Saturday, June 22, 2013

OMG!! Baby Carter is 8 months old!

Again, so late!  I know I'm so behind it's ridiculous, how do all these bloggers keep up with their blog and their kids?  My kid keeps me super busy!  BUT Carter is well on his way to 9 months I can't believe how fast it's gone!

Weight:  Last time I weighed him he was about 17 lbs, I really have no idea how people keep up with it all the time.

Height:  I think I measured him that he was about 26" I think shoot I'm terrible at keeping track of these things, I can never remember.

Clothing Size:  In clothes that actually run true to size like Carter's & Osh Kosh he's in 9 months.  Everywhere else, like gap, old navy he's in 6-12 in tops and 3-6 in bottoms :)  He's a skinny little guy :D

Diaper Size:  Still size 3's :)

Feeding:  He eats 2 mostly 3 meals a day now plus lots of puff snacks and fruit, and still BF every couple of hours.  He's a chubby baby in a skinny baby's body

Sleep:  same, great some nights awful other nights.

Milestones:  This month was a HUGE one, Carter's two bottom teeth popped out AND he officially started crawling and not just scooting!

Adventures:  No idea this was months ago :(

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