Monday, February 25, 2013

Pretzel Bites

On Valentine's day I was on IG and saw a picture of these cute pretzels with Hershey kisses and m&m.

I mean I've seen them before, on Pinterest AND they've been on my TO DO board on Pinterest for ummm ever...

Sooo on Valentine's Day I thought oh those would be a CUTE extra Valentine's Day snack for the husband since he LOVES chocolate covered Not so much.

I immediately ran to target and got the much needed supplies!! And you know what?! They turned out AMAZING (at least that's what the husband said I didn't taste them)

Soooo if you would like to make your own chocolate pretzel m&m snacks here you go!!!

Ohhhhh andddd I only bought ONE bag of Hershey's kisses and I don't know what I was thinking you need 1 kiss per pretzel so I had envisioned making a HUGE bowl of this snack for the husband to share with LOTS of people AND ummm the whole bag made a small ziplock bag next time I would definitely buy more Hershey's kisses because NOW I have enough m&m's & pretzels for bowls full but no more kisses!

FIRST:  SET OVEN to 175 Degrees Fahrenheit :)

SECOND:  GRAB a bag of Pretzels :)

SECOND:  You put some of the pretzels onto a cookie sheet

THIRD: Unwrap your hershey's kisses AND place your kisses onto of your pretzels.

FOURTH:  You stick your kisses/pretzels in the oven for 4-6 minutes!  I put mine in for 6 and they were a tiny bit too melted, so I say you just leave them in there four or so minutes and see if they're enough melted to smash down.

FIFTH:  Take your pretzel/kisses out of the oven.

SIXTH:  Grab your M&M's.

SEVENTH:  Place your M&Ms into the middle of your kiss/pretzels.

EIGTH:  Let them cool :)



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