Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Speed Date-Linky Party!!

Hellooooooooo...and welcome to another link up par-tay!

I am linking up with this little momma

for a
speed dating party!
It's fun so if you want to join go on and head over to her blog!

Here goes my speed date!

I have the most amazing husband in the whole world, one that will make me raviolis for dinner even if he hates them because i love them! :)

I am catholic and try to go to church as much as possible, me and the husband were married in a church the same one I did BOTH my baptism & communion at...the same church I went to when I was young, and I can't wait to get Baby L baptized in the same church!

The husband and I have known eachother for over ten years!  and yet have only been dating for 4, yes ladies and gentlemen we were ONLY friends nothing else, I really think it's the reason we work so well together, we never kept things from eachother because we couldnt!  we already knew the good and the bad, sometimes when were at home, i'll look at him and think "what the heck?  how did i end up marrying the dude who i used to wrestle with at work?"  it always amazes me!  but makes for an incredible love story it's making my eyes get teary just thinking about how amazing it was (that or it's the pregnancy hormones?)

I am obsessed with my family, they are that amazing!  Literally!  If you want to know more about them check this out!!  I'm sure you'll love them too!

I can't wait for Baby L to get here, and even though I get anxiety thinking about where we're gonna live, and how we're gonna do it, I get so excited thinking about it!  I can't wait to see what 1/2 of the husband & 1/2 of me is going to look like!

I have THREE beasts that reside inside my home, Mr. Fox McCloud, Miss Marlee Muffin & Mr. Santiago Ignacio, and I talk allllllllll about them in this post! :D  and have recently added to our household FOUR tiny puppies the product of Mr McCloud & Miss Muffin (yes they're married!)  and you can see how cute they're here!!  I love them, and I still want to keep them all!

My husband laughs at me when I tell him something exciting that happened to one of the people who's blog I read!  JERK!

I have my bachelors degree in teaching, a teaching credential and a masters in education and still can't find a full time teaching job in CA it's really ridiculous!  So ridiculous that often times I think "why didnt' i listen to my dad when he told me to be a business major, so I could make lots of money" :(  BUT I love teaching, I pray everday sometimes opens up for me, I guess the perfect position just hasn't found me yet!

I was in a sorority for three years, and when people talk bad about them it makes me so mad!  It was the MOST fun I have ever had in my whole life and I would recommend joining a NATIONAL sorority/fraternity to anyone!  It made college that much more fun!  And memories for a lifetime!

I lived without health insurance for seven months and almost every single day i worried about it.  it was so frustrating and sad, I would often think that if something terrible would happen (car accident) we would be so poor we would never be able to afford a house or anything that we want to accomplish in the years to come.  Therefore, anyone that doesn't understand the importance of universal heathcare drives me crazy, because every single one of these people i have met, HAVE HEALTHCARE :(

I am obsessed with my iPhone.  Litearlly I could not ever imagine myself buying a different type of phone EVER!  Actually I'm obsessed with all things Apple related, I just love all of their stuff so much!!  Next up new iMac!!  I have been drowling over the HUGE screen for years!  and once we move we have decided to finally invest in one!  :D

I LOVE football!  And am often explaining this to the husband, he doesn't love football so much!  I don't know how he couldn't it's so much fun!

I like when people spell their kids names a unique way like instead of an "i" putting a "y" or vice versa, BUT I can't stand when parents try TOO hard to make thier normal kids names ridiculous!  Ashley turns into Ashilieey...way over dramatic for my taste and as a teacher/substitute teacher it's kinda annoying for both me and the poor kid

I lived in Fresno for 3 1/2 years and even though it was super hot in summer and super cold in winter it was so much fun!  I'm so glad that I picked there to go to college!  Go Bulldogs!!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE reading blogs, I think it is so much fun...even if my husband things I'm weird!!  My fave cousin knows exactly how I feel because we follow a lot of the same people and will call/text eachother when one of our faves gets some amazing news!  :)

Baby Laines-19 weeks

How far along: 19 Weeks :)

Baby's size: about 6 inches, the size of a heirloom tomato! 

