEIRD!  Haha no really.

Soo in honor of the HOT sun that's been beating down on us, I'm going to share with you some of our summer TO DO list!

•go to the beach!  (Most likely will be with the WHOLE family on a Friday in July!  Can't wait!!)

•go to Vegas for my cousins Wedding!  Vegas with two kids in tow, not the kinda Vegas I'm used to!!

•take carter to do things we normally don't, maybe some museums, story time at the library, idk something to get us out of the house!

•spend time at my gmas eating watermelon in the front yard!  That was my FAVORITE thing to do when I was little I want carter to experience the same thing!!

•let carter eat an ice cream cone alone!

•have some BBQs

•baptize Reagan (already scheduled for July 26th!)

•go swimming LOTS & LOTS rather it be in the little baby pool in my gmas back yard OR at my cousins pool!

•have fun!!!

Happy Summer Friends, don't let the sun burn you!  :)

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