Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sometimes & Always-week 2

Welcome back for another addition of Sometimes & Always!!

YAY!!  Is it really Tuesdsay ALREADY!?!?
Can't wait for the weekend, even if it was only ONE day ago!  Friday can never come fast enough!

i forget that it's Fox's Bday and our "dating" anniversary
(yes we share the same day, isn't that so cute??  To the date, he's FOUR and we've been together FOUR years)

act like I remembered all day when I tell my love HAPPY ANNIVERSARY at 8 pm! :D

i want to move out so bad, and think I can't wait to get out of this apartment.

get sad thinking about it, because this apartment is where we first came home as husband and wife, the only house the muffin and santiago know :(  I'm positive this is only going to get worse when I have kids and have to move.

i get really excited when i think good things might be happening

bring myself down to reality and remind myself not to get too excited because things might not work at as we hoped

i sit on the computer and look at vacation spots that i want to book to go to

remember that i'm not going anywhere at least until this baby comes out :/

i get so excited for summer!!  i mean really really excited!!

remember that i'm going to be 5-7 months pregnant through the whole thing :(
i wish i lived in another state, AZ, NV, anywhere where I could buy a big beautiful house

get sad thinking about actually leaving because then our family would be so far away

this little girl

reminds me of this little boy

makes me laugh

my husband does things to get on my nerves
(promise he does it ON purpose!!)

get reminded of why i married him when he sends me texts like this :)

my phone doesn't work

makes me so mad!!  WTF why are you not working??  -.-

i text people that don't have iphones

think it's so weird when the conversation is in green instead of blue!

i buy my mom really thoughtful mother's day gifts

text my sister to remind her how much of a better daughter i am then her

It seriously took me so long to write this post.  my phone didn't want to work and since i'm not using my computer at home and the new blogger hates me I must type all of my blogs inside of the tiniest box ever!  NOT even joking EVER!  I can't even see all of my picutres all the way through..BUT at least you get to enjoy not ONE but TWO posts today!  Man, Tuesdays are amazing :D

Until next timeeeeeeeee

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