Miss Anything: this weekend I was missing alcohol a tiny bit because there were so many bbq's and so many people were looking cool drinking a beer, but nothing else really.
Best moment this week: being excited that tomorrow we are going to find out what this little baby is!
Movement: still nothing that I can say for sure that was the baby, I feel something, but this baby doesn't move much :)
Food cravings: nothing really...not this week anyway, it's probably because I had too much junk over the weekend. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: STILL CHICKEN!!
Maternity Clothes: I did buy a couple of more belly bands so that I can continue to wear my pre-pregnancy jeans...but man are my jeans getting tight :(
Stretch marks: none yet...still praying
Symptoms I HAVE:  finally into that honeymoon stage that they keep talking about, and its amazing :D
Doctor’s Appointment: had an appt last week, and the Dr said that the babies heart beat was strong and in the high 140's!  YAY!  considering i haven't gotten much movement out of the little one, I was worried everything wasn't alright...she said everything sounded perfect and TOMORROW we have the gender ultrasound...could I be anymore excited?  Probably NOT!!  :D  Please pray Baby L shows us the goods tomorrow, I'm tired of calling the little one an "it" he or she would be nice to hear :)

Gender: TOMORROW!!!
Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on and still fitting like normal :) 

Happy or Moody most of the time: no change here, still happy, and still crying for every little thing :,( I seriously had to change the channel last night because I saw the 16 & Pregnant episode on where Tyler & Catelynn give away Carly, OMG I wanted to cry just thinking about it!  OMG!  My eyes get watery thinking of it now, these hormones are crazy!

Sleep: It's still good thank god!

Showing: same...
What I’m looking forward to: seeing Baby L on the ultrasound tomorrow morning :)  YAYY!! I can't wait to see how much he/she has grown!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Random Friday

Clearly my title does NOT rhyme but I wanted to tell you some random stuff going on right now so it seemed fitting :)

I am super duper excited that it's a THREE DAY weekend this weekend, and i don't really even have any exciting plans, I just want to be home relaxing with the husband, the muffin, the fox, santiago and all the cute little puppies.

Marlee won't get me hold her puppies :(  well she will but then she wants me to put them back down right when she wants to look at the baby I'm not going to let her for being so stingy with her babies -.-

We get to find out what the baby is (he or she) next week!!!  I am super super super excited, so many things happening in the next week, three day weekend, followed by only a four day work week and we get to find out what we're having :)  YES!

I have been planning something super special for a while now and this weekend we are finally getting it down, I'm just really really really hoping that everything goes the way that it is supposed to because if not I'm going to be VERY angry!

We are having a BBQ tomorrow, and I don't want to clean my house for everyone to come over :(  BUT I am excited to hang out with my sister and my cousins, we were just talking about this, but it really feels like the older we get the less time we spend together, when we were younger we would see eachother allllllllllllllll the time!  Like literally every single weekday and MOST weekends!!  Jumps was telling me that she gets sad for Joe because he doesn't get to see his cousins as much as we used to see eachother and as many sleepovers as we had!  Those were the best!  Playing outside ALL day, barefoot so that our feet were red from the berries that grew in the back, always getting super good food, pizza, chicken nuggets (hahahah both of those things two different people choked on at my parents house, clearly we should not have been laughing at the table, what?  we didn't think it was real that you would choke if you laughed while eating, but even after it happened we were laughing more, terrible kids i tell you).  Still do this day, when we want to laugh we say "Hey!  Remember when Nat choked on the chicken nugget?"  still so funny, but so inappropriate!  anyway we would watch are you afraid of the dark and try our very hardest to stay up for tales from the crypt, it really was the most fun we ever had!!  And i get sad that the younger kids don't get to do it as much as we did when we were younger, those were the best weekends!  So on Saturday we are going to hang out together and BBQ because we need to get in the habit of hanging out again, even if we all live so far, I want Baby L to have as much fun with his/her cousins as I did with mine!

