Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Meltdowns don't always come from the baby

I'm positive any SAHM has the day where they just feel like NOTHING can go right...where you have a MILLION + 1 things to get done & can't seem to get 1 done?

This was especially true when carter was a itty bitty baby.  I would wonder how those moms keep their houses spotless, make a six course dinner, cookies for snack, and manage to have lunch with friends!?  Huh?  Where do you find the time??

Guess what I managed to do today?  A bunch of errands & a couple of loads of laundry!  Oh and I just realized that YES I filled the dishwasher but I DID NOT start it -.- and to think I was about to pat myself on the back!

I have noticed that the older carter has gotten the less things I get to do that I like, I don't craft, because I can't because carter will grab anything I'm working with since we don't have a "craft table or room" I don't get to sew because of the same.  I always wonder what it's like when people say "pop in a movie and enjoy some free time." Carter is probably the only kid in the planet that does NOT like TV!  I can get him to sit to watch a show Long enough for me to get into the shows & when I'm out he's usually getting into something not watching TV anymore.

The last couple of days Carter will NOT take a nap or go to sleep at night without CRYING for approx 1 hour!  -.- and he's in bed with me!  If I put him in the crib it's screaming bloody murder until I can't take it anymore and I go get him.  I have no idea what's up with him, but I can tell you I am one tired mama.  Mix that on top of me realizing that I haven't had the time or energy to do any of the "me stuff" I used to enjoy so much.  It's been a pretty bad couple of days.  I love to blog seriously.  I love when I can go back and look at exactly where I was at that exact moment & exactly what was going through my head!  PLUS I love connecting with my bloggy friends.

But where do I find the time?  I got my laptop out yesterday to work on Carter's 10 month post & he was standing on his tippy toes trying his hardest to touch ANY button he could!  It was hilarious BUT I had to put it away.

I'm sure you're gonna say "do fun things while its nap time" suuuuuure if carter would nap longer then 30 minutes after it took me 45 to get him to sleep :l  

I'm sure it probably sounds like I'm moaning and complaining about being a stay at home mom and that is NO where near my point AT ALL!  I am beyond grateful to be with Carter all day every day but 10 months later I'm still trying to find a balance, and I often find myself asking, will I ever?

I really hope so, I'm hoping the older Carter gets the more he will entertain himself & I'm hoping one day he'll be on a steady schedule of napping I mean a solid 2 hour nap every single day would be the most amazing thing ever!  :)

Wow!  Did that even make any sense at all?  Probably not, but ill leave you with this :)

I mean how can he possibly be getting this big?  And you know what?  Even though I have no time for me stuff, taking care of this dude makes it all worth it.

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