I've been wanting to go get a pedicure for weeks now litearlly, but every single week i don't want to spend the money :/  maybe next week?

Sometimes people drive me crazy literally, and then people say that it's because I'm pregnant and that drives me even more crazy!!!  why can't i just be annoyed at what idiots some people are?  Not everything is to blame for this baby!  *end of rant!

I think I can feel the baby move now!!  I think, I've been feeling a whole lot of twitching in my stomach today, BUT of course when I touch it, it stops doing it...hmmmm only time will tell

this picture made me laugh right now, when i typed random into images on google :D
I want to do this to Fox now, I think it would be hilarious, I wonder if he'd stay...I'll have to try it ASAP!

I need to go to Disneyland ASAP!!  I feel like I'm paying for a pass that I'm not using, but unfortunately this baby can't go on all of my favorite rides :(

I've been meeting my daily water intake daily :D  YES!!! 

I've been trying to read more news but it makes me so sad, it seems like all of the stories are so sad, even the good stories somehow become bad :/  Is there a news website that tells only the good things that are happening in the world?  hmmm i'm going to look into that :D

and with that...I wish you a very
enjoy the extra day off :D

Thursday, May 24, 2012

It's Okay Thursday!

YES!!!  I"m so excited it's Thursday, and really I think that is precisely why I love linking up with Brunch With Amber because it reminds me that it's almost the weekend!  YAY!!

Okay so here we go...

It's okay... be excited to go to a routine doctors appointment for the baby, just because you get to hear the heartbeat :) not even be annoyed that my appointment was at 10:25 and I didn't even get put into a room until 11:40 (only the husband was)

...that I have been woken up every single night since the puppies were born because they cry when they can't get to Marlee, and she just watches them, instead of helps them!  >.< (okay maybe it's not but they're so cute so I can't get that mad) be over the moon excited that our ultrasound is in one week!!!  I can't wait, that was until the doctor said "well let's hope he or she participates!"  Ugggh way to burst my bubble doc -.- pleeeeeeease little baby participate because I want to start buying you stuff already!! :D

...that i am annoyed that my hands are getting all ashy from being washed too much : l sometimes forget that theres really a real life baby growing inside me.

...that i get reminded when the doctors plays baby L's heartbeat! :D  LOVE IT!!!

...that i'm excited that it's a THREE day weekend this weekend...even if i will not be drinking, I can't wait to get a day off of work and hang out by the pool be even more excited that in a couple of months I will be taking a FIVE day vacation :D  YAY!!  So excited for the lazy river! be annoyed at peoples attitudes -.- wonder why some people are just mean! remind myself that i don't ever want my baby to think i'm mean to people... laugh at something that most people don't think are funny...idk some things just make me laugh!! eat pizza two weeks in a row...okay it's not okay but the husband makes me!!! LOVE mashed potatoes with corn!!  YUMMM want to eat ice cream every single day!  (don't worry I don't) be happy that since my pregnancy started i have only gained 1 pound...let's hope i don't catch up later get emotional when i think about the baby get emotional when i think about the puppies leaving want to keep them all!! tell my husband lets keep them all and him say "YAY!  Let's keep them all!" (clearly he's not the rational one) want to move into a house, does someone want to put a downpayment for us? want to move to a neighborhood that the husband found in Chino, it is AMAZING!

Okay, so clearly I got carried away this week, BUT I feel like a lot of stuff happened in just one week! :D

Only 6 more days until we find out if the baby is a he or she! YAY!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Marlee the Mom???!!!

The most exciting thing happen this weekend, my little Marlee Muffin became a MOM!!!  I can't believe it!!  We have known that she was pregnant for a while now, and this past week we could even feel the puppies move!!!  It was so exciting especially because we didn't know when they would come, and neither me or the husband has had a dog have puppies before, especially one that is like our baby!!  So we spent all weekend and last week thinking she was going to have the puppies any day now, we didn't know when BUT we knew it had to be soon!  My cousin lent us a HUGE dog cage that is for a golden retriver, and we thought that would be perfect to hold the puppies in!

Well last night we were thinking lets set it up just in case she has them during the week, we don't want to worry about setting it up then...we didn't think we were going to wake up to puppies, BUT we did!! 

Last night before we went to bed, Fox was crying to sleep with us on the bed, so I put him up and then Marlee wanted to come on, then the husband said, I don't think you should let her sleep up here, what if she has the puppies, so I said ummm okay let me put her in the bed so she can see that it's there.  I put her in there and she loved it, immediately fell asleep so we all went to sleep.  At 5 am, I woke up to a crying puppy!  I looked in the cage and couldn't really see anything but I thought I saw Santiago in the cage with the puppies, so I started freaking out a little bit because our cat is pretty rough and I didn't want him to think they were little rats, and the muffin has never had puppies before so I wasn't sure how she would act.  I kinda freaked out and went to wake up the husband, i said "OMG!  Marlee had the puppies, and I think Santiago is in there!!  Get up and check!!"  and then i remembered that right before we went to bed, he said "if marlee has the puppies at night DO NOT WAKE ME UP FREAKING OUT!"  Oops my bad, it's not my fault i was scared! 

He finally got up and checked on the puppies and Santiago wasn't in there, it was actually Marlee that I saw, but we immediately got up to look at how cute the little tiny puppies were!  There are four of them!  and they are so cute that I want to keep them ALL!!  Every single one of them!!!  I listen to a radio show here in LA most days, and one of the guys has literally like TEN dogs, and they always make fun of him, because they were all brothers and sisters but now I know how he felt, if his dog had the puppies he didn't want to give them away!  I'm already having seperation anxiety and I only got to spend two hours with them this morning!

They are so cute!!!  It's amazing to see what a good mom she is already and she is still my puppy (is this how moms feel when their baby becomes a mom?) because I feel so sad thinking about giving them away, is she going to be sad?  OMG!!  We're just going to keep them all and we are going to be "those" people!

We'll see how it goes, I'm sure once they start pooping everywhere then I'll feel more willing to let them go, but right now I want to have them ALL!!  All four of them, they're my puppies-puppies!! :D

I'll let you know how this adventure goes, as we are along for the ride.

There's so many things happening in the next couple of months, I'm so glad I have this bloggy wogg to help me keep track of everything :)

Baby Laines-18 weeks

How far along: 18 Weeks :)

Baby's size: about 5 1/2 inches, the size of a sweet potato! 

Miss Anything: hmmm...this week nothing...surprisingly...i really thought i would miss alcohol a lot more then i do but i don't really...but i have been having dreams about geting drunk, so maybe i miss it subconsciously :/
Best moment this week: knowing that our ultrasound is next week!!  YAY!!  Can't wait to find out if this baby is a Mr or Miss
Movement: still no distinct movement, i'm hoping it's because this baby is just wayyyyyy too lazy to move around a lot!  **fingers crossed**

Food cravings: i really did think that I haven't been craving anything BUT i realized this week that i'm seriously OBSESSED with soda!  expecially from circle k...didn't giulianna rancic say that soda was like crack??  well my baby loooooves least i'm limiting myself to ONE soda a day!

Anything making you queasy or sick: STILL CHICKEN!!
Maternity Clothes: still haven't gotten around to buy any, but i need some lazy
Stretch marks: none yet...still praying
Symptoms I HAVE: this week i've been feeling a lot better, i still need my daily dose of 8 hours of sleep minimum but besides that i feel pretty good :)  finally getting to that honeymoon stage that they keep talking about
Doctor’s Appointment: have an appt this week and next week, can't wait just to hear the babies heart beat <3

Gender: still don't know yet, and i am slowly warming up to the idea of it being a boy, i mean no matter what i will love it boy or girl BUT on saturday i was thinking about all of the fun boy stuff so now i can't wait to see what this baby is!  so sooon

What I’m looking forward to: hearing the baby's heartbeat on thursday!
Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on, i'm dreading the day i have to take them off :( i love them too much

Happy or Moody most of the time: no change here, still happy, and still crying for every little thing :,(

Sleep: It's still good, i really do think that my pillow helps, it makes sleeping so comfortable!

Showing: same...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's Okay Thursday

Hello and welcome back to another edition of It's Okay Thursday, man is it just me or does it feel like time is going by fast??  I feel like it was just Monday, and now BOOM!!  Thursday!  That's a good thing right?  I'm super excited because as of right now we don't have anything to do this weekend WOOT WOOT for not having any plans...maybe we'll go shopping for apts and find a SUPER cute one that allows dogs, and has two bedrooms, and is a price that we can afford and live with :D  **fingers crossed**  OKAY so if you want to join on in, it's pretty fun!  Head on over to Brunch With Amber

It's Okay...

....i cancelled netflix, because they had NO good shows or movies anymore!  Since I feel like I watched all of their documentaries.

....I am watching The Real World from the VERY beginning and am wondering how old these people are now...50??

....I keep thinking it's Wednesday today, and the day is draggingggg

....that I hate the new blogger, it's so annoying!

....I desperately want to learn how to use illustrator!!  I have had it since as long as I can remember and have never learned how to use it!  NOW its the time!

....I don't want Marlee to have puppies and wish she didn't get pregnant :(

....I wish I could figure out how to watch Direct TV on my phone, or iPad when I'm not home so that during lunch I could watch all of the shows that I have recorded at home

....I hate spending money on lunch but have been too lazy to go to the grocery store to get stuff to make for dinner in order to bring left overs >.< MAJOR FAIL

....that i got sad last night because Santiago decided that he wanted to leave us and was missing when I went to sleep...don't worry though when I woke up to use the bathroom @ 3 am the husband informed me that him and the neighbor found him and he was BACK!! get kinda nervous thinking that soon NONE of my clothes are going to fit me...I KNOW they're not and it's going to be so hard to find things to wear to work

....that this blog is not going to have any pictures because i'm being too lazy to look for some think about going on vacation every single day

....I am OBSESSED with the sims game on my phone OBSESSED!  It's so fun, you get to do so much with them!  LOVE IT!!

....this post is getting too long and I want to keep writing it

....i love highlighters they make my notes at work so much cuter :)

....i kinda want to go back to school...but i think its just cause i'm bored

....i want to read so many pregnancy and breast feeding books...but i don't have the energy to look for some good ones

OKAY!!  That was probably the most boring It's Okay Thursday EVER!!  BUT that's okay right? :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Family :D

(because really anyone would be lucky to have such as amazing family as i do) 
Okay so i know i kinda mentioned it above, but I really do have an amazing family :)  We have the best time together, and when we do anything, ANYTHING at all our head count always turns out to be in the high twenties!  YEP we're that big!

So let me introduce you!
this is the family :D  (yes we've added quite a few, and unfortunately have lost one) BUT this is us!! :D  On any average get together there are over 20 of us!  See told you, no event is small in this family!

Grandma & Grandpa

and they are the ones that started it see back in 1960 something in a small town in Los Angeles, Just Kidding, I'm not going back that far, but these people are the ones that started this amazing family! :D

So, let me tell you a little about this crazy family we consist of 4 kids-all offsprings of these two!  EIGHT grand kids and FOUR great grand kids!  Plus all the extras that we have added in over time! 

So a little more about my family...we LOVE to make a HUGE deal out of holidays, birthdays (especially since there are only a select few of us that have our own birthday, since my aunt, my sister, and me have the same birthday, my uncle and my cousin have a birthday one week before us, and in June there are THREE birthdays within 5 days of eachother!, one that shares her bday with New Years Eve, and one with Thanksgiving some years), 
graduations, or actually any event that we can.

Sometimes we have HUGE parties for said events and they always end up like this!

and around here we LOVE halloween!

and of COURSE the next morning we always look something like this

When we have Birthday Parties we NEVER forget to
Have a Michelada Cup Birthday Cake...and ALWAYS
Have TWO drinks in your hand at a time
(unless you are carrying a baby OR under the age of 21 of course)

(YES a three year old was our Photographer and she is the BEST one I have ever found)
GO to Vegas as a FAMILY and have the BEST time you've ever had!!
(see it was my bday and i had TWO drinks)

AND YES you get extra fun points if you take a tram somewhere and THIS drooling guy is sitting next to the QUIETEST person in our WHOLE makes for a WAY more interesting story when you come home!
AND of course we aren't stingy with eachother!!  We share all of our drinks with eachother ESPECIALLY with 85 year old Great Grandma! :D
Oh and when we're in Vegas on said trip, we make sure to go to Bingo and be really fun and loud so everyone is jealous of how cool of a family we have :D

When we have a special event like graduation we always make sure to
1.) Go together in a HUGE group!!

2.) Takes lots of Pictures of the group AND we NEVER forget to add a random pink shirted guy to our group...I mean the more the merrier right? 

TWO things that we do EVERY SINGLE year for the past couple of years is
Go to March of Dimes...
You see...this little girl

was born at 2 lbs 1 ounce, and she is striving now!  Just a normal little every year for the past THREE years we have been at March of Dimes, walking and raising money for Team Miracle Baby :)

AND we don't forget to go on our ANNUAL Family Trip EVERYsummer!
When we go to school events we always make sure to scream the loudest, and be the proudest family there, because we ALWAYS are!
AND we always do funny things to the youngest kid, because really everyone needs a good laugh right?

I don't think that I could have enough time in the day to go on and on about how much i love my family and how much they truly mean to me.  I mean we share everything we are the closest family I have ever met, we are there to celebrate and cry to eachother, we are there for our lowest and our highest points.  We have the BEST time together and I'm so glad that this little baby
is going to meet them all VERY soon!!  and we will have more memories and pictures to add to our already existing ones, and I can't wait!  :D

Monday, May 14, 2012

Baby Laines-17 Weeks

How far along: 17 Weeks :)

Baby's size: a little over 5 inches, the size of an Onion  

Miss Anything: yesterday was mothers day and we had a BBQ @ my gmas house, so we ended up stayping pretty late I miss being able to stay up late and wake up early with minimal tiredness, I swear if I had ANY time off of work that I could use to go home right now I so would, I feel so exhausted and it's really making for a SUPER terrible monday :(

Best moment this week: getting to schedule our ultrasound appt!  May 31st can't get here fast enough :D

Movement: no, I'm pretty positive that I felt he/she move on Friday night, I felt something that felt exactly like what everyone said it would, and to think I thought they were crazy when they said it would feel like bubbles :)

Food cravings: STILL FRUIT!!

Anything making you queasy or sick: STILL CHICKEN!!
Maternity Clothes: still not yet, BUT I'm getting pretty mad, because NONE of my clothes fit me anymore!  NONE of them!  I seriously have to wear my pants completely unbuttoned or with a rubber band it's getting terrible, I feel so big and I'm only 4 months :((  and YES the doctor checked, it's NOT twins!!

Stretch marks: none yet...still praying.
Symptoms I HAVE: still feeling a little restless, some days are obviously better then others but still so tired...i don't even want to think about what the third trimester is going to be like

Doctor’s Appointment: we had an appt on Thursday that was LAME!!  But they did schedule our gender ultrasound!!  WOOT WOOT!!! ;D

Gender: still don't know yet, and still hope it's a girl.

What I’m looking forward to: this week it changed a little bit, I'm really looking forward to being able to look at baby websites and know what I need for the baby, I.E. what type of crib, car seat, etc, they all need to be either a boy or girl color!
Belly Button in or out: in

Wedding rings on or off: on, i'm dreading the day i have to take them off :( i love them too much

Happy or Moody most of the time: still happy, and still crying for every little thing :,(

Sleep: It's getting a whole lot better, I'm able to sleep through the majority of the night now, woot woot...let's just hope it continues this way!

Showing: I feel like now you can tell a little bit, not enough for anyone to come up to me and ask me, but enough that if i said i was preggers someone would definitely say i thought so...